Chapter 1

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Six years later. . .

Starseaker, a pink dragon with silver, star-like scales all over her, flew south for a little bit, going to jade mountain academy. Her mothers, Garnet, and Pathfinder, a blueish-black NightWing dragon with silvery blue underscales, and deep blue eyes, and also has an earring with a sapphire hanging on her left ear, were flying close to her. First day at Jade Mountain Academy Star thought, this is so exciting! I get to see Clay, Starflight, Tsunami, and Sunny! I hope queen Glory visits while I'm at school too. More dragons were becoming visible, flying around the mountains. "It was nice of Queen Ruby to let us stay in a cave in the mountains, near the school," Garnet said, flying up next to Star. "its also nice that Clay chose you to attend. we were planning on sending you ourselves, but Clay picked you." Me? star thought. "Oh-we're here" Pathfinder said, flying up to Star's other side. The school looked beautiful. The landing platform, bustling with lots of other dragons of different tribes. There was an area just outside of the landing platform where Star could say goodbye to her parents. She angled a glide down, toward that platform. Star landed and her parents landed shortly after. "We'll miss you" Garnet said, giving Star a hug, wrapping her wings and talons around her, also pinning her arms in place. "Why don't you hug back?" Garnet whispered. "It's pretty hard to hug back when your arms are pinned to your sides" Star replied. Garnet let go and Star gave her a hug, then turned to her other mom, Pathfinder. While they were hugging, Pathfinder said "remember, if you ever get overwhelmed, or scared, or anything. Come right home. Okay?" "Okay" Star said, and backed up to look at her parents. "We love you" they said in unison. "I love you too" Starseaker replied. I'll miss you so much she thought. Star leapt into the air and glided toward the main landing platform of the school.

She landed, dragons walking together, talking to each other, and others saying goodbye. Star walked into the main entrance cave and then, a NightWing said "hello! You must be Starseaker." Star paused, then said "yes, that's me. How do you know who I am?" "We were told we were getting our very first hybrid dragon in school today, and that she's pink. Clay specifically picked you." The NightWing replied. Clay chose me? Out of all the hybrid dragons out there? Star still had a hard time believing it. she just had to thank Clay. "Im Fatespeaker" said the NightWing. "I have a question" Star said. "Where can I find Clay?" "Last I heard, he was with Starflight in the library." Fatespeaker replied, handing Star a map of the school and a schedule. "Thanks" Star said, taking the map and schedule. Then Fatespeaker greeted another dragon who was entering the cave, and Star looked at the map. library, she though. she saw it on the map. Star followed the map to the library. her legs started getting tired cause of the bag of things she had brought. I'll put these is the sleeping cave after I talk to clay and thank him, she thought.

Star entered the library, and Starflight was organizing scrolls with Clay. When Starflight heard Starseaker approaching, he poked his head up from under the round desk in the center of the room and said "hello?" "Hey Starflight," Star replied. "It's me, Starseaker. I came here cause Fatespeaker said this is where she last heard Clay was." Clay looked over at Star from a shelf of scrolls. "Hey Starseaker!" He said, walking toward her. "Clay I want to thank you for picking me to join this school." Star said to Clay. Clay grinned and said "of course! We are lucky to have a hybrid here-and a beautiful hybrid, at that. You are taking the role of a SkyWing here, cause we don't want to accidentally have another grumpy SkyWing enroll after what happened with Flame and Stonemover, Sunny's dad." "I read the scrolls on the Jade Mountain Prophecy. As well as the prophecy you were in. By the way, I think you and Starflight were more heroic than the other three." Starflight looked over, curious. "How so?" He asked. "You had the most damage done to you," Star replied, "Clay's limp, and your blindness shows you did more. The others were great too, of course. Without them, there would be no prophecy for you to fulfill, false or not." She added.

