Chapter 69 Leaving Shashi

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Chapter 69 Leaving Shashi

    Fortunately, Xia Zhijin supported the surrounding soil wall when he was in a hurry, which stabilized his figure.

    It will also be bad!

    What the hell is this? The rhizome?

    Xia Zhijin took a closer look and saw that the khaki-colored raised stem quickly got into the soil again.

    Good guy, will move!

    This time Xia Zhijin is even more exciting. As a wood supernatural player, she especially likes to collect plants.

    Because plants can improve her combat effectiveness.

    Especially the flowers, plants, and trees that are not in the space. If you want to see them, Xia Zhijin wants to get them.

    It's really impossible to get a piece of plant roots, and the plant can still live in the jade bead space.

    Xia Zhijin looked at the stems that were drilled all over the floor, and when she thought that there were few such plants in her jade bead space, she wanted to take it as her own.

    In order to obtain this unknown plant body, Xia Zhijin didn't care if he was dirty or tired, so he rolled up his sleeves and squatted on the ground. He also picked up a shovel and dug up the soil.

    She assumed a gesture of certainty.

    While digging, Xia Zhijin winked at the sky full of stars, letting it lengthen its roots quietly, helping to narrow the scope of its catch.

    Who knows? This stem is very smart.

    Where Xia Zhijin digs, it flees to the other side, laughing while running, like a walking bell.

    "Why? Damn!"

    Xia Zhijin dug for a long time, and gradually ran out of patience.

    With an inspiration, she immediately used the quick-freeze skill in the water system's ability on the stem, freezing all of the stem and the underground soil layer.

    "Ah! I'm dead! I'm dead!"

    Finally, the khaki stems were too cold to bear, and they broke through the ice and jumped out, but Xia Zhijin quickly grabbed them in his hands.

    "What the hell are you?"

    "Hmph, I won't tell you!"

    Xia Zhijin only felt that she had grabbed a pile of soil, and her hand felt soft and slippery.

    "Are you a clod of soil or a plant stem?"


    "I am a tree in the soil!"

    What is a tree in the soil? A thing?

    It reported its name, but Xia Zhijin still didn't know it.

    She uttered oh, and then asked? Gypsophila, who knows? Gypsophila, who has become fine, has never heard of this guy's name.

    Tu Nakagi was very dissatisfied with this, and screamed anxiously.

    "I'm the rarest plant in the world, wait? The younger generation has never heard of my name? Can't? Forgive me!"

    "Smelly girl, you? People with Mizuki supernatural powers have benefited immensely from me!" "

    Xia Zhijin looked at the earth-yellow, weird thing that resembled a potato but was muddy.

    Soil and wood?

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