Young Master, Loving

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You woke up, it was your 14th Birthday. You stretched, yawned and got out of bed. You walked over to your closet and started pulling out your work clothes.

"Oh-no, you don't." Ciel said, coming through the door.

"Oh-no, what?" You asked.

"You need to rest after yesterday's events." Ciel said, but he didn't look so good. He looked red, almost like a blush, but it wasn't...

"Are you okay?" You asked Ciel.

"I'm fine. *cough* now I have *cough* work to *cough* do, please, you just *cough* rest for the day *cough*." He said as he stumbled out. He was about to walk out, "Oh, and, Happy Birthday, Love~." He said as he left. As soon as he left, you were thrown into a blushing fit. You pounded your fists on the table, mad at yourself for blushing. You heard your name being called, over, and over, and over, again. You ignored it, even though this was your birthday, it was a remembrance of the night you were taken to a cult by your father. It was also a day to celebrate, because you got out on your next birthday, so stuff works out. The voice was getting louder, now you actually knew who it was. You smiled as you stood up and stared as Mei ran through the door and tackled you with a hug, which made you fall to the floor. You laughed, which caused her to smile. She grabbed your hand and drug you down the steps.

"I'm taking your amazing maid out!!!" She called, not even waiting for a response before she burst out the door. Mei loved shopping, you didn't care for it, but since she was paying and it was your birthday, you didn't mind. Mei always wanted to get someone something for their birthday. You looked at shops, through windows, not buying anything yet. You guys were walking past a wedding store but you stopped and went back. You stared in the window at a beautiful diamond ring. It was gorgeous, not to mention all the beautiful things inside. To bad you weren't married. That would be great beside the arguments and fights. Mei came back to see what you were looking at it. Your stare was locked on it, almost as if you were in a trance. Mei stared and smiled at it with you.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" You asked, not usually liking girly things.

"Sure is." She said.

"Well, let's go, I would have no use for a wedding ring, so lets move it." You said. Mei smiled as you continued onward. You walked the streets for a couple more hours, buying only a couple things. You walked back to the manor, Mei said she was going to stay to celebrate your birthday. So, you decided to just go with it, so...whatever. You walked in to see Sebastian and two Indian people running around and you heard Ciel's hoarse voice calling out for them to stop.

"Sebastian, what's going on?" Mei asked.

"I'm afraid the Young Master has had an asthma attack." Sebastian said.

"Asthma?!?!" You blurted.

"How can you say he just had an attack so calmly?!?!" The Indian guys said, or at least one of them.

"Forgive me, (Y/n) this is Prince Soma, and his servant Agni." Sebastian said, rushing for a warm towel. Agni ran to go make food and Soma ran upstairs to 'comfort' Ciel. Mei ran over to help Sebastian and Agni. As for you, you ran up to Ciel, who was peacefully asleep. You sat on his bed and stared at him, his face was red, he looked so weak, he just looked to helpless, a thing that you knew he hated. Sebastian, Agni, Mei, Soma, and you all helped, as soon as everything was done you went up to see Ciel who was just opening his eyes.

"Are you okay?" You asked, rushing over to him.

"M-mmhmm." He said. You laid down next to him. "(Y-Y/n)*Cough8 *Hack*"

"I want to be by your side." You said as you snuggled closer to him. He smiled, for the first time, and it was big and beautiful. You wish he smiled more often.

"A-alright th-then." He said, his voice was very hoarse.

"Why did you never tell me?" You asked, feeling sad.

"You n-nev-ver as-sked."

"You should have told us anyway, everyone was worried."

"I-I thought I-it w-was gone."

"Okay, just next time, tell us...okay?"

"Okay, Love." He said, you blushed again.

You two laid there, eventually falling asleep in each others arms, and man did you have the weirdest dream. You were running, it was the day after you were married, you were still wearing your dress, there was blood on it, and you were in danger, you kept running, but you couldn't find anyone. Sebastian, Ciel, Mei, your brothers, all gone. You were running, suddenly you were in a white room. Ciel, Sebastian, and Mei were facing you. Your mother stood next to you, she gave you a gun.

"Shoot the wrong, it's done, shoot the right, you win." She said.You shot Sebastian, since he was a demon. "Wrong." You shot Ciel. tears were coming out of your eyes. "Wrong." You shot Mei, sobbing now. "Wrong." She repeated.

"What do I do?!?!" You screamed.

"Shoot the persons who voice is lost." She said.

"W-wha-?" Before you could finish, your mother attacked you, turning into a demon and devouring you, with endless pain.

You shot up, feeling your heartbeat, you were still alive, and it was just a dream. Ciel was sitting there, eating, and looking a lot better.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." You said.

"Hey, (Y/n)..." Ciel started.


"Have you...have...have you ever thought about....thought know....getting married?" He asked.

"I guess, to the right guy, and starting a family." You said. "Why?"

"No reason." Ciel said, closing the dorr and crawling back into bed with you, he pulled you as close as he could to himself with both arms, making sure he fully held you.

"Goodnight Ci-"

"I Love you." Ciel blurted. You were shocked, but smiled and snuggled closer to him.

"I love you too, Ciel."


Hai guys, thanks so much for all your support. No updates for a while. My birthday is today, (that's why I made it the authors birthday, that and I was out of ideas). And I have a dance at school coming up, so no new updates for a while. Okay, bai~! (Just a bonus chapter).

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