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Y/n 's pov:
I have last 30 minutes before we are going to leave to the Helsinki airport and the weird feeling on my chest was getting more and more stronger every minute that was closer to 7 pm. Since I actually don't have someone to talk about Aleksi, I guess I'm going to need to talk with Joonas about it. I'm not saying that I don't trust Joonas or these things, it's just weird, because Aleksi is a really good friend of Joonas and I don't want to ruin their friendship. Even when I probably ruined Aleksi's and Joel's friendship. No, not probably. I definitely did.

„Um hey Joonas, can I talk to you about something?" I asked him when I opened the door to the living room where the curly haired boy was watching television. „Yeah, of course. What's up?" Joona turned off the TV and looked at me with his blue eyes. „Can we go to my room? I don't want to risk that someone could hear this." I said to Joonas while I was playing with my fingers. „Alright, no worries and don't be nervous." I looked at him confused. „I can see your fingers dumbass" Joonas pointed at me. „Oh, come on" I said and went to sit on my bed.

„Okay so, what's bothering you?" Joonas smiled at me. I love how supportive he always is , even when he doesn't know if it's something bad or good. „Well, this may be weird, but it's something about relationship." I said to him awkwardly. „Holy shit, you have a boyfriend?" Joonas jumped off my bed all hyped up. I actually had to laugh at his reaction. He looks like a little child when he gets an ice cream. „No no no, but I may be in love with someone, but I'm not sure about that." I scratched my neck of embarrassment. I have no idea why am I feeling awkward talking about this with Joonas, because I was always telling him this kind of stuff.

„Get it bestie, no okay who is it?" Joonas sat back on my bed and I feel like he is looking into my soul with the look he's giving me. „Don't be mad at me, but um it's Aleksi" I said to him and turned my head to the other side of my room. When Joonas was not responding I turned my head back to him and he had his mouth opened. „How can I be mad? Aleksi is an awesome dude and he's like my little brother, so I'm really glad you like him. I know he won't hurt you and that he cares a lot about other people's feelings. I also know that if you would go with him you will be safe and nothing can happen to you." Joonas ended his monologue and smiled at me.

If someone would ask me if I expected this kind of reaction I would be like Nah stop playing with me bro. I'ts awesome to have  a friend like Joonas. He will always be the number one man in my life no matter who will come to my life. „Okay, so let's find out if you just like the attention or you are really in love" Joonas winked at me. „Let's start off with the simple questions. Do you have butterflies in your stomach when you see him?" He looked at me with a smirk. „Oh sure I do, every time." I answered without even thinking about it.

At most of the questions, I answered yes, so. „That means, that you are really in love" Joonas said with a smile on his face. „Well, nothing new I guess" I said and laughed a little bit. „I'm glad you are feeling better. Remember that I'm always there for you no matter what okay?" Joonas said and hugged me. „I know, and I'm also here for you." I smiled at him. Before Joonas could say something our doorbell rang and the guys were starting to punch the doors. „Do you think they already got some beer?" I asked Joonas. „ I would say yes, but they are too responsible to drink before driving.  " He laughed and went to open the doors for them.

„Joonas,brother" Niko screamed and hugged him. „Are you feeling better?" Olli asked me while grabbing one of my bags. „Yeah, thank you" I smiled at him. „All right brothers and sister, grab your bags, because Rotterdam is waiting for us" Niko said and everyone started helping us with our bags. You know going to Rotterdam for 3 weeks is a thought one. I'm really glad that we don't need to carry all these things by ourselves.

„Okay well now we just need to pick up Joel and we are ready to go" Niko said and turned on the engine. It actually didn't take much time to get to Joel's place, because we live kinda near to each other. Through these 10 minutes, we were listening to linkin park and I bet that everyone who saw us thought we are drunk. „Alright, I'll call Joel that we are here." Tommi said and called Joel. „Joel said he doesn't have that many bags so he just needs two of us. " Tommi said after ending the call. „Alright me and y/n will go, because you helped us" Joonas got out of the car.

„Do you know how much I hate you sometimes?" I said to him jokingly. „No you don't" Joonas said and punched me.
„Hey dudes" Joel said and handed me his bag. „Nice to see you too Joel" I said and grabbed the bag with my both hands. „Holy shit y/n, sorry I didn't knew it was you. Give me the bag." Joel said and smiled at me. I think that Joel also doesn't want to make things awkward between each other and I'm actually glad for that. I'm not saying that I forgave him, definitely not, but I don't want to be a bitch. „Nope, I'll take it, t's okay" I smiled and went straight to our car.
„Joonas and Joel should be here in a minute" I said to the rest of the band and gave Joel's bag to the car.
A/N: help i'm such a bad updater💀
im not going to think about some lies that i could tell you, so im gonna say it how it really is, im so lazy and i dont have any ideas so if you want, you have every right to kill me🤝
ALSOOOO if you are still reading this thank you so much for being so patient with me and my lazy butt🤍

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