Chapter 6

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"Where the Dragonets of Destiny grew up?" Sunflayer asked Star. Eyes wide. "I think. The clues are vague, but I'm pretty sure that's where he's holding Squid. But I'll do what he says, if I want Squid to live. I'm going home." So they said their goodbyes, and Star flew to the cave she lives in inside the Claws of the Clouds Mountains, while Sunflayer and Swang flew back to the school.

The sun was risen a good amount by the time Star got home. "What are you doing here?" Pathfinder asked, looking up from the scroll she was reading, as Star walked in. And so Star explained to both, Garnet and Pathfinder, everything that had happened. Getting to class early, getting a mate already, which they questioned her on and were suspicious about. She told them about her friend, Squid, getting kidnapped, and how Undoing sent her on a scavenger hunt, and then the note saying to take a break. But Garnet's reaction when Star said the name "Undoing" was suspicious. She was definitely hiding something. Don't question her. That will make her suspicious, and bad things might happen, Star thought. Garnet pulled Star aside and said "Undoing left a note here, for you." She handed Star a note, and Star opened it. And it said:

Star. A little bit about myself. I have animus magic. Darkstalker gave it to me, only cause I said he could cast a spell on me to obey his every command. And he gave me this power. Ever since he disappeared, I removed that obeying enchantment, and made it so no one, but me or a spell I approve, could cast a spell on me. That's how I get the notes to where you find them. And that dragon that gave you a note; and enchanted pile of sand. And how I got the notes there at the right time; time travel. I have a dragon on my side whom I gave the ability to time travel. She can go to all possible futures, and any past that could have happened, or that did happen. Continue on back.

Star turned the piece of paper over.

do what I said in that last clue and take a break. okay? all I want you to do is follow the clues I give you. you're a smart dragonet, Star. colors...are questionable. but you're smart, and I could use your smarts for good things. we can do good things, Star.we will meet soon enough, Star. for now, if you want Squid to live, follow the clues and find him. this is a test for you and I have no intention of hurting him. don't fail me, Star. we will meet soon. sincerely, Undoing.

"Mom" Star said. "in my last clue, Undoing told me to tell you 'hi'. Does he know you?" she asked. of course not, Star. he just told you that to make your thinking all messed up." Garnet told Star. Star wasn't convinced, still, but she decided to stop thinking about it for now. Then, later that day, Star figured out who she needed to talk to; Moonwatcher.

"Mom," Star said to Garnet. "theres someone I need to go see."

Star said bye to her parents and left for the rainforest. she flew the rest of the day and some of the night to get to the rainforest, because she lives in a cave far north, while the rainforest is far south, at the bottom of the continent.

once they landed on the squishy muddy ground, she began to look for Moonwatcher. she asked RainWings and NightWings but none were helpful. then, she found a NightWing who was helpful. "hello," Star said. "my name is Star" "I am Hope" the NightWing replied. "I've read about you!" Star exclaimed. "your son, Darkstalker, was turned good and named Peacemaker!" "yes" Hope replied. "do you need something? you seem to be in a hurry." "yes." Star replied. "i'm looking for Moonwatcher." "i'm right here" a voice said from behind. Star turned around and saw Moonwatcher, with Peacemaker, holding a basket of strawberries. "what do you need?" she asked Star. "what do you do if a dragon is obsessed with you, and think you and him are going to work together?" and what Star replied. Moon dropped her basket of strawberries and Peacemaker quickly picked up the basket. Moon, Star thought. Someone is holding my friend captive somewhere and I think I know where. Moon nodded and said "let me take you to Queen Glory." and Moon leaped into the air and Star followed, going to see Queen Glory.

as they got closer, Star could hear some voices. "I just tried a new fruit, Glory! its really, really, REALLY good! you should try it!" one voice said. then, Star guessed was Glory, another voice said "later Kinkajou. I"ll try that later." then Star and moon walked in and Glory said "hey moon! who's this?" "i'm Star, your majesty" Star said, giving a slight bow. "I have terrible news on what happened at Jace Mountain Academy." and so Star explained everything that happened. Squid getting kidnapped, Undoing, the scavenger hunt. everything between her first day at school, and right now. "oh my" was all Glory said. "and Glory." Star said. "i'm pretty sure he's holding Squid where you grew up. Under the mountain."

"no, no ,no. I will not go back there! I hated that place. I almost died there, but Clay went out that river and let us all out. how do you know that is where Squid is, anyway?" she asked Star. "he said in a note that there are scrolls burnt to ash, and a river in the cave as well. and I instantly thought of the cave you grew up in". "you're probably right" Glory admitted. "though I hate it, you're most likely right" he really told you to take a break?" Glory asked and Star nodded. then, Glory said "you better listen to him." "I plan to do that" Star replied. "oh my gosh!" Kinkajou exclaimed. "the world needs saving again?let me help!" "no Kinkajou." Glory said. "I don't want any harm to come to you like last time." "but I'm fine, aren't I? I'll be careful, I promise!" Kinkajou protested. "you need to stay with me. that's final. you can help me by staying safe. here, tell you what. I'll go ahead and try that fruit. okay" Glory told Kinkajou. "oh alright" Kinkajou said.

then, Star felt something strange happen in her bag. she opened it and there was another note. "what does he want now?" Star said, taking out the note and opening it. then she read it out loud.

"Star. I feel like I should tell you what i'm doing. I'll tell you some of it. i'm taking over from Darkstalker, and will be better than he ever was. soon, i'll be the only ruler. no one can stop me. probably cause of the time traveler I have on my side. and my magic. we will meet soon, Star. count on it. sincerely, Undoing."

Star put the note down. "he is obsessed with you, Star. like Darkstalker was with me," Moon said. "I'll help you find him and stop him." and then they went to Moon's house to make a plan. one that will stop Undoing forever.

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