Chapter 7

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"What do you know about this villain who is obsessed with you, Star?" Moon asked. "He's an animus. He is immune to other animus spells unless he approves them. What should I do Moon?" Star asked. "For now," Moon said, "do what he says. Go on the scavenger hunt, and find Squid. I'll help any way I can. What do you need me to do, Star?" Moon asked. Star though for a moment, then said "Moon. Are Winter, Peril, Turtle, and Qibli busy? We need them." "Winter is in Sanctuary, Qibli is at Queen Thorn's palace, Turtle must be home, so I'm not sure how to get to him." Moon replied. "I have an idea" Star said. "But it means telling Squid's dad, Nautilus. He won't take the news, Squid getting kidnapped, lightly." Star felt something move in her bag again. "Did he leave another note?" Star said, opening her bag and taking a note out of it. Then she read it out loud for Moon to hear.

"Star. Leave these other dragons out of it. This is for you, and me. Squid will live if you do what I say. You're smarter than this, Star. I told you to go home. Now go home.


"He sounds mad. He didn't say 'sincerely' this time. I'd better go, Moon. Be ready in case I need you, though." Star said. Then she said bye to Moon and flew home.

She walked into the cave and Garnet asked "how'd it go? Was whoever you were finding any help?" "Undoing knew what I was up to and sent a note telling me to stop." Star explained. "He's getting on my nerves and he must be stopped!" Star shouted. "I don't think so" said a deep voice from behind. Star turned around, and there stood a muscular NightWing with a scar on his face going through his left eye, who is almost twice as big as Star. "Hello, Star" he said. "It's nice to finally meet you." "Undoing" Star said, with hate in her voice. "No need to sound so hateful" Undoing said, taking a step toward Star. Star looked around and only saw Undoing, and her mother, Garnet. "Where's Pathfinder?" She said. "Out by the ocean" Garnet replied. Star let out a sigh of relief. "Star," Undoing said, "I mean it when I say 'do what I say or Squid will die. Okay?" Star nodded, then said. "But I have an idea on where you're holding him." "I knew you would, Star. I was counting on it. Then, I was waiting to see if you follow my orders, or go save Squid by yourself. So far, you've been following orders. That's good for me. We'll be in touch, Star." Then Undoing turned and exited the cave.

As soon as he left, Star collapsed to the floor, taking deep breaths, then rolled over, taking more deep breaths. It was hard for Star to not rip off his horn and stab him with it. "I think I'll just stay home for a while and go back to school after my hatching day." Star sat up, and put her bag on the floor next to her. She went to a room in a side corridor of the cave and hung her bag on a hook that is in the wall, and flung herself onto a stack of pillows at the back of the room, wings and tail went limp and she just laid there, wishing none of this had ever happened.

Then, Star decided to go join Pathfinder by the ocean, we she is often found. She left her room and said to Garnet "I'm going to the ocean. Hopefully that will calm me." and she left the cave. As Star flew to the shore, she did some thinking. I will never do what Undoing says. I'm going to free Squid myself. I just need a plan. But my hatching day is in five days, and I don't want to miss it. I'll make a plan, celebrate my hatching day, then rescue Squid. So then, I might have the plan ready once my hatching day is over and I can go save Squid right away.

Star reached the shore and saw Pathfinder sitting on a rock, gazing out into the ocean. Star landed beside her. "Know what I love about the ocean?" Pathfinder said. "The waves move freely, with no limits or boundaries. And the sound they make just calms me." Pathfinder pulled Star close to her and they just sat there, listening to the waves and watching the sun set below the horizon. They just sat there. Pathfinder with a wing around Star, and wind blowing in the cool dusk air. "Star, it's getting late" Pathfinder said. "Your hatching day is in a week. Let's go home and get some rest." And so they flew home, to get some sleep.

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