Chapter 5

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"water cave with no lid? what could that mean?" Star said. then it hit her like a boulder. 'when the moon is full and bright'. "I think I know where the next riddle is-or, will be.' she told everyone. "the big underground lake that is completely open to the sky. when the biggest moon is full it will shine onto the lake. clay, when is the next time the biggest moon will be full?" she asked Clay. "umm, tonight" he said. it was dusk. "not much waiting. that's suspicious" Star said. "Undoing must have timed this to happen perfectly. he's smart, and we need to be careful." and Star waited impatiently for the moon to rise high enough to sine in the lake in that cave.

the moon shone through the huge opening in the ceiling of the cave, and onto the lake. but there was something on the moon, or close to it. it was words!

"in order to increase out agreeability

head to the land full of Possibility

after that, you may take a break

so then my next plan may awake"

Star read on the moon. Clay stepped closer to the lake. "what does it mean, Star?" he asked. "the 'p' in 'Possibility' is capitalized, so that must be a place. The town, Possibility!" "you have to go on your own from here. we have to teach still. you and Sunflayer, go to Possibility. good luck, and don't die." Clay told Star and Sunflayer. and then, Star and Sunflayer went to their sleeping cave to pack their bags of things they need.

Star packed a few blank scrolls, and some other scrolls to read. she even grabbed the scroll written by Turtle and put it in her bag. Sunflayer also packed some scrolls. Then they went to the prey center and grabbed some fruit. Mangoes, pineapples, apples, and bananas. Then they went to the library. Starflight was cleaning up for the day, ready to start another one tomorrow, and as Star and Sunflayer walked in, Starflight said "hello?" "Hey Starflight, it's me Star, and my friend Sunflayer. We're here for scrolls. We are kinda on a journey. No joke. Squids been kidnapped." Star explained. "We solved three clues now, and are off to find the next one in Possibility." "I see," Starflight said. that sounds like a blind pun right there Star chuckled. "Is something funny?" Starflight asked. "I just heard a blind joke that you made, Starflight. 'I see'?" Star replied. Starflight and Sunflayer both laughed, and Star joined them. "You're funny, Star," said Starflight. "Thanks," Star replied. "Now, Starflight." said Star. "Do you have any scrolls with tips on survival or being captured by an evil dragon? Perhaps a scroll on what to do if an evil dragon captured your friend and is sending you on a scavenger hunt across Pyrriha?" She asked. "As specific as that is, we only have ones on survival skills." Starflight replied. "I'll take them." Star said. Starflight brushed a talon on something engraved on a scroll rack, then moved right as if he knew where to go from there. "Here we go" Starflight said, taking a scroll from a rack against the cave wall on the right. "Survival skills. You know, Star. This is how I was when escaping the cave under the mountain. I tried to bring scrolls I might've needed. But couldn't. We had to burn some so the others who escaped could find it, then find the entrance." "I remember reading that part" Star said. "I loved the adventure you guys went on. I do wish you went on more adventures, but then you might have not founded this school. Thanks to Sunny's awesome idea." "You know, Star." Starflight said. "Lots of other dragons are like 'oh my gosh, the dragonets of destiny!' But you, you're talking to me like a friend. Like I'm a normal dragon like everyone else. It's nice, that for once, there's a dragon who talks to me like a normal dragon. Good luck on your journey. And also, Star. Squid was an alternate dragonet of destiny." And Starflight explained all he went through on the island. Even if Star knew it already, she stood there and listened. "And then, Morrowseer sent him off, hoping he'd die along the way. But then a spy in the Talons of Peace found him, luckily." Starflight finished. "I could just listen to you talk all day, Starflight. But I have a clue to find. Maybe later?" Starflight nodded. See you," he said. "Bye" Star and Sunflayer said as they both ran out of the library.

They made it to the landing platform. The two smaller moons were high in the sky. "Ready Sunflayer?" Star asked. "Ready," Sunflayer replied. They were ready to take off, when they heard someone call "wait!" It was Swang. "I'm coming with you" he said, out of breath. "I know It might be dangerous, but Squid is my claw mate, and if something happens to him, I'll feel responsible." He walked up to Star and Sunflayer. "I hope you're packed, cause we are leaving right now" Star said. Swang gestured to the bag on his back. "I'm ready" he said. "Then let's go" Star said, leaping into the air. The others jumped into the air as well, and they flew to the Five-Tail River, and to Possibility.

They flew over the desert. The cool night desert air, filling Star's lungs. They could see the Five-Tail River not far ahead, and right next to and along the river, was the town of Possibility. the town had grown since last year, when Darkstalker was starting to terrorize everyone. and after that, defenses have grown, but you could still come and go as you please, and there were no walls, so the town could expand.

as they flew closer to the town, smells of the food stands filled Star's nose. she could make out the smells of bread, lizards, meat, and even roasted bananas. . . for some reason. they flew down toward the town. and soon after they landed there was a a dragon-a SkyWing- looking for them. once he saw Star (which must have been really easy), he made his way to her and said "you Starseaker?" Star nodded. "figured. I was told to give this to you" he said, handing Star a note. Star took the note, looked down at it, then back up to look at the SkyWing, but the SkyWing was gone. "that's oddly suspicious" Star said, opening the note. then she read it out loud. "to Star. you may take a break now, like I said in that last riddle. I can assure you that Squid is fine. i'm keeping him well fed, and theres a room with a few scrolls, though lots of them are burnt to ash. theres even a river. my nicest guard watches him at all times. Squid is in good talons. go home. celebrate your birthday in a week. and tell your mom, Garnet, I said 'hi'. I'll see you soon, Star. Sincerely, Undoing." Star looked at Sunflayer's and Swang's faces. "I have to do what he says. but theres something that caught my eye. the scrolls that were burnt to ash, and a river. I think Squid is where the Dragonets of Destiny were raised."

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