Chapter 2

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When Star and Sunflayer got to the history cave. Webs was setting up last minute by putting up maps, and writing dates. Webs hadn't noticed Star or Sunflayer yet. Webs' tail was pretty close to a vase with some weird looking plant in it. It looked like a flower, but two sides on the stem have curved spikes like a dragon's spines, and swirled around the top, flowery looking part. Webs turned to put more maps and papers up, and knocked the vase off with his tail. It fell off the desk and Star jumped and landed in a slide on her stomach. She reached out her talons and caught the vase before it hit the ground. Webs jumped in fright, but took a calming breath. "Thank you," he said. Star put the vase up higher on a shelf, where Webs' tail wouldn't knock it over. "Webs," Star said. "I just wanna say that we are both complete and total history nerds" Star gestured her and Sunflayer. "Good" said Webs. "Maybe someonewill actually pay attention. Are you okay with learning about the Scorching first?" He asked. "I've learned about it probably a hundred times, but sure!" Star replied. "See you at class, Webs" Star said. Sunflayer nodded, "See yah".

"Alright Star" Sunflayer said. "You pick where we go next." Bong, bong, bong. "The gong rang. Small group discussion class today." Star said. "I guess that's where we're going next. And tomorrow, we have a full day of school. I'm so excited!" "me too" Sunflayer said.

they found Clay and he led them to the class room where their small group discussion class will take place. Star and Sunflayer walked into the room. there was an IceWing, and a SandWing in the room already. shortly after they sat down, a MudWing and Raining came into the room. "where's the SeaWing, Squid?" Clay asked. bong, bong. the gong rang again. "class is about to start. where is he?" "ill look for him" Star volunteered. "hurry back, Star" clay said as Star left the room. if I were SeaWing, and its my first day at school, and im scared or nervous, where would I hide? Star thought. maybe the underground lake! Star raced to the biggest underground lake, in the cave in the middle of the circle the sleeping caves are in.

"Squid?' she called. "my name is Star. I'm in the Jade winglet, too. are you here?" no answer. "if you're not here, I look pretty weird right now." Star heard a little giggle, coming from a back part of the cave. "Squid. you can come out" Star tried again. she went to the back part of the cave, and there was a green SeaWing, sitting, curled up. "hey" Star said in a quiet voice, crouching next to him. "small group discussion class is starting. are you coming?" "I-i don't think I'll fit in. i'm too shy. even the littlest things scare me." Squid replied. "come on, i'll take you to class." Star said, nudging Squid's side. Squid shook his head. "theres a SkyWing who kinda, maybe punched me." he showed Star a bruise on his arm. Star put a reassuring talon on Squid's shoulder, and said, "he only did that cause it makes him feel stronger, when really, he's just like you and me." Squid looked up at Star, a sparkle in his eyes, and said, "really?" Star nodded and said "yes. he'll do anything to make him feel stronger, or bigger than others." Star held out a talon and helped Squid up. and they walked to class. Star with a wing around Squid.

they made it back to their clay just before the gong went bong. "just in time" Clay said. "where was he, Star?" "the big underground lake. someone punched him in the arm pretty hard." Star replied. "think you can do one on one self defense lesson?" she asked. Clay nodded, and started the class. "lets go around the room and tell each other our names. I'll start. my name is Clay. I teach self defense, and herbs and healing." he looked to his right, at the IceWing. and the IceWing said, "my name is Polar." "I'm Namib" the SandWing said. "im Swang" said the MudWing. it was Star's turn, so she said "my name is Starseaker. but you can call me 'Star', for short." then Sunflayer said "my name is Sunflayer." "im Pour" said the RainWing. "I-im squid" Squid said nervously. "now, we all know each others names. let's begin." Clay said. they went over a list of questions that Clay obviously put together before class.

after the class, Squid came up to Star and said, "the SkyWing that punched me is right outside." Star peeked out the doorway and saw a dark red SkyWing with orange-ish red eyes leaning on the wall outside the cave. he saw Star and said "never seen a pink dragon before" in a cold voice. "a SkyWing picking on a dragon who is smaller and weaker, huh? but what else is new?" Star said, staring into the SkyWing's eyes. he snorted a breath of smoke from his nose, obviously upset from what Star said. "NO one picks on me. you'd better stop now, or I'll do to you what I did to that puny SeaWing" the SkyWing shot at Star. "so you admit it. you're picking on weaker, smaller dragons, to give you a feel of power." Star shot back. that got the SkyWing mad. he charged as Star, but she ducked and rolled away.while the SkyWing's back was turned, Star landed a punch on his side. he growled, fire rising in his throat. he shot a stream of fire right at Starseaker.

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