we're in trouble.

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~Bea's POV~

When we pulled into the driveway Ivy was still sleeping on my lap but her phone was on the ground buzzing constantly. I looked at it and saw some girls name repeatedly flashing over it.

"Who's Brittany?" I asked picking it up.

"Hello, Ivy's phone. Bea speaking." I answered formally.

"Oh did little miss worthless kill herself? Finally." she chuckled. "Took her long enough." she spat dryly into her phone.

"You Fucking bitch! She didn't for one! And for two you better leave my girlfriend alone if you know what's good for you!" I said harshly.

I angrily hung up wishing it was a flip phone because angrily pressing end call doesn't have the same affect.

Ivy was still asleep so I leaned down and softly pressed my lips to hers. I knew she was awake when her lips started to move in sync with my own. We pulled away a few moments later when air became a problem.

"Come on. Lets get inside." I smirked and pulled her out of the car and towards the door only to hear shouts coming from Lauren.

"Keep your clothes on children!" She was dead serious.

"No promises." she whispered.

We stopped dead in our tracks when we heard someone clear their throat.

We turned to see Dinah with her hands on her hips.

"Oh hey DJ." Ivy said nervously.

"Door open you two." she said seriously before walking into the living room.

We raced upstairs and into my room shutting and locking my door behind me.

"Now. Where were we?" I asked backing her into the door.

"Hmmm I don't know Bea." She said as she closed the gap between us, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

It got heated quickly and ended up with Ivy straddling me on her bed.

Its been about an hour now and we haven't taken a break. I'm not even sure we are going to stop.

We pulled back only so I could pull her shirt off. She threw it across the room only to hungrily attach her lips to my neck. She hit my sweet spot and caused me to moan.

"I-Ivy pl-please." I begged.

She responded by tugging my shirt off quickly followed by my pants.

She left soft kisses down my chest and trailed down to my thighs.

She left softer kisses inside my thighs and stopped at my centre. She looked up as if she was asking for my okay.

I just nodded as she looped her thumbs in my underwear carefully pulling them down.

I would tell you but I don't kiss and tell.

I began returning the favor and once she came I let her ride out Her high.

She wasn't even near calm when there were several knocks on the door.

Oh shit.

I jumped off of her in attempt to cover us with a blanket and pretend to be asleep. I was halfway there when the door opened up. Ivy burried her face into her pillows while I Sat frozen like a deer in the headlights. Way to act casual.

Oh shit We are in for a very long lecture.

~Ally's POV~

We were all in the living room playing charades.

It was Camila's turn and to be honest, she looked like a dying chicken.

"A cow! No a mail box! Wait! No your dying! Oh wait! You're a lawnmower following your dreams!" Dinah yelled.

"Guys she's obviously an astronaut." Lauren said with a duh tone in her voice.

Demi was sitting in between Lauren's legs, resting her head on her chest.

"THANK YOU LO!" Camila yelled jumping off the table.

We were all deciding who would go next when we heard multiple moans followed by Ivy screaming Bea's name.

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and ran upstairs only to find Ivy's bedroom door locked.

Lauren was pissed beyond belief.

We began banging on the door while Normani began searching for the key. She finally found it and handed it over to Lauren who opened the door to reveal a Beatrice Miller caught red handed.

Oh this was going to be a long night.



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