Chapter 61 Transformation under the color thunder

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Chapter 61 Transformation under the color thunder

    The fox stared at Xia Zhijin's beautiful eyebrows for a moment, and was stunned for a while.

    When its gaze shifted to her blood-red piece of clothing, his face changed again and again.

    The fox hasn't been so concerned about the fact that he has grown into a nine-tailed tail? But he looked at Xia Zhijin's blood in the big and small blood holes and his eyes were red with anxiousness.

    One? After getting along for so long, what did the fox do? When did I see her hurt so deeply?

    "I'm okay? The wound just looks scary."

    Xia Zhijin looked at the fox in a hurry? It was uncomfortable.

    Knowing that it was worried about itself, Xia Zhijin quickly absorbed the energy of a few wood system nuclei, and then used the deep pool water mixed with wood system powers to heal himself.

    I was busy fighting just now, and there is no way for one person to fight and heal again.

    Now that the fox has come out, Xia Zhijin has the opportunity to heal his wounds with abilities.

    However, the fox still felt that the healing speed was too slow, and he used his white tail to block the blood hole on Xia Zhijin's waist and abdomen.

    When the two touch, the blood stops immediately.

    Xia Zhijin only felt that the waist was numb, and the fox stared at the wound for a moment and took out another green pill.

    It smashed the pill with its paws and smeared the powder on the scary blood hole in Xia Zhijin.

    When the fox removed his paw again, he saw that the original blood hole on Xia Zhijin's abdomen had disappeared, revealing her white and flat abdomen, and even the skin was restored to its original state!

    Only then did the fox put a snack, staring coldly at the group of people who were fighting fiercely.

    And everyone at the Shashi base obviously also? Seeing this rare animal, they exclaimed.

    "Ah! Nine-tailed fox!"

    Everyone looked at the tall and snow-white nine-tailed white fox.

    So that they forgot that they were still fighting, and they stopped their movements?

    This is a mythical beast only in the legend!

    When a fox has four or six tails, it is easy to be regarded as a white dog.

    Now it has nine fluffy and white tails standing behind it, and its graceful posture can no longer be ignored by others.

    The fox calmly accepted everyone's attention.

    Its apricot-big eyes swept a circle, and then gently sniffed the smell of blood in the air, as long as it was contaminated with the blood of Xia Zhijin, it wouldn't let it go.

    The first is the powerful gold boss in the base.

    Xia Zhijin leaned against the fox, pointed at the cruel man, and complained to the fox: "It's him, he's been chasing me all the time." The

    fox leaped forward, and everyone's eyes flashed by. A white phantom.

    When the reaction came back, I saw that the high-ranking ability of the gold system had fallen to the ground.

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