Young Master, learning

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You curled up on your bed and clenched your stomach tightly. A slighy groan escaped your lips because of the horrible pain (Many of you already know where this is going). You tossed and turned but knew you had to get up for work so you quickly changed and darted out of the room and went downstairs to do your work. You started to dust the table, everything was fine, then you swept the main hall, and everything was fine. You went about half an hour doing your chores and whatnot, fine and fresh as a daisy...then youstarted to mop the main hall and everything was-

"Cramp..." You whimpered. You fell on the ground clenching your stomach and whimpered. The bucket of water fell over and you fainted from the pain.

~~~~~~~~After being taken to your romm by Sebastian, and Ciel still trying to figure out what was wrong with you~~~~~~~~

You curled into a ball as you moved around under the bed sheets trying to get comfortable. Sebastian brought you a hot water bottle as you placed it on your stomach.

"(y/n) there is another ball coming up and you have to work!" Ciel said. You whimpered. "Are you even listening to me?!"

"Young Master....umm, Lady (y/n) is...umm...well." Sebastian said nervously. You shot them a dirty look. Sebastian whispered something into Ciel's ear. Ciel blushed...badly. It was actually really funny and cute. You rolled over so you were laying on your stomach and threw your pillow on top of your head.

"I HATE periods...AND boys!!!! You could not comprehend the pain I am in right now!!!" You groaned at the two.

"You can start work when you feel better." Ciel murmured as he walked out of the door. He was still blushing. Sebastian probably told Ciel it was *cough**cough* 'that time of the month' *cough**cough*.

~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~

"Why are boys such idiots?" You yelled. "And why does this always happen to me at the worse times!!!! But more importantly...WHY ARE BOYS SO STUPID!!!!" You heard Ciel sigh outside the door. He walked in carrying a tray. he set it down on your bedside table and looked down at you, but it was a serious, concerened look.

"Why are girls so complicated?" He sighed and walked out of the room.

"WHY ARE BOYS SO STUPID!!!" You shout in response.

"Heh, emotional much?" Ciel said from outside the door.

"Well forgive my feminine hormones for-" You stopped. "UGH, never mind!!!!!" You threw yourself on the bed and finally managed to scarf down all that food.

Tehn, you just sat there...not knowing what to do with your life. You wanted to shrivel up into a ball and die. Or better yet, you were starving already again. If you didn't get food, you were going to starve until your insides started bleeding and your mouth shriveled into dust and then your bones crumbled and you shriveled up into nothingness and died while only being blown away by the wind. (I say this to all my friends when I'm having a breakdown.) Your stomach was growling so you wanted food, but you were having cramps so you didn't want food. If you ate food you would feel full and satisfied, but if you did eat the food (on the other hand) You would feel fat and regret it for the rest of your young life. So, you decided finally to make a desicion that would change your life. You starved. You were to lazy to make your own food, and personally you didn't want to. You couldn't ask Ciel because he would scream about the 'who is the master and who is the maid' at the top of his lungs. If you asked Sebastian he would probably say he was to busy. You rolled around on your bed and held your stomach. Finally, you decided to get your anger out.

"WHY DOES BEING ON YOUR PERIOD HURT SO MUCH?!?!?!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.

~~~~~Ciel's P.O.V~~~~~

"WHY DOES BEING ON YOUR PERIOD HURT SO MUCH?!?!?!" (y/n) screamed as loud as she could.

"ugh, why does she have to be so needy?" I groaned.

"Young Master, should I take her a new hot water bottle?" Sebastian asked, as he placed my lunch on my desk. I started

"No, let her suffer." I replied.

"Honestly My Young Lord, how do you expect your emotions of affection show through if you aren't kind to her?" Sebastian said. I nearly choked on my food.

"Emotions of Affection?!?!?!" I asked. Sebastian simply smirked. I blushed at the words about to come out of my mouth. "Sebastian...what exactly happens to a girl when there on their period...I've heard the name I just don't really know what happens..." I blushed....stupid girls.

"Well ummmmm...." Sebastian said with a shocked face he leaned over the desk and whispered something into my ear. I blushed even more if possible.

"Why would that- how would- why did you tell me that?!?!?!?" I screamed.

"You were the one who asked My Lord." Sebastian said with a smirk. I jumped up from my desk and ran up to (y/n)'s room/

~~~~~~your P.O.V~~~~~~~

Ciel burst into my room and the door slammed open.

"Why do girls have periods and why are they so emotional?!" He asked loudly.

"Ask God...." I said. He sighed. His face was red, I don't know if it was out of anger or embarressment. "Didn't your parents tell you about this stuff?"

"W-well, m-my parents weren't a-able to pass on m-much to" The blush had gone down some. "S-sebastian had to t-teach me m-most of it." This was the first time you saw him blush. this whole day all that he was doing was blushing.

"hmm, bet that was fun." You smirked.

~~~~~~Ciel's P.O.V~~~~~~

"Honestly My Young Lord, how do you expect your emotions of affection show through if you aren't kind to her?" Sebastian's words echoed in my head. "(y-y/n)' I said. She cocked her head at me. "T-there is a costume ball coming up, I would be honored if you would join me."

"Sure." (y/n) said. She agreed? I started to walk out of the room. "CRAMP!!!!" She yelled and started rolling around on the bed. I sighed and walked out of the room. I walked into my study. She was groaning loudly.

"My Lord, should I take (y/n) a-"



Poor Ciel and the ways of womenhood...XD

Anyway, Curveygirl told me she read something like this once, so I decided to make this a funny not related to the story capter....just to annoy Ciel.

Soory I have not been able to update in so long: School, homework, soccer, Youth Group, Parents, Siblings, Halloween....URGH!!! anyway.

Hope you enjoyed (>'_'>)

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