Chapter 14 Entering the Base (Change Map)

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Chapter 14 Entering the Base (Change Map)

    The fox was heartless, and didn't worry about his transformation at all. It was still playing with Xia Zhijin's hair with its paws.

    Xia Zhijin pulled back her hair, so that the fox quickly absorbed the energy in the zombie crystal core.

    The fox lazily absorbed the energy of the crystal nucleus and stretched out the soiled paws to Xia Zhijin.

    Xia Zhihe was speechless when he saw this scene beside him. He shook his head, turned around and went in to look for Grandpa Yuan.

    Grandpa Yuan knew that they would formally go out this Sunday, and agreed with the action that could not come back for a few years without major events, and asked them not to worry about themselves.

    The housekeeper and his wife also said that they would take good care of Yuan Yuan and let them rest assured.

    Before leaving, Xia Zhijin left Grandpa Yuan a sound transmission shell so that he could use this shell to contact him when he had problems.

    Although Xia Zhijin knew that grandpa's temperament would not bother others, and that this shell might not ring for a year or a half, he could feel relieved even if he gave it to himself.

    Jiu Qing also left Grandpa Yuan with a stack of charms for body protection. Grandpa Yuan was overjoyed and praised Jiu Qing as a good boy.

    Xia Zhijin, Xia Zhihe, the three of Jiuqing, plus a fox, had nothing to pack, and after a brief farewell to grandpa, he set off on the road.

    This time Xia Zhijin didn’t want to exercise her foot strength. She took out an off-road vehicle that had been modified before the end of the day. All right.

    Xia Zhihe was in charge of driving. Jiuqing sat in the co-pilot and looked curiously at the road outside the glass window. From time to time, he would ask Xia Zhihe a few words. Whether Xia Zhihe was patient, he answered him carefully.

    Xia Zhijin and the white raccoon sat one person and the fox in the back.

    The white raccoon was lying in Xia Zhijin's arms with her eyes squinted, enjoying Xia Zhijin's grooming service. He was very comfortable and would groan from time to time.

    Xia Zhijin touched the soft fox hair in her hand. Although she hated it and stuck to her body to death in the summer, she didn't throw it away in the end.

    Because she found a strange thing.

    Fox hair has a protective effect on human skin.

    Because I often touched its hair, the ten fingers became whiter and smoother, and they seemed to be covered with pearlescent special effects, and they were also very shiny and shiny.

    It is because the fox often uses its fox face to rub the face of the summer brocade without embarrassment, so her face is whiter and more delicate, smooth and elastic than when the space is immersed in water.

    Xia Zhijin also loves beauty, so he prefers to get close to foxes, and he has no resistance to fox stickiness.

    The off-road vehicle is driving down the Panlong Mountain Road, and the tents on the roadside are almost removed.

    Xia Zhijin guessed that those people should have entered the Qingcheng base. That young man should also take his grandma to enjoy the blessing, right?

    There were not many cars they encountered along the way, and most of them were small, broken cars, basically in Syrian style.

    Those who pass by their car will be full of envy and jealousy, because owning such a reliable car in the doomsday is a little more secure for your own safety.

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