Chapter 10 Keeping foxes and training hard without delay

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Chapter 10 Keeping foxes and training hard without delay

    Several people stayed in Xia's villa for another two or three days.

    On the third day, when Xia Zhijin woke up early to wash and make breakfast, she discovered that the water and electricity in the house had been cut off without warning.

    The diesel generators bought before the end of Xia Zhihe played a big role at this time.

    She turned on the generator, filled it with diesel, and turned on the electric discharge machine according to the method Xia Zhihe explained to herself, so that the normal electricity consumption at home would not be affected.

    Xia Zhijin used the pancake machine to spread a few fragrant tortillas, and ate a small one by himself. He thought about taking the rest to the room to feed the fox, and then remembered that it was not vegetarian at all.

    Xia Zhijin had to leave the pie to his grandpa and the others. In addition, he took a thick-sliced ​​steak from the space, fried it with black pepper and then soaked a cup of hot milk. This was a nutritious meal. Ready to bring the fox upstairs to wake up for breakfast.

    A few days ago, the fox was more and more pampered by Xia Zhijin. When he went to bed at night, he didn't enter the space. He just lay on Xia Zhijin's bed and occupied her fluffy and soft pillows.

    God knows that foxes don't need pillows at all to sleep.

    And it's becoming more picky in eating, non-meat meat, non-spatial ingredients, and non-Xia Zhi Jin.

    At the beginning, Xia Zhijin was so angry that he almost wanted to starve him to let him know how good he was.

    Because in the novel, the fox raised by the heroine Tang Qingrong is not so delicate. It hunts by itself every day. If it catches the prey, it will eat a full meal. If it is free, it will have to be hungry for a day. abdomen.

    The Xia Zhijin in the novel also likes foxes very much. Sometimes he looks pitiful and urges mutant plants to help him hunt and find meat. He still eats very flagrantly, not except for the meat given by Tang Qingrong. .

    Thinking of the situation in the novel, Xia Zhijin knew that the fox might be spoiled by her.

    But Xia Zhijin is pleased that the fox lying on her bed is more aura, smarter and cuter than the fox in the novel.

    As long as its eyes turn, there will be a lot of ghost ideas.

    The fox can act like a baby for a bite, and all depends on you, and when he wakes up, he has eaten the aura-rich food in the Xia Zhijin space for several days. The four calves are already very powerful. In Xiazhi There was a lot of noise in Jin's sight.

    Xia Zhijin remembered that it was funny when he drove a fat hen around in space a few days ago. He smiled and walked upstairs and opened the door to see that the room was quiet.

    On the bed in the center of the room, there was a bulge under the peony-patterned quilt. There was a lot of movement in the quilt, but there was no sound.

    The fox is quiet and must be a demon.

    not good!

    Xia Zhijin walked into the room quickly, put the breakfast on the table, and lifted the quilt. The fox saw that the cover-up tools on his body were gone, and he lay down on the bed, spreading his limbs to cover the body underneath. thing.

    Xia Zhijin lifted the back of its neck, and the things under the fox appeared before his eyes.

    It's a stack of scattered spells!

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