Chapter 23 - New Day, New life

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Today is the day that Yibo has finally been discharged and he could not been more happy. His casts have been removed from his arm and leg but he is still struggling to walk and put any weight on those limbs. Zhan has been a massive help while in the hospital but now he is about to go back to his apartment to do it on his own without having any nurses close by to help.

Yibo: "Finally i'm going home. As much as everyone have been brilliant with me in here I can not wait to be at my own place." He says while packing his last bits on a bag.

Zhan: "Well Bo-di now you can have me all to yourself without having to worry about people looking at us. Are you sure you don't want to stay in my apartment with me and Yanli?" Zhan asks him seriously.

Yibo: "From what Haikuan told me your place is quite small. Just perfect for you and Yanli while my place there is more than enough space for both of us."

Zhan: "Both of us really... What other plans does mister Wang have for us then? What it is crossing this crazy mind of yours?"

Yibo: "But this poor person can not walk very far to even use the toilet let alone cook for himself. How am I going to survive without anyone's help?" Yibo smirks looking at Zhan.

Zhan: "Oh really? Poor little you... How are you going to survive indeed."

Both boys laughed. This last few weeks has been a bless for them. Even thought Zhan was overtired due to long hours at work and looking after Yibo on his spare time he would not change it for the world. They could finally been together and enjoy time like the old days. They could talk about the love they had for each other knowing that there was no barriers between them.

Zhan: "Well all the bags are in the car now mister Wang please do the favour and sit on this wheelchair so that I can take you to the car and home."

Yibo was reluctant to go on a wheelchair but he knew that it was a long walk to the car and he did not have the energy for it yet. "Yes, yes... You just trying to find excuses so that you can wheel me about."

After saying the last goodbyes to the nurses, Zhan took Yibo to the car. He helped Yibo get in and then walked to the driver seat.

Zhan: "I guess you are going to have to tell me the directions since I have never been in your apartment." Zhan said looking at a sleepy Yibo.

Yibo: "Well it is not very far away from here. Just a few more blocks and we should be there really."

Even thought Yibo had told Zhan the coordinations to put on the GPS, Zhan thought this was a good time to have Yibo telling him the way home.

Less than 10 minutes later they arrived at a private apartment complex where he needed to present to the gates before they were allowed to get to the building. Since that the porter knew Yibo they allowed them to come in. Zhan drove to the car park where he then parked the car on a spot reserved for Yibo.

Zhan: "Dam does everything needs to be this fancy? You even have your own parking space."

Yibo: "Well my Zhanzhan, when are a CEO of a big company and a person like me, you request for privacy. And as you can see no one would be able to get in unless invited or allowed too. Plus with a mother like mine you can understand all my protection, right?"

Zhan: "Gosh don't remind me. I'm sorry to say this but your mum is evil. And to think that years ago I used to see her as a second mum to me... Actually I'm not that sorry."

Yibo could not agree more. He knew all the things Yifei was about and he was ashamed to call her mother. Zhan once again helped Yibo out and took him to the apartment. Yibo was supporting on the wall for Zhan to open the door. Once the door was open Zhan helped Yibo in and sat on the sofa. Zhan was amazed with the looks and size of the apartment.

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