Young Master, Shocked

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You cursed yourself out for being such a fool when you got to your room. Your first kiss was now gone to a boy who didn't even love you. There were many names for this boy, such as: Brat, idiot, @#$%^, Scum, filth, arrogant little @#$%^, and many more that you weren't allowed to say. You slumped on your bed and laid there in a casual dress. You slapped your forehead for forgetting that you and Mei were going out today, you slowly stood up and wiped your red, puffy eyes which still had tears in them. There was a light knock on the door, you knew it was probably Ciel so....

"Go away you little Brat!!!!!!!!" You screamed. The door slowly opened to reveal Mei. You blushed in embaressment and wiped more tears from your eye, hoping she wouldn't see.

"(Y/n), Is everything all right?" Mei asked. You tried your best to stay strong but ended up collapsing into a pile of sobbing tears on the floor.

"NO, NO, NO EVERYTHING IS NOT ALRIGHT!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE AND I JUST WANT TO LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!! IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!" You screamed. Mei ran over to you and helped you up off the floor. She patted your back and took you to your bed. you never did this, you were usually a strong person who refused to cry in front of people and if you ever did it wasn't like this sobbing fit you were in right now.

"(Y/n), what happened?" Mei asked.

"Well, after Lizzie and you left...." You started.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After story time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh I see, so that's what happened." Mei said with sadness in her voice.
"Yeah." You said quietly.
"Well at least your not a lip virgin anymore!"
"Not the time for jokes Mei."
"Sorry, just trying to...lighten the mood."
"It's okay."
"But, (Y/n), you've never done anything like this before, and you don't let boys boss you around!!!"
"I hate him, Mei..."
"You do?"
"But What...?"
"I also love him..."
"Love him?!?!"
"Yeah...a lot."
"Oh, I see!!!"
"See what Mei?"
"You love him so what happened last night is just...."
"Just what Mei?!?!" You said begining to get furious.
"When a girl loves a boy...."
"She's Submissive to him!!" Mei smiled.
"Mei!!!!!!!!! It w-wasn't l-like t-that!!!!" You blushed.
"Yes it was!!!"
"Was not!!!!"
"Was too!!!"
"Was not!!!" You said, ending the argument.
"Ciel is nothing like...*Sigh* Sebastian!" Mei said all dreamily.
"Not the time to fangirl Mei...."
"Oh, what happened last night was accident?" Mei asked. You started to Cry again recalling last night. You rabbed your eyes and sniffled.
"I-I don't know Mei!" You cried.
"That's it!!!!" Mei yelled and stood up making you look at her. "No one makes (Y/f/n) cry!!! and I mean no one!!!!!"
"Mei what are you going to...?" You started.
"I'm going to have a talk with this boy!!!" Mei said. Your eyes went wide with shock and before you could protest she ran out of the room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mei's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"That little jerk!!" I yelled. I was looking at the ground and I bumped into something. I looked up to See Sebastian. I blushed a little.
"Pardon me Miss Mei, but who is a jerk?" He asked. I got furious all over again.
"That little bratty Master of Yours!!!" I yelled.
"My Master?"
"Yes, after what he did to (Y/n) last night, and she told me what he did...I'm going to kill him!!!" I yelled. Starting to tear up myself. I walked past Sebastian, only to trip and fall...over the Railing!!!! I screamed as Sebastian caught me and pulled me back up.
"Now really, Miss Mei. You must be careful...and I cannot allow you to harm my young master." He lifted up my head, using his thumb and forefinger. His deep, gorgeous, crimson eyes peirced into my hazel ones. He kissed me ever so gently. His lips fit perfectly into my own. I slowly closed my eyes to savor the moment. The kiss was sweet and slow, but soon began to grow into something rough and passionate. When we broke apart, I felt his hot breath on my ear.
"My, my dear, you are sweet indeed."
"Sebastian, I really like you and always have...but right now I need to help (Y/n)."
"Please, allow me to talk to my young Master." He said.
"I-I don't know., she was crying and she never cries, I think I better."
"Why is this so important to you?"
