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„Alright guys, let's get moving." Joel said while opening the trunk. One by one we got out of the car grabbing our baggage. „Hello, we should have a reservation for two rooms on the name Niko Moilanen." Niko smiled at the receptionist. „Oh yeah I see, one is a triple room and the second one is quadruple room." Niko just nodded and we gave Niko our identity card. „Alright, everything seems fine. Here is a key for room number 317 which is the triple room and the quadruple room is a number 319." The receptionist smiled and handed Niko keys to our rooms.

When the lift took us to the third floor we went to search for our rooms. „Here!" I yelled when I found the numbers of our rooms. „Okay so Me, Olli, and Joel are taking the triple one and y'all take the quadruple one." Tommi said and opened the door. Meanwhile Niko handed Aleksi key to our room. When Aleksi opened the door we immediately had an amazing view of the whole Amsterdam.

There were two double beds with a TV and a bluetooth speaker. The whole room was filled in with some paintings most of them were by Van Gogh. As a person who is super into design interiors I must say that the room looks amazing. „Wow, this is beautiful." Aleksi smiled. I must say that Niko chose well. „Y/n would you mind sleeping with Aleksi? You know I have to sleep with my husband." Niko said and squeezed Joonas' cheeks.

I laughed and went to put my bag next to Aleksi's. While I was unpacking some of my clothes I found Aleksi gazing at me, so I replied with a smile. „Me and Olli thought that we should go get breakfast at 8 am somewhere in the city."Joel peeked out the door for a few seconds. „Yeah, i'm in." I agreed with Joel as the rest of the guys.
Since I felt kind of sweaty from the flight I grabbed my hygiene bag and rushed to the bathroom.

Tell me something better than washing up after a flight with cold water. There is nothing better and no one can tell me otherwise. When I got out of the bathroom I found all of the three guys laying in one bed looking at Shrek and I've never heard them more quiet than now. „Oh interesting, can I join?" I asked while plugging my phone into a charger. „Yeah come in." Aleksi said and opened the duvet, so I could lay next to him.

When I got under the duvet Aleksi put his hand around me and smiled. At that moment my long time friends called butterflies woke up and my breath became faster and faster by every second.
All of a sudden I felt his hand rubbing my shoulder, which made me shiver a lilttle bit. It's unbelievable how one person can make you feel nervous just by touching your skin.

Aleksi probably found out that his touch made me shiver and chuckled. „Hmh, I didn't knew that me rubbing your shoulder would make you melt."I felt his hot breath hitting my neck. He was right, his touch made melt, but who would blame me. Just look at him. A beautiful tall man with dark wavy hair, eyes that you could easily get lost in if you would look way too long at them, his perfectly shaped nose, those soft-looking lips and I'm not even talking about the way he acts to others. He's just perfect.

For the rest of the film Aleksi had his arm wrapped around me and sometimes when he started to talk with Joonas or Niko I could feel his breath on my neck and I'm not going to lie. He drives me crazy and he knows it. He knows it damn too well. „Guys I'm getting tired, i'm gonna try to fall asleep." I smiled at them and got out of Aleksi's grip. „I'm also gonna go to bed since the film is gonna end in a few minutes." Aleksi said and layed right next to me.

„Sleep well Y/n." I could feel his warm breath hitting my neck again. „You too Aleksi, you too." I turned around to his side and suddenly was only a few centimeters away from his face. Both of us were looking into each others eye until I broke the silence. „You smell really nice." Oh god, Y/n that's all you are going to say? What was that, aww Aleksi you smell nice. Great now he's going to think I'm weird. Stupid stupid stupid.

„Looks like I'm gonna have to wear this cologne more often huh? But now seriously go sleep, so you wouldn't be tired tomorrow." Aleksi smiled at me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. „Same applies to you little man." I smiled and closed my eyes.
Oh Aleksi what are you doing to me.
hey besties🤝 i kinda feel like this is cringe BUT i need to update yk :D so i'm truly sorry if iťs way to cringe bdjsbskw
<3 bye.

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