Young Master, Saving

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Sleeping with Ciel the past week has just been....well...odd. Oh, trust me you and him both enjoyed it, but it was just...award between you two. Almost nothing was said, Ciel literally snuggled you to death every night and if you even tried to get up for something, he would growl and pull you even closer to him then you were before. You had enjoyed this at first but now, it was getting a little too out of hand.

"Maybe it's just hormones." You stated, as you swept the ballroom floor.

"What's just hormones?" Ciel said behind you as he grabbed your waist and pulled him closer to himself.

"N-nothing, Young M-"

"Don't call me young, I'm older than you." He was right, actually. You had just turned 13, when you came here. Ciel had actually turned 14 in December, while you were waiting for number 14, in a couple days.

"Ciel...." You started.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I'm sleeping by myself from now on."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am!!!!"

"I'VE LOST EVERYTHING (Y/N)!!!!!" He screamed, making you back up. "And, I'm not going to lose you, too." He hugged you as you felt something wet on your shoulder....a....tear? Was....was he actually showing emotion? You looked at him and stroke his hair.

"I have too, but I can protect myself."

"NO YOU CAN'T!!!!"


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"Ciel, I can protect myself!!!"

"How? You haven't experienced what I experienced."

"I lost my voice, Ciel."

"What?" He asked, becoming calm.

"When I cried myself to sleep at night in a cult, no one heard me. When I screamed when a whip thrashed me, no one heard me. When I screamed for my mom to come back, no one heard me. When you broke my heart, no one heard it. When I cried because of didn't hear my heart shatter. No one heard my screams, So therefore," You paused. "I lost my voice." A tear slid down your face as you ran away.

"Wait, (Y/N)!!" Ciel called.

"Don't talk to me!!!" You screamed. You went upstairs to your room. You laid on your bed and sobbed. You locked your door and Ciel was screaming at you through the locked door, you didn't respond, making him angrier. You opened your window, it was cloudy, it looked like it was about to storm. You stood on the window ledge.

"If I have lost my voice...I have lost everything." You muttered. Ciel, Sebastian, and Mei rushed through the door, but it was too late. You jumped.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!" Ciel screamed.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" You heard Mei cry. 'I'm sorry, but without a voice, who is a person? A person with no voice, cannot be heard, and therefore, means almost nothing. Why did I even come into this world? I don't know. Even though I have been blessed with a voice I don't deserve it, I don't deserve a voice...because you only get one. Those who disrespect their voice, disrespect themselves, and me...'

"I have lost mine." You whispered as you were ready for it all to end. The pain, the lies, even the happiness, everything over...until, something grabbed you. A warmth surrounded your body, it was Ciel.

"Even if you lose your voice...even if it's already lost..." He paused. "Let me be your voice for you." He hugged you and you hugged him back.

Sebastian grabbed you two and landed you safety on the ground. Mei ran outside and ran to you, her eyes puffy and she was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Wahhhhhhhh!! (Y/n)!!!!! Thank goodness you're okay." She cried. You hugged her, she pulled away and slapped you.

"What was that for?!?!" You asked.

"For being such an here." She spread her arms, waiting for you to hug her. You hugged her as she cried on your shoulder. "Y-you c-can't die."

"Why not?"

"Think about it, people kill themselves everyday. What they don't understand is that, people actually do care for them. They can tell themselves that no one does, but their parents, a sibling, or even one friend...would lose their world if someone died. That's why no one should ever kill themselves!!!" Mei raged.

"You're right." You said. Mei grabbed your wrist and pulled you upstairs. "Ouch, ouch, ouch..." You repeated this all the way upstairs, you knew behind you, even though Ciel was smirking and probably really mad at you, but you still loved him, and you know, deep, deep, deep down in that cold, hard, heart of his, he loved you too.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

"What the heck did you think killing yourself would accomplish." Mei asked in rage.

"W-well... nothing really, but-"

"But nothing!!!"

"I said I was sorry!!!"

"Sorry isn't good enough!!!" She screamed. You smiled. How about a hug. She looked at you and ran over and tackled you with a hug, starting to cry again. "I don't know what I would have done if you would have left."

"I'm sorry." You said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Ciel's P.O.V.~~~~~~~

"That girl." I slammed my fist on my desk.

"Young Master?" Sebastian asked.

"She could have gotten seriously hurt, or worse, died. I lost everything, I couldn't stand loosing her, what do you think Seb-"

"Hmm, so you do care for the young Lady." Sebastian smirked. I made a "tsk" noise and sat down at my desk. Sebastian started to leave to get my afternoon tea.

"Wait, Sebastian." I said.

"Yes, Young Master?" He asked.

"I need your help with something..."


"I need your help, I want...I want to-"

"Is that so?" Sebastian smirked.

"But I wasn't even-"

"But...I know what you were going to say." He smiled.

A Lost Voice (Ciel X Reader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now