îm ŵhåt?

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~Ivy's POV~

Walking up to the porch of my old home I noticed the door was open. Hm. Strange. I gently shove It open and walk into the main room. I shiver as more and more memories come flooding into my mind. I brush it off and cautiously make my way up the stairs and into my parents room. I was going to do some sneaking around.
I could feel my phone vibrating but I had no intention to check it. If they wanted to talk they're going to have to wait until I get back.
Making my way further into the room I go into their walk in closet where I see boxes on the top shelf.
What could be in there?
I pull the step ladder over and carefully climb up it and open the flaps.
Inside was baby items along with two framed birth certificates.
One was Ross's.
It said his first middle and last name.
Mine was underneath of his.
But mine was different. Of course it had different information like name and birthday but mine was off.
The name on it was Ivy Marie Coleman.
That's when I learned the truth.
I wasn't really a Quinn. If these people didn't give me up I wouldn't have lived a life of suffering. But then again I never would have met my new family.
I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I carry the box down the ladder.
I set it in my room and quickly find a bag big enough to hold it.
Once everything is carefully put into a bag I make my way back out to My motorcycle and get on but not before shutting the door.
By now it's dark and I'm not crying as hard anymore. I need to get home. I put the key in and turn out of the driveway and head home.
When I pulled up next to the garage I noticed everyone was still here, which was a good thing but right now I just needed to talk to someone about this. I pull the bag up further on my shoulders and take my key out to get in the house.
Everyone looks over to the door as I shut it and slide down it, my tears making their way back as I bury my face into my knees.
"Ivy what's wrong?" I hear mom ask. I want to answer, I really do, but all her voice causes me to do is cry harder.
I soon feel arms pull me into a soft embrace.
"It was all a lie." I bawled.
"Shhh Shhh I've got you babygirl." mom whispered into my hair.
I nodded and we slowly pulled away so we could get up.
Once we were standing mom wrapped her arm around me and helped me to the couch.
"Ivy, what's wrong?" mom asked.
The others looked concerned as well. I Just took off the bag and set it on the floor.
Normani looked at me and picked it off the floor. She opened it and pulled the birth certificate out. She gasped and looked up at me.
"What is it?" Demi (or mama) asks, grasping my left hand while mom had my right.
"Its her birth certificate." Normani started.
Holly took it from her and her eyes grew wide.
"Ivy Marie Coleman."
"So the monsters adopted you too." Holly said referring to my supposed parents.
"I guess they did." I told them getting up.
"Um I think I'm just going to get some sleep."
As I entered my room Cooper perked up and hopped off of my bed to greet me.
"Hey baby." I said with a slight smile.
He licked me and I sighed before stripping off my clothes and put my pjs on.
I climbed back into my bed and close my eyes only to fall into a nightmare filled sleep.

~Normani's POV~

"Wow I can't believe this." Ally breathed out, leaning into her girlfriend, Camila.
"Should someone go talk to he-" I started before there was an ear piercing scream coming from upstairs.
Thinking the worst, I stand and run to her room as fast as my legs can take me.
I can hear the other girls behind me.
I open her door as fast as I can only to see her frail body shaking as She let's out a high pitched scream.
"Ivy! Baby wake up! It's okay! It's just us." I say, lightly shaking her.
She shoots up with wide eyes and starts bawling.
I pull her into me and hug her tightly.
She hugs back and cries into my shoulder. The other girls slowly joining in on the hug.
"Want us to stay?" Lauren asks Ivy after a few minutes. She nods with a scared look on her face.
"Okay, we'll be right back." Lauren said as all the girls got up to get changed into their onesies.
I slipped out of her grasp and wondered to her closet and changed into a pair of her sweat pants and one of her oversized The 1975 t-shirts.
I join her on the bed and pull her back into my front.
"I love you. You know that right." I asked, while placing a tender kiss on her shoulder.
She nodded and turned to place a kiss on my lips.
"You're my light in the dark Normani Kordei Hamilton."
The others soon trickle into the room and find different places to sleep.
Dinah and Holly take the beanbag, Camila and Ally made a spot on the floor, and Lauren and Demi dragged a blow up matress into the room.
"I love you guys." Ivy whispers.
"I love you more baby." Lauren said from her spot.
"I love you too!" the other five in the room yell.
And with that I realized what really mattered. Family. Family was All I really needed.


Yooooooure welcome. But what even is this garbage.


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