Chapter 18 - Truth Hurts

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After the day that Yibo went to the Xiao's family and found someone else's family living there, Yibo end up in a depressive mood. He could not believe that his world was coming down and now he knew for sure that Zhan was gone. All the phone calls and messages that he had been sending to Zhan went unanswered and eventually the number was cancelled. Yibo did not know what to do.

After driving on end with no direction he finally stopped his car in front of his brother's apartment. He doesn't know how he got there or why he got there all he knew was that he was heartbroken and alone. After a good amount of time he finally got the courage to leave the car and walk to the elevator. When he was finally in front of his brothers apartment he knocked. The moment Haikuan open the door he was shocked to find Yibo with puffy and red eyes. He could see that his brother had been crying for hours.

Haikuan: "Yibo... Oh my god what happen? Did mother do something again?" Haikuan grabbed Yibo's arms and brought him to the living room. After sitting him down he walked to the kitchen to grab a cold glass of water to calm him down. "Please Yibo... Tell me what is going on? Why are you crying?"

Yibo: "He is gone. Haikuan he is gone forever." Haikuan was even more confused.

Haikuan: "Who is gone ge? Yibo you are not making sense." Yibo looked back at his brother when tears started falling down once again.

Yibo: "My Zhanzhan... My baby is gone. He is gone forever." Haikuan pushed his brother to his embrace. He hated seem Yibo in this state. Yibo would never show much emotion about anything so to have him here now on his arms crying, it was hurtful.

Haikuan: "Brother please explain! How do you know that Zhan is gone? Maybe the family just went for a trip. You know how it is.. Too many things happen. You can not assume that he will be gone forever."

Yibo: "No Ge. I went to their house. There is a new family living there. They don't know who the Xiao's are or where they are. They sold the house brother. That can only mean that they are gone. My Zhanzhan is gone and I don't know where." Haikuan was shocked. He was not expecting for the Xiao's family to just get up and leave.

Haikuan: "Yibo there is got to be an explanation. They have a business here so they can't be that far. I tell you what.. What don't you go and have a shower while I get us something to eat and in the meantime I will give Cao a call and see if he knows anything about it. Maybe he can find out where they went, Ok?" Haikuan was hoping that this would calm his brother at least a bit. There is no way they could just up and leave just like that. Maybe they just needed a breather after all the things that happen in the last few weeks.

Yibo did not said anything but did not stop his brother from helping him move to the bathroom. While Yibo was in the shower Haikuan ordered some take away while he called Cao.

Cao: "Hello Haikuan. Everything ok? I thought that we were only supposed to talk tomorrow. I'm still sorting out the paperwork." Cao as the lawyer for the company was always on call just in case Haikuan needed him to go over some paperwork so he assumed that this call would be a business one.

Haikuan: "No man. I'm not calling about that. It is about Yibo."

Cao: "Yibo? Is he ok? What is going on? What can I help!" Haikuan liked that about Cao. Even thought he worked for his mother as well as him he could always count of him for anything related to his younger brother.

Haikuan: "Yibo just arrived at my place in tears man. He has been trying to contact Zhan since that day and so far has not managed to speak with him. Today apparently he went to the Xiao's and found out that someone else is living there. Somehow the Xiao's managed to sell the place. I wonder do you have any way to find out where they went? I know that is it a breach of privacy but I'm sure you can understand the situation, right?"

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