Verin and Ace

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Ace watched from the bed as Verin got ready.
They struck a match in the dark room illuminating it with warm sparks of light. The massage candle's wick caught aflame soon after. They didn't set the candle down, however. Verin sauntered over to the bed, lit candle in hand. Ace shifted as they came closer, moving to greet them.
Ace leaned in to Verin, meeting them half way for a lustful kiss. Verin set the candle down on the bedside table across from them, leaning back in to climb on top of Ace.
Ace obliges, shifting on the bed to lay on their back.
From the bed Verin traveled down Ace's body with their teeth, leaving a fine trail of bite marks in their wake. They stop at Ace's panty line, just short of where Ace wants them. They moan in anticipation, but Verin just lingers there. Ace is impatient, but just as they're about to beg Verin looks back up.

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