Chapter 13

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Think of something, Undoing's voice said in her head. At least she thought it was Undoing's voice. "N-no I would never do such a thing," Star said, tears forming in her eyes, a false memory forming in her head. Star had entered the room Tsunami was in. She saw her lifeless body on the floor. She entered the room and was hit on the head, and knocked out. When she woke up, Tsunami's body was gone.

"I wanted directions to Stonemover's cave" Star said. "I entered the room and saw her body lying there. I went in the room to look around, but was hit on the head." Star paused, acting as if she needed a moment. She let some more tears fall. "When I woke up, her body was gone." Star curled up, as if she wanted everything to end. Sunny put her wings around Star and gave her a hug. "I'm so sorry I made you talk about such a tough moment" she said, still looking torn up about Tsunami's death.

Star didn't say anything else and just flew away. She just flew east as far as she could go. She saw the shore and decided to land there. She walked up to the shore and picked up a talonful of sand and threw it into the water. Then she did it again. This time, when she threw it, if flew out of sight. What? Star thought in shock. That's not possible. How can I throw so far? Star spotted the nearest tree, went to it, and turned really hard to swing her tail into it at full force. Her tail punched through the tree, and the tree fell over with a loud, leafy thud. Star stood and stared in shock. She was much stronger than she was just a couple day ago. But then again, she hadn't payed attention to her strength until now. She could have had this for days and not even know it until now.

Star realized something just then. Maybe if I go to the ruins of the Summer Palace, I can try to get a message through to Turtle! She leaped into the air and flew east again. Across the ocean, to the Summer Palace. To at least try to tell Turtle. Tell him that there's another 'Darkstalker' who is obsessed with me like Darkstalker was with Moonwatcher. Maybe he can help. But his animus magic. Maybe I can fix that Star thought. She continued to fly east, to the ruins of the Summer Palace. Hoping to find Turtle. Hoping him and Moon will be able to find the others too. They'll need them for sure.

Star spotted the chain of islands. She pictured the map of the continent in her head and counted the number of islands in that curl of islands until she was at the Summer Palace.

She angled a glide to the ruins and flew inside through the top. She landed and what she saw was no where near what she had expected. She thought it would be very quiet here and that here wouldn't be a dragon anywhere in sight. Instead, the was about 20 SeaWings that Star could count. Most of them were rebuilding. She scanned all the SeaWings, trying to see if any faced look familiar. She walked to the middle of the space and turned around. Over by the far wall, she could see a blue-white dragon with lots of spikes on his neck. It was an IceWing!

Star trotted over to him and said "excuse me. Are you Prince Winter?" The IceWing turned around and saw Star. He studied her for a moment, then responded. "Yes," he said. "Who are you?" "My name is Starseeker, or just Star for short. I'm have a very similar situation that your friend Moonwatcher had about a year ago." Star told Winter. "Let me guess," Winter said, "there's an all powerful power hungry dragon who wants to take over the world and rule all the tribes or kill them, either of those options works for him, and he has something to do with that tall pillar and cloud of smoke that looks like it's spreading. And he's obsessed with you and thinks you'll be able to help him."

Star stared in surprise. "That was SPOT ON!" She exclaimed. "How did you-" "lucky guess" Winter interrupted. "Turtle should be here somewhere," he said. Star scanned the area for the green SeaWing. There was light blue, dark blue, and green dragons. Star looked at the details though. None of the green ones had that arm band that Turtle wears. She couldn't see it anywhere so far. She turned back to Winter, but as she turned, something gold glimmered in the light. Star had caught it with the corner of her eye, turned, and saw Turtle. He was helping some other SeaWings slide stones back in place, or hang some new banners. Star pointed and said "there's Turtle". Winter looked surprised that Star could point him out in the crowd of SeaWings so easily. "Good eye" he said.

They went over to Turtle. He turned around and looked at Star in awe. "Who are you?" He said wonderingly. "My name is Starseeker. Just call me Star for short" Star replied. "I need the help of the Jade Winglet."

Turtle nodded. "Let's go to a private room so you you can explain everything" he said. "I have an idea" Star offered. "Should we go to Moon? She plans to contact you anyways. Might at well save her some trouble." They all agreed on that idea. Turtle told his mother, Queen Coral, that he needs to possibly save the world again. They lifted off into the air and flew west, to the rainforest. To make a plan to stop Undoing. Even if Star dies, she has to try. No one else will if she doesn't. Undoing is powerful – and wants more power – but there's a way to stop him. There's always a way, even if it's tough. Star can figure it out. With the help of these dragons and anyone who is willing, she can do it. Undoing, look out. I'm coming to put an end to you. And I'm not alone. She glanced at Turtle, then Winter. She has hope. Lots of hope. She's sure she can do this. She just has to try.

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