are we okay?

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~Dinah's POV~

It's been about a week since the incident with Ivy and Bea. Things were said, items were broken, and feeling were hurt.

Ivy wouldn't come out of her room for 3 days after. She didn't even eat. She finally came out of her room because she needed water other than the water that comes from her shower or sink.

She comes out, gets drinks and snacks, and goes back into the abyss and doesn't come out until the next day.

Lauren is fuming and still pretty pissed off.

She hasn't been herself for a few days and we can all tell she's stressed out.

Demi has been around a lot more.

Which is kind of weird because I'm used to seeing her once or maybe even twice a month if we're lucky.

Honestly I'm getting tired of it and I'm sure the others are too.

"Hey Ally, Can you get Mani and Mila and come here please?" I asked as she passed my room.

"Sure. I'll be back." she said and walked to the stairs.

"Mani! Mila! Come here!" she yelled.

I heard footsteps And a thud followed by a loud "IM OKAY!" I laughed to myself.

They all entered the room and Sat down.

Ally on my beanbag, Mani on my bed, and Mila on my lap.

"Before we start this I have to say something important." I paused.

"Your butt is extremely bony."

"I happen to take pride in that bony butt. Thank you very much!" she said while the rest of us just laughed.

"Well this is about what's been going on. I think we should talk to the three of them.

I talked to Bea's sister and she said She hasn't left her bed. The poor girls heartbroken." I spoke up. "So is our Ivy."

"I'll talk to Ivy." Camila said.

"I'll take Bea." mani said getting up.

"Then we'll take Lo." Ally said referring to the two of us.

"Lets do this." Mani smirked while putting her hand down.

We all put one of our hands on hers and counted down from 3.


After that various things were shouted.

Mani yelled "Chicken Wings."

Mila just yelled.

Ally did some weird hand movement and yelled out the lyrics to a frozen song.

I just did my thing and yelled Yoncé.

We split up and ran to our victim. Mine just happened to be one of the moodiest people ever.

Don't get me wrong, I love Lo a lot but she gets pretty mad pretty quickly.

This should be fun.

~Camila's POV~

I was standing outside of Ivy's door for a few minutes before deciding I've been standing there for long enough. I pushed the door open only to be met with an empty room.

Her bathroom door was shut and a light was glowing under the door.

I crept over to the bathroom before knocking silently.

"Ivy. Come on babe. Open up. Its just Camila." I whispered through the door.

I heard quiet sobs coming from her and it broke me knowing that I couldn't really help her from feeling this way.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a loud thud from the other side of the door.

~Ivy's POV~

I was leaning on my shower wall when I heard a weak knock on the door. It was soon followed by a silent voice that belonged to none other than Miss Karla Camila Cabello.

I didn't answer her. I just sobbed quieter than I was before. She didn't give up so I got up to unlock the door.

The problem was that I had cut. And I had cut deep.

It burned but I didn't care. I deserved the pain. I was half way to the door when everything started getting blurry. I tried grasping the countertop of the sink but before I knew anything.

My whole world, went black.


Holy shiz This is really bad. How do you people even get through this? I'll probably get rid of this chapter but oh well I'm posting it.

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