Young Master, Looking

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~~~~~~~~~~~CIEL'S P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up this morning with a headache, gosh, it was killing me!! I threw myself backwards into my bed and rubbed my temples.
"Well, I hope you're satisfied." Sebastian back-talked.
"Satisfied? What? What happened last night? Where is (Y/n)? I swore she slept right next to me last night and I-"
"To answer your questions...Young Master," Sebastian interrupted rudely. "I hope you're happy because (Y/n) ran away last night after you got drunk and slapped her, you also said that you never loved her and that she wasn't, and I quote, "wans't the first person you would go to for sex." (Y/n) is now off somewhere in the middle of the woods feeling abused, sad, and probably lonely, she will probably always remember how you treated her. Oh, and that girl you slept with last night, was a drunk cousin of yours."
"I SLEPT WITH ELIZABETH!?!?!?" I freaked out.
"Ding, ding, ding, guess you win the prize." Sebastian teased.
"Sebastian, don't play such games with me." I stated, Sebastian came over and dressed me. The I looked at him, threateningly. "This is an order, find (Y/n)."
"Yes my Lord."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Y/N)'S P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~
"So let me get this straight," You asked. "You, Alois Trancy, are my Finacee and have been since birth?"
"Yes." The blonde in front of you replied.
"My full name is (Y/F/N)?"
"Right again."
"And I'm at the Trancy Manor? Your Estate?"
"Correct, my love~."
"And we are to be married next week?"
"Exactly, you're memory is already doing better." He smiled. Somehow you felt wrong. You were about to take the ring off your left hand ring finger, it was your angagement ring/one similar to Alois's. When you started sliding off your finger, a booy about your age with blue-sliver hair flashed in your mind. Alois slapped you and slid the ring fully back onto your finger.
"Never take that ring off." His playful smile faded and turned into a death glare. You nodded silently. You decided to retire to your bedroom so you started to walk upstairs. Who was that boy in your mind, and why did your heart beat so fast when you saw him. You bumped into Claude in the hallway, he apologized and ran his hand over your ring and walked off. How odd. You walked into your room and touched the ring just a little bit, you screamed and fell on the floor in pain as pain surged through your body. What was this? You started to cry.
"It's an enchantment seal," Alois started, appearing out of no where. "this will make sure that, that ring , stays on your hand."
"Why? Are you hiding something from me, my love?" You asked. However when you said "My Love" it didn't seem right, as if you were saying it to the wrong person, but you loved Alois...didn't you?
"No, nothing is being hidden, I just..." Alois trailed off, his expression becoming saddened. "It is a symbol of love, and whenever you take it off, I feel like you don't love me. You're more precious to me than anything, and I would never, ever hide anything from you...ever." You were scared, this didn't feel right. You slowly backed away from Alois and tried again to take off the ring, this time you took the ring, full into your hand and pulled. You let out a loud and long scream of extreme pain. You fell on the floor sobbing, feeling like you were about to die. Your hands cluched your sides in pain as blood poured out of your eyes.
"Eww, what's that coming out of your eye?!" Alois questioned.
"I-I-It's a t-trait in m-m-my f-family, that if w-w-we cry to m-much that we s-s-start to cry b-b-blood." You sobbed. He kicked you.
"Well if you are to be my bride, break that disgusting habbit." You sobbed even louder. You wish your parents were here, you wish your siblings were here, but you can barely remember them, suddenly a name flashed in your head as you picked yourself up.
"A-Alois, A name just popped into my mind, will you tell me if you have ever heard it before, or know whose name it is?"
"Of course, beautiful."
"Have you ever heard of the name...Ciel?" You asked. He slapped you again.
"Don't you ever say that name in front of me again!!!" He yelled.
"WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM ME ALOIS!!! YOU'RE HURTING ME AS BAD AS CIEL DID!!!" You screamed...wait, who is Ciel and how did he hurt me.
"Who is Ciel?" He asked calmly.
"I don't know, and I'm not sure how he hurt me either."
"Come here, it's time for you to rest." He picked you up and sat on the side of your bed and walked out. But you didn't go to bed, you just kept thinking, and thinking, and thinking. Who was Ciel, why were pictures of a brown, curly haired girl in your head, a butler dressed in black, a cult, abuse, a fear of Alois, a party...what was going on.
"Am I going mad?" You murmured under your breath. You started to sob tears of blood again, ruining your red dress. "If Alois hurt me...but I don't love him....Then why does it ache and why is it in pain....for someone else."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~SEBASTIAN'S P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I've found you, Miss (Y/n)." I murmured from outside the bedroom window. I'm impressed how early she is starting to remember.
"What are you doing here Michaelis?" A voice said. I whipped my head around to see Claude coming at me. I jumped and flung silverware at him, hitting him in the shoulder.
"I would love to play a game of Cat and Mouse with you Claude, but I'm afraid I have to go." I stated. I ran off. The Master must soon find out where she is.

~~~~~Time skip~~~~

"Young Master, I've found her." I stated as I came into Ciel's study. He jumped up, knocking papers off his desk. His eyes grew wide, his expression was dead serious.
"Where is she Sebastian?" He growled.
"With Alois Trancy, My Young Lord." I stated. A expression of anger grew on his face.
"Sebastian, we're going to save (Y/n), right now." He demended.
"Of course..." I said.
"Yes, My Lord."

A Lost Voice (Ciel X Reader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now