Chapter 31 The Four-tailed White Fox Fights the Taoist Zombies

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Chapter 31 The Four-tailed White Fox Fights the Taoist Zombies

    The next day, Xia Zhijin was awakened by a burst of clear and cheerful bird calls.

    She opened her eyes? She pushed aside the white jade coffin in a daze, and a few tender yellow birds flew in immediately, pecking at the fox's tail with her bright red beak.

    The fox squinted his eyes? With his big fluffy tail, he drove them away at random twice, and let them act foolishly when they saw no effect.

    This bird was brought by the fox when he was digging out bird eggs in Laowang Mountain, and it broke its shell only a few days after it was placed in the space.

    Now a few birds can fly freely and can wake the fox.

    Xia Zhijin is a little curious about these birds that are only the size of her own fingers, because the birds are all tender yellow, only the mouth and tail are bright red. They are strangely different from the birds she has seen before, they should be. Variation bird.

    She took out the Animal? Encyclopedia, and turned a few pages to an introduction to this type of bird.

    ——Yellow-throated bird, its sound is pleasing to the ear.

    Mature male birds can make the sounds of hundreds of musical instruments, and female birds can imitate any sound it has heard in the world. Usually, male and female birds appear in pairs.


    The fox is really a treasure, and every nest is a precious bird.

    Close the book and put it away. Xia Zhijin washed her face with clear pool water, and then hugged the fox who had fallen asleep and went downstairs.

    At this time the sky is brightening, the sun has not yet come out, and the temperature outside is very low.

    The big temperature difference between morning and evening made Xia Zhijin a little unbearable. She rubbed the bare skin on her arm, and couldn't help but hug the warm fox in her arms.

    Xiaopang also kept his promise and packed his luggage in advance, waiting for Xia Zhijin to come out at the door downstairs.

    Xia Zhijin walked by him, lost the car keys to him, casually? Asked him: "I forgot to ask you last night, what is your name?"

    Xiaopang touched the back of his head and hummed a word from his nose.

    "My name is Fang Zhengqi!"

    Oh, a character who hasn't appeared in the novel?.

    Xia Zhijin paused for a while, didn't it? Asked: "Such a coincidence, the surname is Fang? Do you know Fang Jingting?"

    " Chee , who doesn't? Know her! She is our village's first brand in decades? College students!" As soon as Fang Xiaopang's words fell silent, Fang Jingting walked out of the room.

    Her face was a little pale, she only moved her lips when she heard Xiaopang's words, and said nothing in the end.

    It turns out that the first house I passed by yesterday was her house.

    The two old zombies inside are her grandparents, no wonder her face has always been ugly.

    Xia Zhijin sighed sympathetically, and then took the off-road vehicle out of the space.

    Xiaopang looked at the brand new and strong car parked in front of him, his mouth grew big.

    He rubbed his hands embarrassedly, and under Xia Zhijin's eyes, he unceremoniously opened the door of the co-pilot and climbed up.

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