"Do you guys need any help doing last minute setting up?" Star asked. "I think we are all good here, thanks though" Starflight said. "I'm not taking no for an answer," Star said, moving toward a disorganized scroll rack. she looked over at an organized scroll rack. they are organized alphabetically by author. the rack Star was at had author names starting with a T, U, and V, though they were mixed up. Star sorted scrolls, putting T with Ts and so on. she grabbed a scroll, and the author name said "Turtle"-Turtle! "hey Starflight" star said. Starflight looked in Starseaker's direction and said "yes?" "I found a scroll I want to borrow. its by Turtle!" Starseaker said, putting the sorted scrolls on the rack. she walked over to Starflight and put the scroll on the desk. "I also need my library card, too". Starflight rehashed under the desk and pulled out the library card for Starseaker, "here you go" Starflight said. Starseaker checked the scroll out of the library and said "I really need to take my things to my room." she forgot about the things she was carrying. "my legs are so tired and I still have to go to my classes which involves walking." Clay walked up beside Star and said "let me help." he took the sack on Star's back and they walked to her dorm. "your clawmate's name is Sunflayer. she is a NightWing. I think you'll get along," Clay told Star. "you are also part of the Jade Winglet, too." Jade Winglet? Star thought. the same Winglet with Moonwatcher, Winter, Peril, Turtle, Kinkajou, and Qibli? this is awesome!

they made it to her dorm and Clay said "get settled in. classes start later, today, and we start with small group discussion class. the Jade Winglet will be led by me at that class, too." Clay gave Star her bag and said "have fun. and if you need anything, come find me. I teach healing, and self defense. i'm also the hall monitor, so I may also be around the school, too. if you can't find me, feel free to go to another teacher. Starflight's almost always in the library." "thank you so much, Clay" Star said, slinging her bag around her back. she stepped into the room and saw a NightWing with silver scales wrapped in loops on her tail, and silver scales in a loop on her back ankle, like an anklet, who was reading a scroll. "hello" Star said, "you must be Sunflayer". the NightWing look up from her scroll and said "yeah. and you're Starseasker?" Star nodded and said "but you can call me Star". "Star. I like that name." Sunflayer said, putting a rock on her scroll to hold her place. "Sunflayer is a nice name too" Star said, putting her scroll on the rack on her side of the room. Sunflayer grinned, and said "thanks." "whatcha reading?" Star asked. "just some history" Sunflayer said. "oh awesome! I did lots of history reading before I came here, to school" Star said. "wanna walk the school, and get to know where the class rooms are?" "sure. we can" Sunflayer said.

they left their sleeping cave and started in the main entrance room. "I assume we both know where the library is, seeing as we both have scrolls." star said. "how do you know I got my scroll from the school library?" Sunflayer asked. "it was stamped" Star said, nudging Sunflayer with a wing. Star looked at the map of the school and said "lets check out the prey center!" she ran down the corridor on the back right side of the main entrance cave, and took another right and stepped into the prey center. there, she saw Clay organizing the prey, putting live animals in pens, making sure theres enough fish in the water, and putting the fruit in piles. Sunflayer caught up and looked around and said "this place is pretty cool." Clay saw them a waved. Star and Sunflayer waved back. "make a new friend already?" Clay asked, sorting fruit...for some reason. "looks like I did" Star asked. Sunflayer smiled. "and im glad we are friends. you made a good selection for us two being Clawmates, Clay." I'm glad to hear" Clay said. "do you know how hard it is to work with food and not be able to eat it?" he asked. "but i'm best for this job because I know what food is best." he said proudly. "we are exploring the school right now. trying to remember where to go to get from class to class. I think I almost memorized the map already." Star said. Sunflayer and Clay looked at her, surprised looks on their faced. "how? already?" Clay asked. "yup" Star said, picking up a mango and ate it proudly. "Where should we go next?" Star asked Sunflayer. "The history cave!" Sunflayer said with excitement. "Alright" Star said. She looked at Clay and said "see you around, and good luck setting up the prey center." Clay nodded and said "thanks. See you around." Starseaker and Sunflayer left the prey center and headed for the history cave.

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