Chapter 21 - Open Arms

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Days have passed slowly. At least it seemed like for Zhan. It has been a week since Yibo has been in coma. The swelling on his brain has been reducing but there hasn't been any other changes. Yibo was still induced in a coma to give his brain and body a rest so that he could recover.

It has been very hard for Zhan. Everyday he has been coming as spend as much time with Yibo as he can. The days he is on shift, he will come and stay with Yibo after his shift finishes until it is time to go home and get some rest. The nurses in the ICU have now been informed that Zhan is a resident doctor and works with them in the same hospital. Usually there is times restrictions for the visitors but since that Zhan is working there he has asked permission from his boss to at least spend 10 minutes with Yibo in of visitor hours.

His boss has agreed since that Zhan has been putting more hours at work than the usual. Zhan has never missed a day so far and with his hard work, he has won the respect of his boss. Sungjoo has been keeping an eye out for him at work, while at home Yanli has been making sure that Zhan has looked after himself. Haikuan has been coming and going to see Yibo every time his work permits.

He has spoken with his mother about Yibo and together with Cao they had made sure that news about his hospitalisation has not been published. Haikuan was expecting to see his parents at the hospital but so far this has not happen to the happiness of Zhan since that he knew Yibo would not be happy to have them around.

Sungjoo: "So Zhan, how's Yibo?"

Zhan: "The swelling is still coming down. Doctors think that in a few days or a week they might be able to close the gap on his skull again and maybe slowly wake him up."

Sungjoo: "Well that is good news, no? At least we know that he is in the best possible place."

Zhan: "Yeah. But it would be nice to see him opening his eyes. I miss his voice. It is hard to see him laid down on his bed without been able to kiss him or having him respond to me."

Sungjoo: "I'm quite sure that he can hear you. He will be up and about before you know it. Don't worry about it."

Zhan: "That is not what is worrying me really." Zhan looked down to the table. They were having a lunch break and they finally took sometime away from everything so that they could talk.

Sungjoo: "So... What is worrying you then?" Sungjoo has been trying to keep Zhan's hopes up. He can see how much stress Zhan has been going through.

Zhan: "What if... What is he wakes up and doesn't remember me? What if he doesn't want me around once he wakes up and can not remember all the things we gone through all this years. I don't want to scare him and make him hate me."

Sungjoo completely understood Zhan and his worries. "Zhan all I can say if for you not to worry about it now. Maybe he wakes up and you realise that he is fine and his memories are there. If not just think this way. He loved you for who you are for all this years. I'm sure that you would be able to make him fall in love with you once again. It might take time but it will be ok. You have me, Yanli, Haikuan and Cao all here for you guys. Anything that you need just tells us ok?"

Zhan: "Thanks man. I don't know what I would do if you guys were not around."

Sungjoo: "Hey, no need to thanks us. What are friends for?"


Days turn to weeks, and before everyone know it another week has gone by. Yibo has been taken into surgery the day before and was now back into the ICU to recover. The doctors decided to give him 2 more days before starting reducing the medication that is keeping him in a coma. The surgery was to close the skull gap since that his brain has now reduced enough. The fear of his brain swelling back up is still there but the doctor wants to keep an eye on it and if that is the case they will only open the skull back up.

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