House Tour

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Maddie's POV:
Once at the house...
Once we arrived to the parking lot of his house he got out the car when towards my side of the car opened the door and grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into his house. While crying in pain I cried, kicked, and screamed. when we were inside he smack me on the face repeatedly. Once I hit the floor, he kick my stomach twice and left me there crying.
Then he hit my head against the wall my I got knocked out cold. Once i woke and was able to get up I went to sit on the couch and then i saw him coming down the stairs. Once he entered the room I went to the corner of the couch. He sat next to me and asked me if I learned my lesson.

I answered him,"Yes, I learned my lesson very well."

He then answer ,"you do another move like that you get that punishment or an even worse punishment." He then hugged me and said he was sorry for mistreating me. In my head, I was screaming and pushing him away saying you SO FREAKING BIPOLAR.
Once he let go he said," Let me show you around the house."

I said,"OK." but really i was saying I HATE YOUR GUTS.

While, he started the tour of the house I noticed it was entirely made of glass. As I was noticing this, He walked me to the kitchen and told me i can grab anything i want. He then took me to where the phone was in the living room and told me I only get one phone call per week. He said I can call anyone except the cops. Then he also told me don't even try to leave the house I have a tracker injected in you so you wont escape.
At that moment, I lost it and said,"WHEN THE HELL DID YOU PUT A TRACKER IN ME!?"

He said," Oh, I put it in you when you were knocked out."

I was terrified at that instant moment for he could have done so much other things to me while i was out, but my face hurt so much that i didn't really think about that at that instant. From that moment on he showed me the theater room, his studio and also his room. He even told me I would be spending most if the nights in there. At that moment, My face went shocked and I told him," OH, HELL NO!!!!"
He just ignored me and kept walking and showing me where all 6 bathrooms were. Finally,he had showed me my room. My room was the color purple just like at home and it had like 3 portraits with quotes on it. The bedcover was the color white with different patterns of flowers. My closet was a walking closet like his and it was huge but there were no clothes just as i thought that he told me," Get ready were going shopping."

I said," I thought i wasn't allowed to leave the house?"

He giggled a little and said," You can only leave the house with my permission and also with me. Otherwise, than that I will punish you!!!!!"

Moments Later...
We went out of the house and went into the garage. He told me," Choose which car you wanna ride in." He had about 6 cars, of course i choose the one in a leopard print because I love leopard prints. Once we got in the car we went off in a flash. As we were driving i started to ask him questions anyone would ask.

I asked him," What's your name is?"

He said," My name is Justin Bieber."

I stood shocked cause i was so busy worried, making a plan about how to escape that i didn't even notice that it was him.
That led to my next question. "Why would you want to buy a girl for your own?"

He answered," I bought you so you can pleasure me ."

At that moment I wanted out even faster even though I was a huge fan of him I was now hating his guts with a passion. I was praying that my parents will feel something is wrong. Then I asked him," Can I tell you something?"

He asked me ," Sure, what?"


He replied," You'll learn to Love me!"

I then started at him disgusted and screamed," I will never ever love you, you are an nightmare!"

He just looked at me and stood quite.
After, that I started to stare out the window.

Justin's POV:
I felt so bad for her she doesn't know me yet she thinks Im horrible. I just continued to drive and we were almost making it to the mall but I really felt bad for what I had done to her that afternoon. I am a nightmare, no wonder she hates me shes right but how can I show her that I care for her and will protect her. I try to grab her hand but, she just moves it to the window. I don't know what to do. I then asked her," Have you ever heard of him?" At that moment, I noticed I asked a really stupid question.
She replied," Yeah, I have. Justin Bieber, the guy who created swag. Actually, I was a belieber before."

I was shocked that she was a belieber. That led me to my next question," What do you mean you were?"

She answered," I was until you started doing all those crazy things."

I replied ," Oh, yeah i lost a lot of fans during my stage of stupidity."

She actually smiled at that joke, she made me feel bubbly inside when she smiled.
I told her," You have a beautiful smile ."

She smiled again and blushed but then she said," No don't try to make me feel good, I hate you."

Now that really hurt. I don't know how I'm going to make this girl like me, then I noticed id didn't even know her name.
I asked," What's you name?"

I answered," Madeline."

"I like it." I said not knowing what else to say and after that we both stood silent for the whole ride.

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