Young Master, Caring...for once.

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Ever since last night, you couldn't stop thinking about Ciel, you thought ablout the words he said to you and blushed madly, burring your head into your hands. You face was now a bright red from the blush. Ciel walked over to you unexpectedly and raised your head with his thumb and forefinger and stroked your cheek. He pressed his lips to your forehead but he didn't kiss it.

"Are you sick? Your face is red." He said.

"N-no just fine M-master." You said blushing even worse now.

"Are you positive your not sick?"

"Y-Yes, M-master."

"Well, to bad." Ciel said as he smirked and picked you up bridal style. You kicked and screamed for Ciel to put you down but he smirked and layed you down in bed. He kept implying you were 'sick' and 'needed rest'. You tried to jump out of bed and go back to work but Ciel pinned you down to the floor. You blushed even more (if possible).

"Now, are you going to be a good girl?" He asked. You nodded and yelped as he picked you up again. He layed you down softly on the bed and felt your forehead, coming very close to your face. You turned your head away, but he turned it back to his face and looked closely into your eyes. You removed his eyepatch reaveling a strange mark. You didn't quite know what it was so you tied his eyepatch on quickly. He was still staring at you with his one gorgeous sapphire blue eye. You felt as if you could stare into them all day. He looked...concerned. You had never seen him look like this before. He gently rubbed the kiss mark he had left on your neck from last night. "I'm sorry, was I too ruff?" He asked as he smirked. You turned away and held the part where the kiss mark was. He chuckled darkly and then you noticed something...Wait, had Ciel been on top of you this whole time? You felt your heart start to race, you started to blush, your palms got sweaty...what...what was this feeling? You had never felt it before.


"No please stop!" You screamed as your father hit you with the whip.

"If you stayed in your bedroom and fell asleep like a good girl, this wouldn't be happening now would it? You saw me kill your mother...and now you'll pay for it." Your father asked. He grabbed you by the coller of your shirt and drug you down the stairs and threw you into the trunk of his couldn't do anything...except cry. You cried for about 40 minutes and then he threw you up onto a stage. "Who would like this ugly child, to use as whatever you want: A pet, a worker, pehaps a fine peice of art?" Starting at $50." Some man in the audience raised their hand and you started to cry.

"No daddy, please don't!!!" You cried. He slapped you across the face and threw you out to the man in the audience. The man took you away, you came to a arena, with marble walls and seats, as if it were a show. They threw you into a cage, now there were many boys around you of all ages from 14 to 30. They gave you the name monster, because they had beat you and harmed you s bad, that you looked like a monster. They forced you to perform in horrible circus acts for entertainment, they could touch you however they wanted, use you for whatever, luckily you were still a virgin.

To this day you still couldn't trust just...couldn't.

~~~~~~~~~Flashback over~~~~~~~~

A tear slid down your face.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" Ciel asked. Even though he was on top of hugged him and started to cry...Then you decided, you could trust him and opened your mouth to tell him everything.

"Young Master...can I tell you something?"

"I suppose...and call me Ciel."


~~~~~~~~~~Story of your life over~~~~~~~~~

"So, when you got on top of me...that's why I started to cry."

"Oh...I see. I'm sorry for your loss, and your past."

"I'm sorry for your loss as well."

"H-how did you know? I never told you!"

"You live by yourslf with a butler who has the same mark on his hand as your eye and by the way he does things around here I can tell he's not human. Your parents haven't been around for the two months I've been here so....I just put the peices together as time went by." Has two months really already gone by?

"Your a smart girl (Y/n). Very Smart..."

"Sorry, if I offended you when I cried."

"No, it's fine, it just kind of took me by suprise. But, where is your father now...and the rest of your family?"

"Well, no one was able to catch my father yet...Big sis, Gracie, must be in college now, Little bro Oliver, I don't know." Ciel pulled your face close to his and looked into your big, beautiful, (e/c) eyes. You blushed slightly.

"I promise you, no boy will ever touch you, harm you, or do anything to you as long as I'm around. He smirked. You smiled lightly. You felt his soft, warm lips press ontp yours. The kiss was quick and sudden, taking you by suprise but you blushed anyway. You thought he was done,,,but Ciel thought differently, pulling you into another kiss, only more passionate. You both turned away, Ciel smirked as you blushed, badly. He stood up and walked away.

"And...what I said about no boy touching you..." He started. You looked at him. "No boy, not even the ones in this manor."

"I will be the only one."

A Lost Voice (Ciel X Reader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now