Chapter 9

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The next day, after her small celebration, and after Sunflayer left, Star ate a mango that no one ate the previous day. She also put some in her bag, too. Then, Star decided that it was time she returned to school. Then she would be able to share her plan with the teachers. Star said goodbye to her parents and flew south to the school, but got thirsty along the way. She spotted a small stream just up ahead, and she flew there.

She landed and began to drink. Then she glanced up for half a second and saw something there. She lifted her head up and saw Undoing sitting there, drinking water. "You" Star said, full of hate. "You know, Star" Undoing said, "I feel like I can trust you fully all of a sudden." Star fought back the urge to rip his horn off of his head and stab him with it. It was extremely difficult to fight it, but she did it. "Allow me to tell you my life story, Star." He took another drink of water.

"I got this animus power from an ancestor or mine. A great great great many many more greats grandmother. She had animus power and gave herself the power to foresee, but foresee farther into the future than any other dragon. She kept her power a secret, cause she didn't want attention, or to be mentioned in scrolls. She saw my potential, and enchanted her daughter so that when I was born, a far, far, far into the future, I would be an animus. When Darkstalker arose, I was a high ranking soldier in his army. I saw Turtle battle Anemone on that beach and took that moment, cause I knew about Darkstalker's animus detecting spell, to enchant something to make my spells undetectable. So Darkstalker will never know I used my power. And then, enchanted it to make me immune to all animus enchantments, unless I approve them, or they're my own. Jerboa's enchantment has no effect on me because I did that enchantment in time. Then, at the battle at the academy, I enchanted an object to look like a normal NightWing, and for Darkstalker to think that it was me. It worked, of course. I watched from the shadows. The heroic feats of the Jade Winglet. After that annoying and puny RainWing turned Darkstalker into a child with no memories or powers, I flew back to the lost city of night. And I started to come up with a plan with the NightWings. Most of them left, but a few liked my ideas. I got your egg not long after those events, too. I also enchanted myself to have impenetrable scales, but there's still a way you can kill me. And it's a way you know best. But once I die, I'll get frozen and will appear somewhere else. And one month later, I'll emerge from the ice, unharmed, with all my memories intact. You see, while I'm in the ice, I'll be aware of my surroundings. I can form a new plan. You can't stop me. Not permanently, at least. One more thing. I know you can follow orders because of the scavenger hunt. You must care about Squid. He's fine though. And that is all I came to tell you, Star. Some things, I'm still keeping from you. But you'll know them in due time."

And then, Undoing took another drink of water, leapt into the air, and flew away.

Star flew away, to the school, thinking about what Undoing had said. I can kill him. And it's a way I know best? Star thought. But he'll just come back. I need to figure out how to stop him permanently. He sounds cocky and full of himself. Maybe I can use that.

She got to the school and found Clay. She explained what she knew already, and what Undoing told her. Then she told Clay to tell Sunny and Starflight while Star told Tsunami. Maybe I can tell Glory Star thought. Star went to go put her things in her sleeping cave and saw Sunflayer come out just as she arrived. "Star!" Sunflayer called, running up to Star. "I'm so glad you're back!" "It's good to be back," Star replied.

Star put her bag down on her sleeping ledge and walked with Sunflayer. "I just can't got to class" Star told Sunflayer. "Squid is still gone and I need to do something about it. Maybe I should go see Starflight." And then, Star went to the library. Sunflayer, not far behind.

They enter the library and Starflight poked his head up to listen. "Hello?" He said. "It's Star and Sunflayer," Star said, then Starflight relaxed a bit. "Starflight," said Star. "Are you busy?" Starflight shook his head. "Not at the moment. Why do you ask?" He replied. "I just want to talk. Maybe have you lecture me on something." Starflight's face lit up. "Really?" He said excitedly. "About what?" "Anything" Star replied. "What was the NightWing island like?" Sunflayer asked. "Horrible," Starflight said.

"Lava rivers, almost no trees or food, and the air was full of ash which made it hard to breathe. And the NightWings took RainWing prisoners to study and experiment on. That made me pretty mad. I the. Asked if Fatespeaker wanted to help them, and she said 'yes'. So we got our ticked off of the island, which was Flame, the SkyWing. He had accident gotten scratched by a SandWing tail, and Morrowseer didn't want him to die, cause he was the only SkyWing he had. So we used that to get past the guards. We told the guards how mad they, Morrowseer, and Battlewinner, would be if Flame died, and they reluctantly let us past. One in the rainforest, I told Tsunami what happened, and that I needed to see Glory right away. Then, I told Glory that the NightWings were planing to attack at midnight. Then she gathered dragons and started making a plan at the tunnels. Sunny tried sharing her idea but everyone was talking over her. I really wanted to help, but she went to Clay. Her idea was to use sleeping darts so no one had to die. We rescued the RainWings and also Deathbringer and told the NightWings our conditions to let them live in the rainforest under the rule of Queen Glory, and the accepted. The last NightWing through the tunnel was Morrowseer, whom we stopped, of course. We know he'd be lying if he promised to live in peace. Then, the volcano erupted. We ran for the exit, but i Stopped and looked back. Clay rushed in and saved me. But I'm blind now. And now, I'm the head librarian here at the school."

Starflight finished. Sunflayer looked like she was struggling to keep her eyes open. And Star, she enjoyed it very much.

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