Chapter 21 Mutant Tigers Raging Mankind

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Chapter 21 Mutant Tigers Raging Mankind

    Listening to the roar of the zombies outside, Xia Zhijin felt very calm in her heart as she touched the soft fox hair on the fox.

    When she first entered this book, apart from being curious and surprised, her heart was full of fear and anxiety.

    After all, this is an era where zombies are everywhere, bad guys have abilities, and you may lose your life if you are not careful.

    Moreover, the character of Xia Zhijin died very early in the novel, very miserable.

    But more than a month after entering the novel, she found it was quite interesting, because there are many things that she doesn't have in reality.

    Xia Zhijin is a girl whose parents died young and grew up in an orphanage.

    She has always longed for family affection, but because she was too beautiful, too smart and not talkative, she was misunderstood as deep-minded and was not adopted by a family.

    She relied on herself to work hard all the way to study and test, and finally she had a career on which she lived.

    Although her career is successful, she has never belonged in her heart. After entering the novel, Xia Zhijin doesn't care about real life at all.

    In the novel, she has Grandpa Yuan, her brother, and family love she has never enjoyed before.

    And there is also a space that can hold everything, with super useful Mizuki dual powers, and a powerful white fox that is cute and cute.

    And Xia Zhijin looked in the mirror on the first day she wore the novel. She looked exactly like the original one, except that there was a little arrogance between her brows that she had never seen before.

    She feels that arrogance on a person's face is not bad, because it shows that she grew up in a spoiled environment.

    Where there is love, there is courage.

    Xia Zhijin touched the soft fox fur and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

    The next day Xia Zhijin was awakened by the roar of a beast. When she woke up, she found that the fox was gnawing her fingers anxiously and wanted her to wake up quickly.

    The door of the caravan was also slapped by Xia Zhihe who was standing outside the car.

    "A Jin, wake up! Our station was attacked by a group of mutant tigers!"

    "Tigers? Still mutated?"

    Xia Zhijin's mind was awake when he was sleeping a little silly.

    It stands to reason that at the beginning of the end, animals have not mutated. Only a few rare plants have mutated. So now all the mutated tigers have come out?

    But Xia Zhijin didn't have time to think about it, and quickly opened the window next to the bed, hugged the fox and jumped down from the window.

    Because of the height, Xia Zhijin stabilized her figure after jumping down and hitting the ground twice. After stabilizing her body, Xia Zhijin quickly got up and put away the RV.

    There was chaos outside, and the zombies had long been far away from the place that made them feel dangerous.

    Tigers of normal size can already make people feel scared. Xia Zhijin opened his eyes and looked at the big tigers about seven or eight meters long not far away, and his feet began to tremble.

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