"If you know what her past was like, you would understand." I felt a tear trickle down my cheek.
"She's just a normal girl..."
"This dosen't just upset her, it upsets me also, If I let you talk to Your Bratty, jerkish, little, precious Master, you better give him a strict talking to!!" I said.
"Yes, my Lady." He said. Then he kissed me lightly and walked away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sebastian's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I knocked on the door of my young Master's study. I obviously couldn't barge in and yell demands at my Master, how childish and immature would that be? I decided to bring up the topic while giving him his afternoon tea. Also, I was pretty ticked that he upsetted the girl that I found rather Gorgeous. I knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in." He replied.
"Young Master, I've brought you your afternoon tea."
"Very well." He shuffled with the papers on his desk and put them down. I placed the cup in front of him. Perhaps I should wait for him to bring it up...that's what I'll do.
I waited, and waited
And waited....I slammed my hands on his desk, he looked suprised.
"Young Master," my eye twitched lightly. " Don't you think you should apologize to Miss (Y/n)?"
"When did you become the Master?"
"It does not only upset her, but Miss Mei as well."
"Ahh, I see, you want me to apologize so everything will be good between you and Mei." That...little...BRAT.
"Yes, but also, because of her past...something Mei said....what exactly is her past?"
"She was sexually abused by boys for two years at a cult and her mother was murdered by her phycopathic father then she was forced out onto the streets."
"That part of being Sexually abused....have you ever thought that could possiblt be the reason she's mad."
"I've thought about it."
"Ciel!" I yelled, I was ticked off now. "I demand that you go apologize to (Y/n) right now!!" Ciel slapped me as hard as he could. I stepped back a little.
"Look Sebastian, I love her and all I want is for her to love me back!!!" I yelled.
"Young Master, I understand that, but you must remeber her past." Now was my time to tease him. "I understand that sexual desires are normal for a boy your age. After all boys your age are usually trying to do bad things with girls. I suppose your just growing up. But you do relize that your having an affair right now and you cant have it both ways. But goodness me, Young Master, I never thought you were so sex crazed." He blushed, badly, just like a child.
"Well, she didn't look hurt so I don't care!!!"
"Mei said she was crying badly."
"Crying..." He muttered, almost as if ashamed of himself.
"Fine, I'll go apologize." He stated and I left, satisfied with my work.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ciel's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat in my study with my palm pressed to my forehead. How could I have been such an idiot. Yes last night I was sex crazed but that was because she was so beautiful and helpless. I really do love her and would never want to hurt her. I finished my tea and stood up. Sebastians words ran through my head as I approached her room.
"Her past..."
"Sexually Abused...."
"sex crazed..."
"Crying badly..."
I knocked lightly on her door. I heard her sniffle and a light "Come in." I stepped inside and as soon as she saw me she automatically was ticked.
"What do you want?" She asked through her teeth.
"I want to say...."
"Say what?"
"Spit it out you little brat!!" She yelled impatiently. I looked down at the floor.
"S-Sorry." I muttered. Her expression lightened.
"Sorry?" She said confused.
"yes,I have a heart...I just choose not to show it."
"It's okay, It's my fault for not respecting your past."
"Young Master...I..."
"You what?"
"I-I-I h-had fun l-last night. Getting to b-be with y-you was nice." You blushed at you even saying that. Good thing that Mei and Sebastian left.
"Same for me." Ciel said. You smiled. and before he left, he said seductively

"Perhaps we should do it more often."


Hey what did you guys think!!!!!!! I tried to do a chapter in everyones P.O.V it was hard but I did it.
I'm so glad I got to update and you guys are so awesome for reading.... I mean
YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST, THANKS FOR READING. Mei and Sebastian do have a little something going on and Things will start getting bad know I have ideas for new chapters....Hope you guys have a great new year!!!

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