Chapter 1 - Beautiful youth

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It was a nice Sunday morning when the two families gathered on the Wang's house to enjoy their usual Sunday lunch. For years both families enjoyed time together. Their friendship has always been so good. They had meet each other when young. They got along well since primary school days and soon after getting married to their respective wives the friendship got even closer.

Soon they even moved closer together and every opportunity they would spend on each others houses just like today. Every Sunday they would get together and enjoy lunch while catching up on the week events. The Xiao family was in an exportation business and they have been quite busy. Between meetings and travelling the family enjoyed time at home with their little ones. The family already had 2 kids. Xuan Lu best know as Yanli and Zhoucheng best know as Cheng. The matriarch of the family was now pregnant with her youngest child. It was not planned but they were more than happy to welcome this bundle of joy in 2 weeks time.

In the other hand the Wang's consisted on just 2 kids. Liu Hainkuan was a big joy to the family when he came along soon after the couple got married. 4 years later Wang Yibo was born.

All kids got along well and would spend all the time together since that they were all in close age gaps.

Lu Jianmin: "Jing Hun. Please have a seat. We will finish everything". Jianmin was visibly concern over his wife. She wasn't very far from giving birth so all he wanted was for her to sit down and just relax so that it would not put pressure on her.

Zhang Jingtong: "Honey I'm ok. You have to remember. I'm just pregnant not invalid." She says without concern. Even though she had been quite tired and bloated this last few weeks, she was happy to help anytime it was needed.

Wang Yifei: "Jing he is right. We can handle everything. The children are all outside playing in the back garden and Lunch is more less ready. Plus what it is the point of having maids if we do not allow them to do their jobs right?"

Zhang Jingtong: "Everyone I'm fine. Really. This baby is quite happy to stay in place. Plus lately I been feeling amazing. For some reason I feel like going around cleaning the house. Don't ask me why!". The last few days Jing has been feeling great. Compared to the rest of the pregnancy Jing has been the best she has been since the start of the journey.

Wang Yifei: "Really? You feeling ok? If I did not know better I would say that this baby will be coming in a day or so. I remember with Yibo. The day before he came along I felt like going around the house making sure that everything was in place. It was almost like something was telling me that he was coming soon and everything has to be perfect." A laugh broke between the two friends.

Huang Ziteng: "Oh tell me about it. I was concern when I came back from the office and found her in the laundry room sorting out the clothes with a big belly. It was a sight to see." He joked.

Lu Jianmin: "Well anytime the baby wants to come he is more than welcome. Everything is in place. I will be doing the work from home from Monday making sure that I'm around when he comes. The last thing I need is to be in a meeting and getting the phone call. Last time was disastrous." They all laughed when they remembered Jianmin got the call from his wife telling him that Yanli was on the way and he had a panic attack forgetting what he needed to do and relaying on his driver to pick his wife.

Soon the Lunch was ready on the table and the children were called to the table after making sure that everyone had clean their hands. While the mother's helped the little ones to eat the older man keep the older ones distracted with jokes and laughs.

The environment was surreal. They all looked like one big happy family. They sure felt like it.

Soon all the kids were tired and took their naps while the older retired to the living room for some tea while talking about random things.

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