Chapter 14

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Moon paced around a round table in the center of a dimly lit room in her house. She had recently set it so they could make plans, and use a map too. On a wall next to the table, there were sketches of any dragon affiliated with Undoing. So that meant Timetraveler, Shadowlake, and . . . Sunflayer. And they all had a thread connecting them to a sketch of Undoing. Sunflayer was in the room too, along with Moon, Winter, Turtle, and Qibli.

Under the sketch of Sunflayer, there were words which read daughter of Undoing. Under Timetraveler's sketch, it read time traveling assistant. And under Shadowlake's, it read unknown.

"What do we know so far?" Moon asked the group. "He's like Darkstalker, but he's toying with us — mostly Star," Qibli said. "Right" Moon agreed. "He's toying with us. So how do we use that against him?" Moon though for a moment. "Umm . . ." Star started. Everyone looked at her. "There's a way to take him down — but only temporarily. He hasn't told me how, but he said it's a way I know best." "Are there and clues?" Qibli asked. "Signs in the way he speaks, thoughts you've had, or anything like that." "Now that you mention it" Star said, "I often think of ripping his horn off and stabbing him with it." They looked at Star, shocked. "What?" Star said. "I bet some of you though of gruesome ways you'd like Darkstalker to die if he wasn't immortal." Then they all got that "oh yeah" look on their faces.

Star peaked out the small, circle window of that room that was covered by a leaf curtain. The smoke has spread much farther now. If it continues to spread, the NightWings will be invisible because it will be so dark. The only tribe that is better at hiding than the NightWings, is . . . the RainWings. They can turn invisible whenever they want, unlike NightWings who are nearly invisible only in darkness and shadows. "We have to tell Queen Glory," Star said. Then, without waiting for a response, she ran out the door of the room, made a sharp right, and ran out the front door of the house. "Wait up!" Sunflayer called after Star. Star glanced back and saw Sunflayer catching up.

She flew through the forest as fast as she could without hitting anything. She could hear a few annoyed voices, too. Must have been invisible RainWings. "Watch it!" Called one. "Look where you're going!" Called another one. She even heard one say "a pink dragon? It doesn't look like a RainWing. Stars? Maybe it's a . . ." Then the voice faded away.

She flew and glided through the forest, dodging trees, vines, and sloths as she made her way to Queen Glory's palace. She landed on the platform outside of the waiting area where you'd have to wait if you have a request or two for the Queen. Star got lucky. There was no one in line. She walked in and as soon as she saw Glory, a NightWing who was standing next to her jumped to the side and said "halt! What business does ye have with the Queen?" "Really Deathbringer!" Glory snapped. "Move so I can actually see who's here." Deathbringer tipped his head down and stepped aside, mumbling something to Glory. Glory mumbled something back in reply. Glory looked at Star. "What brings you here?" She asked, looking majestic, her crown of flowers blowing in the slight breeze that came through the flower curtains in the room. "Have you seen the dark black smoke in the sky?" Star asked. Glory nodded. "Well, it's going to spread and make the whole continent look as if it's always night. The NightWings will be rendered invisible," Star told Glory. "And you RainWings can become invisible whenever you want, so you have the upper hand." Then, Star explained all of what she knows of Undoing's plan, and what Undoing had told her. "And Glory," Star started, a tear forming. She paused for a moment, then continued."Tsunami . . . Is-" "is dead" Glory finished. "Someone came and told me earlier." Glory turned her head to the floor, a sorrowful expression on her face.

After a moment, Star heard footsteps behind her. She turned around, and a RainWing walked in. He has the markings of a piebald python, those being different shades of brown. His main color is a creamy white and he has has deep brown eyes you could just get lost in. He also has a crown of roses on his head. "Who are you?" Star asked. "My name is Cinnamon" the RainWing replied. His voice sounded like the third RainWing she heard on her way here, too. "You saw me fly here, didn't you?" Star asked. Cinnamon nodded. "I want to help you" Cinnamon said. "Are you sure?" Star asked. "I don't want to put any RainWings in danger." "I'm sure" Cinnamon replied. "And plus, we have the advantage-" "so do SeaWings" Star interrupted. "They can see in the dark, and they have scales that can glow!" They had two tribes, two whole tribes that have an advantage. And another advantage they'll gain by working together is numbers. Two tribes against a few NightWings . . . And an animus who might loose his soul and go mad at any minute.

Star informed Cinnamon and Glory what they knew and what they had planned so far, including the part where they ask the SeaWings to help them. "They would still be vulnerable because they won't be able to hide" Star said. "Unless we hide them," Glory suggested. "Then they can watch out for NightWings and warn us if they see any." They had a way to defend against the NightWings now. The next thing Star needs to do is tell the SeaWings.

"I've noticed one thing about evil animus dragons." Qibli said, walking through the flower curtain. "They never do the easiest thing. Undoing could just kill us all and be done with it, but he's playing with us, thinking there's nothing we can do about it. There's something we can do though. And only Star can do it." "There's more, Qibli," Star said, "a prophecy." Then Star told. Qibli the prophecy. "And who gave this prophecy?" Qibli asked. "Sunflayer," Star replied. "I never know she was a seer until she told that prophecy in her sleep."

"So this prophecy is mainly about you?" Cinnamon asked. Star nodded. "But what's the Golden Gauntlet?" Qibli asked wonderingly. "I wonder if Starflight has some scrolls in the school's library" Star said. "And if not, maybe we can find something to tell us where we can find this information."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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