Young Master, Out on the Town

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Sebastian had told all the servents, and even Ciel,(who you stil could not talk to since last night), to gather around. Sebastian had been muttering about Ciel being a "brat" or "ungrateful" Or your personal favorite "Bossy Bocchan." He had been doing this all week, and you told yourself you would try to listen to what he was talking about...but then Mei entered the picture and you got distracted. Anyway, All the servents -and Ciel- stood in a straight line in front of Sebastian. You had never seen Sebastian looking so tired, He looked at everyone and paced back and forth. He looked at you, then Ciel, then the servants and sighed.

"Alright, as most of you know today is Lady Elizabeth's birthday. I will plan the party and food. Mey-Rin, please don't drop anything. Finny, please don't kill the garden. And Bard, pleases dont use your flamethrower. As for my Young Master and (Y/n) You will go shopping for Elizabeth's present and some party supplies. Does Everyone understand." All the servents, including yourself cheered. But when you looked at Ciel, you could tell this was something he did Not want to do. As you ran up to your room and slid on your (F/C) dress that fell a little below your knees, It waslong sleeved and you wore it with white tight's. It wad a brown leather buckle around the waist and white ruffles on the inside of the skirt. As Sebastian escorted you out the door. You could tell by the look on Ciel's face that this was not going to be a pleasent afternoon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ciel's P.O.V

Why did this kind of torture have to come every year. I sighed as (Y/n) of and I got into the carrige. We sat on seperate sides and she put her hands in her lap and stared at them. I looked up at her and she looked up at me. Her cold (E/c) eyes stared back at me before staring back down at her lap. She had always been shy since the moment we met, constantly blushing, and never being to fond of people, a loner you could call her. Since she almost never talked to me, I tried to keep my distance...but I needed to protect her. What on earth am I thinking? I just met her a couple days ago!

We sat there is silence, only the sound of the horse's hooves hitting the ground beneath us was present. I didin't know what to say, honestly what would the other noble's think if they saw me with a servant...I didn't like her like that...did I...? I always got nervous around her...but...I don't know anything about this stuff!

"So, what do girls like as presents?" I asked her.

"Huh? Oh, Well I guess Lizzy might like some jewelry or shoes, or something along those lines." She replied. I pondered this, Lizzy had an obsession for making everything "cute" that included me. I sighed once again and the carrige came to a stop. I stood up and looked at (Y/n).

"Shall we go?" I asked her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your P.O.V

I took Ciels hand, walked out of the carriage, and stared at the town around me. I had not been out in public as a "person" for a while. As I stared at the shops Ciel took my hand and we walked around. There were Jewelry stores, toy stores, dress stores, shoe stores, but nothing Ciel or I saw would suit Elizabeth. Myself and Ciel sat on a bench nearby to rest. This had been going on for 3 hours. I wiped sweat from my forehead as I saw Mei walk by. I waved to her and she walked over to us.
"Hey,(Y/n)!!!!" She chirped. I waved again and then she looked at me, Then Ciel, then back to me, then back to Ciel. She thought for a moment and then jumped up in the air with a smile on her face, her brown pigtails jumping with her. "Are You two on a date?!" She asked excitedly. Ciel and I blushed and I stood up and looked at Mei.

"D-Don't be rediculous Mei. Master Ciel is engaged and I am nothing more than his servant." I said. She smiled and mumbled something, then walked away. 'Mei, I hate you right now', was all I could think. Ciel and I stood up and began looking again. While I was walking by a store I finally saw it.

"Master, I think I found something." I looked in the shop window and saw what was an adorable pair of rose earings with a matching necklace. The necklase had a silver chain with a pink porcelain rose on the end and the earings were pink porcelain. Ciel finally came over and looked at the present. They were very expensive but Ciel opened the door and we walked in, being the kluts I was, I tripped and fell, but Ciel caught me at the last minute and pulled me up, your lips were only centimeters apart, we both blushed and walked into the store. The store had quite a couple people in it, while Ciel paid for the present and was having it gift wrapped, I decided to look around. I looked at all the necklaces and earings...but...I didn't have my ears peirced. I saw a gorgeous necklace. It had a silver chain with a silver hummingbird on it. The hummingbirds stomach was made of sapphire that gave it the most beautiful shine. Ciel saw me staring at it so I walked away, Ciel had to go and grab something as he exited the store. I waited for the present to be finished through it's gift wrapping process. Ciel came back out and we exited the store, when I looked over to see the hummingbird necklace, It was gone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip (3rd person POV)

"Happy Birthday Lizzy" Everyone shouted -Except for Ciel- He had his usual expression on his face. Lizzy tore open Ciel present and gasped.

"Simply Adorable!!!" She squeled. After a while the party was over. You walked upstairs and walked toward your bedroom, You wished you could have gotten that necklace, even though you didn't care for it (not). You felt a hand grab your wrist. You turned to see Ciel and looked at him. He said nothing, he just handed you a black velvert box. You looked at it and then opened it and gasped. The necklace you had wanted so much. You looked up to give Ciel a thank you, but he was already gone.


Yes Finally!!!!! I finished this chapter! A big, huge, super, ginormous, shout out to Curveygirl for some inspiration!!!!!

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