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After almost 3 hours the plane finally landed in Amsterdam. „Hey kid, wake up." I heard Joonas whispering to Olli and of course I was saying the truth earlier. He was sleeping on Joonas' shoulder. Poor Joonas, we both slept on his shoulders, well it's not my problem that he's too kind.
Oh god, when I tell you that we were standing in a queue from a plane to the airport for like 15 minutes, I'm not lying. I have no idea why are people rushing so much to get their baggage like they need to get them first to the airport from the plane.

We spent another hour at the airport waiting for our baggage to arrive and Joel already made a reservation or how is it called for one big van, so we could travel with it around Amsterdam and then of course in Rotterdam. While waiting for the baggage Niko and Aleksi posted a selfie to their blind channel instagram story. „I'm gonna buy myself some coffee and muffin, does anyone want something?" I asked while searching in my purse for a wallet. „6 coffees, 4 muffins, and 2 sandwiches please." Joonas answered me after asking everyone what they want

„Wait, aren't you Y/n from blind channel?." The young lady behind the cash register asked me after writing my order. „Well not exactly from the band, but yeah." This is the first time someone recognized me from a different country and I have no idea how to feel about it, but it's cool that people know who blind channel is. No shit sherlock when they are representing Finland in Eurovision this year. „Can I take a photo with you? It's totally okay if not, I understand that you are probably in a rush." The cashier smiled at me. „Of course you can, it's okay." I smiled at her and posed to the camera. „Thank you so much Y/n and tell everyone that I wish them the best." She smiled and gave me a bag with all the food and drinks. „I will and thank you, it was nice meeting you." I smiled at her and left the little cafeteria.

.„Oh god, I got so scared when I didn't saw you." I laughed when I finally found our van with no one, but the six finnish men. „I thought that Tommi texted you." Olli said and looked at Tommi who just smiled guiltily. „Anyways, I don't know who wants muffins and who wants sandwiches, so there you go." I put the bag on the hood of the car.
„Oh and also the cashier wanted me to say to you guys, that she wishes you all the best." I told them before I forgot to tell them this. „Hold on, someone knows us here?" Joel had a confused look on his face. „I guess so." I smiled and took a bite of my muffin.

„I swear to god, these are the best muffins I ever tasted." Tommi yells in the car while contentedly eating his muffin. „I need to agree with you." Joonas says with a full mouth. „Are you five? Joonas you need to swallow it first, then start speaking, because the food literally falls from your mouth." Olli says while shaking his head.
I was scrolling through instagram and decided to go check on my requests. I suddenly came across the nice cashier from that little cafeteria. She told me that her name is Juuls and that she's 20 years old. We even chatted for a while, but she is still at work so, she had to go.
alsoooo, i'm so sorry if it's too short<3

how is everyone doing? i hope you are all doing awesome<3
take care :*

him & i / alex mattsonWhere stories live. Discover now