Young Master, Sick

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That night you left the Ball and you were smiling because you got to dance with your friend and you got to see Mei. All was well...well, until...

"Ugh." You groaned. Sebastian removed the thermomoter from your mouth. An ice pack laid on your head, tissues were piled up around you, your eyes were glassy, your throat was sore, you were burried under 3 blankets and still freezing. You know what this mean't...

"101.3 degrees. You're sick miss (y/n). Looks like the flu." Sebastian said. You groaned and face planted onto your pillow. Why? Why was it always you? Why did bad things always happen you you? You were burning up but cold chills surged through your body. Your throat was the worst part, it was raw and white, everytime you swallowed a horrible pain ran down your throat. You had a couple remidies and it seemed like Sebastian and Ciel did too. First you were going to try a couple remidies that your mother had told you about. I mean when you were a kid they always seemed to work.
First you tried peppermint Oil. Your mother always rubbed it on your throat and it usually helped sore throats. It only helped a little bit.
Next you tried A teaspoon of Honey, your mother always said it would help your throat and that helped a little bit more.
Then, Sebastian returned with some medicine. You took 2 pills and some cough syrup. This helped the fever go down.
Finally, Sebastian made you soup as you sat in your room. Ciel sat in your room with you all day, you were sure he had work to do, so why did he want to stay by your side?

"are you okay?" Ciel asked. You were taken aback by his kindness towards you. You blushed slightly and nodded your head.

"Yes." You whispered, with your raspy voice. You were so tired so you decided to close your eyes and sit there...but you ended up falling asleep.


You were back at the torture chamber. The place where the boys beat you. They were surrounding you, they were holding whips and there was a marble table in the middle of the room. Around the room, cages were spread out with little girls stuck inside crying. You noticed that you were wearing the dress that they forced you to wear.
A black dress, It only had one strap while your other shoulder was left bare. It went to about your mid thigh. If it went any higher they would-

"Why don't we see if this is the real (y/n)." You tried to run but your body wouldn't move. It was like weights were holding you down. One boy grabbed you from behind and you elbowed him in the stomach. He stubled backwards and then hit you with the whip across your bare shoulder. He slowly reached down to the end of your dress and pulled it up ever so slowly. He stopped at the top of your thigh, you looked down to see the mark.
A mark that had cursed you your entire life and bound you to them, almost like you belonged to them. A mark that was burned onto your right thigh. It looked like an infinity sign with odd twist and turns incorporated into it. They slammed you down on the marble table. The blow knocked the wind out of you. They stabbed you multiple times in the stomach and left a big gash on your left leg. After you started to cry, they laughed and threw you in a cage especially for you. As soon as you entered the cage you were tied up in chains and s;lowly stared to suffocate. You cried out for help but no one came...your eyes slowly closed for the last time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dream over~~~~~~~~~~~~

You woke up crying and sobbing loudly. Your eyes were red and you kept crying even though your throat was burning from the noises that kept escaping your mouth. Your eyes burned badly and you wanted to stop crying but you couldn't.
Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around you. You saw it was Ciel. After you had fallen asleep Ciel picked you up bridal style and was laying on the bed and under the covers, he had taken your spot and was now holding you like a princess. You didn't protest but instead wrapped your arms around him and laid your head in the crook of his neck while crying. Sniffles and whimpers escaped your mouth.

"Don't cry." Ciel said. You looked at him. He wiped your tears away and looked at you. He laid you down and got up. He started walking away. You grabbed the end of his coat.

"Wait!!" You said. Ciel looked at you, confused. "don't go." Ciel smirked and exited th room. You sat there wondering, why? Suddenly the door opened again and Ciel was in his night shirt. He picked you up suddenly and you gasped as a slight blush appeared on your cheeks. He hled you bridal style and laid down on the bed while pulling the covers over you both. A slight smile appeared on your face. He set you down next to him on the bed and you looked at him. His eyes. His eyes were gorgeous. Almost like you could drown in them. Those eyes, they hold so much sorrow. You turned your body away from Ciel but her grabbed your waist and turned you back around. He pulled you close to himself. Your head was now on his chest and your bodies were close together.

"I want to see your face, don't turn away from me." Ciel said. You smiled and fell asleep in his arms.

A Lost Voice (Ciel X Reader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now