Twin Madness

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Justin POV:
    I was already in my Lamborghini with Jazzy and I was worried Jason might pull one of his moves on Maddie so I called her on her cell,before any of us had moved.

On the phone...

Maddie: Hello, Baby?

Justin: Hey babe , I just wanted to tell you that if Jason pulls any moves on you, just to call me, okay?

Maddie: Justin don't worry

Justin: Babe you don't understand, he likes you.. And I know he does from the way he looks at you.

Maddie: Your being silly..

Justin: No I'm not .. Just be careful ... okay

Maddie: *in a sarcastic voice* okay ... I will....

Jason in the background screams "No Worries Bro... She's in good hands.. Really good hands!"

Justin: Babe, just be careful... I love you. *Justin sends you kisses through your phone*

Maddie: I love you too. You say as you blows kisses back at him into the phone.

    I know she might think I'm being stupid or whatever but she doesn't know Jason, like I do, Jason has always had of thing for making me look like the bad guy. I just hope God protects my angel.

    Meanwhile in Jason's Lamborgini...

Maddie was having an amazing time with Jason not giving a care about the world she was having an amazing time even though it bothered her a little bit that Justin never told her he had a twin brother. All along the car ride she would call Jason , Justin sometimes .. Especially today since Jason looked and wore the same exact thing as Justin, except the color of his tie was different he Had a gray time while Justin maintained it the way, Maddie liked it, in a classic James Bond Tux.

Maddie asked," How long till we get there?"

Jason replied with a smile," I don't know ... I don't think it's that long I mean Justin is the one leading us. You should call him and ask him."

Maddie digs through her peruse and finds her phone, she called Justin cell. He reached it with the cars Bluetooth. He automatically asked if she's ok and she giggles at how cute he sounds when he's worried.

Maddie: Yeah we're fine I just want to know how much longer to I need to wait till I eat again.

Justin: Not that long the place is just 10 more minutes away.

Maddie: Oh, okay thank baby ... Love you

Justin: Love you too, and do me a favor put your phone on speaker for a couple seconds.

Maddie: Okay

Justin * On speaker phone* : Jason, you my brother but touch my girl and I will fuck you up.

Jason: Bro, don't worry you won't need to fuck me up, the hooker I paid last night did that for you."

Justin: Jason, I'm not kidding, just keep you distance

While there whole conversation went down, Maddie just thought in her head, what in the world Jason had done to Justin for him not to trust him anymore.

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