Young Master, Avoiding + Talented Mei, Dancing

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You lived in your room for the next 2 days with cramps...ciel blushed everytime he saw you. When Ciel walked out you remembered that he had invited you to a costume ball. You were nervous but since you had to go. You finally were able to get up and go to work, a giant blob of pink ran past you and you smiled. You knew Elizabeth loved Ciel dearly but then you stopped...Ciel's words echoed in your head.

"I love Elizabeth as a cousin...but not a Lover." You felt bad for Elizabeth but continued to sweep anyway.

"CIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL~!" Elizabeth yelled as she hugged Ciel. "Ciel there's a costume ball coming up, and I was thinking, You and I should go!!" You felt like you got stabbed in the heart.

"Actually Lizzie I-" Ciel started. You ran up to your room before you could finish. You plopped on your bed and cried. You heard a knock on your door and mumbled a come in. Sebastian entered, he asked if anything was wrong. You just shook your head and fell on your pillow. Sebastian walked out of the room, probably wondering if you were on your period. You wiped your eyes and cleaned your face, your face didn't look like a giant red balloon now. You heard a light knock at the door and once again mumbled a come in. Ciel slowly entered the room.

"(y/n), I just wanted to say that-" Ciel started.

"No, honestly it's fine, You deserve to go with Elizabeth, she is sweet and kind and most of all your Fiannce." (ugh, gag me).

"Well I was looking forword to going with you, just-"

"No, no trouble at all, honestly go and have fun, I'll still be there." But honestly that dance was the last place you wanted to didn't want to see Ciel or Lizzie or even Mei. It was being held at Mei's house so......

"Are you sure?"

"yep, absoulutely." You said, as he exited the room. You threw yourself on the bed. You groaned as you heard a forceful knock on your door.

"WHAT?! WHAT ON EARTH COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT?!?!" You screamed. The door slowly cracked open as you was a bunch of curly brown hair pop through the door.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" Mei asked.

"N-nothing Mei...j-just yeling at the....cats outside." You said nervously.

"Oh, (y/n) Are you coming tonight?"

"Yes, but I don't want to."

"Ciel and Elizabeth are going...."

"Yea, but like I said before, I don't want too."

"But Suki and I want you to!!!!" You looked over at Mei and noticed she was holding a rather annoyed Suki (her cat).

"M-m-mei....p-please get that thing out of he-"


Suki tackled Mei then ran out of the room.

"Not again!!" You groaned. You ran all over the manor, you found Suki when you heard a gasp and a THUD. You ran to Ciel's study. He had falled over in his chair with Suki on his chest. His face was red because of his horrible allergy. You chuckled a little but soon ran over and picked up Suki off of Ciel's chest. "S-so sorry, Young Master."

"I-it's *achoo* fine, b-but just *achoo* get that cat, *achoo* OUT OF HERE!!!"

"Of course!!" You said and sprinted out of the room. Mei and you quickly got rid of Suki and you closed the door to your room. It was already 5:30 and Mei and you were arriving at 6. "Mei, shouldn't you go?" You asked.

"Nope, you are going to be my guest of honor. I already told Ciel you'd be at my house!! Let's go!!" Mei yelled as she yanked you out of the house.

~~~~~~~~~~~At the Party~~~~~~~~~~

Mei had put the finishing touches on you. She was wearing a red, strapless dress with a formal red rose in her hair as an hair piece. She had small black heels and her hair was down in a bundle of curls.

"Now, I'll go introuduce you!" Mei walked out of the room. You curled your last piece of hair as you heard Mei announce your name and applause. You stood up and heeaded to the top of the grand staircase as everyone gasped.

Your dress went flowed to the floor with a train in the back it was (F/c) and it had a Black satin Bow. You had a black satin bow in your hair as well. At the bottom of your dress and very top of your dress there was a black lace trimming. You had on gloves to match the dress. You had on silver eye shadown and mascara along with some eyeliner. Your shoes were black heels and you looked drop dead gorgeous. You found Ciel in Lizzie in the crowd. Sebastian was standing there smiling, Lizzie was applauding and jumping up and down, and Ciel...stared at you. His gaze was locked on you as he blushed slightly. You finally reached the floor as the first waltz began. Sebastian started to dance with Mei, Lizzie drug Ciel to the dance floor and you stood in a cornor and watch.

"Excuse me, would you care to dance?" A farmiliar voice asked behind you.

"Luke!" You smiled as you turned around to see Mei's older brother. He extended his hand out to you as you started dancing. You two joined in the second dance as Mei, Lizzie, Ciel and Elizabeth watched.

"Wouldn't Luke and (y/n) just be adorable together?!" Lizzie squeled. Ciel almost spit up his drink.

"It's a little weird sinse she's my best friend and he's my brother...but yeah." Mei replied. Ciel felt sick.

"(y/n) is so stubborn, she won't date anyone, get a spouse, or even flirt!" Lizzie said.

"Well, after her past what do you expect?" Mei asked. Lizzie felt guilty and hung her head.

~~~~~~Ciel's P.O.V~~~~~~~

'Ugh, I'm going to be sick, look at her over there with him.' Interuppting my own thoughts I looked over at them and became very mad. Sebastian leaned down and came very close to my ear.

"Is someone jelous?" He asked. I blushed and turned away.

"Of course not..."

~~~~~~Mei's P.O.V~~~~~

"Why does Ciel look at (y/n) that way? Why dosen't He love Lizzie?" I asked myself under my breath.

"Out of all the girls in the world, why pick...?" I looked over at (y/n) and smiled.

A Lost Voice (Ciel X Reader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now