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Maddie's POV:
I was driving to the farthest hotel. I was heading towards Malibu. I was finally there it, I enter the hotel telling them if I can have a room. They asked if I wanted a balcony I told sure. Good thing I stole 5 grand from Justin's safe in his house before I left. I bought this gorgeous room with a amazing view. I then planted myself in my room and started to cry my eyes. I took my phone out and started to Ovooed my friends in a chat.If i was in Justin's House I'm not allowed to FaceTime my friends he gets mega pissed. I called everyone, Isabella, Kharmalina, Aishat, and Imani. They all saw me cry within the first 5 minutes and then randomly at the same time asked me,"What's Wrong Maddie?"
I was just crying, once I calmed down a bit I explain to them that I had runaway from Justin. Isabella was the only one understanding. So, while I curled in a ball crying; Isabella explained to everyone else, the whole sex slave story. I knew they understood when everyone said," OH OKAY,NOW!"

Justin's POV:
Back at the house-
This bitch thinks she can runaway from me. I started to look everywhere for my phone when I remembered I had it upstairs next to my bed. I ran upstairs and opened my phone up. When I opened it up, I turned the app that showed her tracker. Stupid bitch she forgotten I had that tracker in her. I started to look at the address and she was in some hotel in Malibu. When I went to my safe to get some money I noticed, I was missing about 5 grand. I then yelled," THIS BITCH, NOW SHE THINKS SHE CAN TAKE MY MONEY.... OH SHE'S DEAD!!" I immediately ran to my garage and rode in my audi. I grab the keys and got in and drove off to Malibu. Once, I had been on the rode for about 2 hours straight. I went straight to the reception and asked for a young woman who has recently been checked in. She said," Were sorry sir but we may not give any information about the rooms our guest are staying in." I then band my fist on her desk and said," LISTEN, YOU EITHER GIVE ME THE ROOM NUMBER OR I WILL CLEAR THIS PLACE IN A HEART BEAT!!"

"Sir, please calm down, I just cant give you the room number, but i can rent you a room." She replied.

I said," Fine just give me a room!"

She asked ," How are gonna pay for that?"

I replied in credit, I gave her my credit card and I.D. She looked shocked when she looked at my I.D. She then asked me to remove the glasses and the hoodie and she was star struck. She then charged me 1 thousand for the room and I made my way. I told her that I wasn't going to the need the room so she could just give it to some else.

She said," That was fine."

Maddie's POV:
I was now a bit calmer and still talking with my friends they all asked me a ton of questions when finally, They asked me why I would runaway? I told them I was sick and tired of his shit and right when I said that I heard my door burst open. When I looked up I saw an infuriated Justin heading towards me. I began to move further up n the bed when my head it the bak of the bed. I was trapped. My friends were still on, but they stood quite. Justin started to say," YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU THINK I WASN'T GOING TO FIND YOU!"

I asked," How did you find me?!"

He said," I HAVE THE TRACKER." As he said this he lifted up his phone. He told me," YOUR COMING WITH ME, AND THIS TIME FOREVER!" Before, He even got even closer I mouthed to my friends Help Me and turned my phone off. By the time he I saw him coming closer to me; I made a run for the bathroom but before I could even, He grabbed a hand full of my hair and started to drag me out of the room with my body swarming on the floor. He pulled even harder and finally made me get up on my feet. He squeezed me by thee arm and made me walk all the way to the receptionist. Telling her I dont need a key anymore and it was nice for them to let me stay. He then made me walk to the car. Once we made it to the car, he pushed me in my car seat and told me to sit still. I started to bang on the window asking for some help no one would see me because he has tinted windows.

2 Hours Later...
We finally arrived to the house, he went to my my side of the car and grabbed me by the hair, as he did this I was slapping his hands. He wouldn't let go and continued to drag me into the house. Once, we were inside he dragged me all the way up the stairs and threw me into the his bedroom. He started abuse me screaming," 5 FUCKING GRAND YOU TOOK 5 FUCKING GRAND!!!" WHY?" I just stood there crying and he then smacked across the face saying,"ANSWER ME, WHY?!!!" He wouldn't stop hitting me, so I told him "I JUST NEEDED THE MONEY!!!"


I started to making run for the door , but he grabbed my hair and slammed me against the wall near the door.


I just looked at him with a tear hitting my right cheek making it known that I was crying because of fear, and so many other reasons I don't want to go further into. He started to punch me in the stomach and smack me a across the face screaming things about me not obeying and being so God Damn retarded. He then went into the closet and started to whip me with a leather belt. He whipped me in every place he could thing of. He then whipped my face and then stopped, brought me to my feet and hugged me as if he regretted doing everything. I just pushed him away and ran to my room and continued to cry.

------------ aUTHOR'S nOTE-----
the next chapter is sweeter

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