Fïrst $høŵ part one

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~Ivy's POV~

As I pull into the back of the arena I hear the screams of the fans, desperate to meet their idols. Not going to lie, that would have been me a few months ago. But look at me now! Touring the world with four of the best aunts anybody could ask for, one of my best friends, Bea, and my band!
Life is finally looking good!

"Hey Ivy." one of the bodyguards, Jamie, says to me as I pull up.
"Hey Jamie! Will you be with us the whole trip?"
"That's right sweetheart!" he said with a chuckle.
I smiled and hugged him.
"Kiddo, you should really get to hair and makeup!" he said putting his arm around my shoulders, leading me to The Outcasts dressing room.

"See you before you preform. Call me if you need me." he told me, ruffling my already messed up hair.
I smiled and nodded before sitting in the tall chair to get my hair and makeup done.

After about an hour a half I was finally done and waiting for rehearsals to start. The others had all arrived fifteen minutes after the makeup and hair stylists started on me.

"So what's the plan for this? Do we go on before or after Bea?" Holly asked, while one of the stylists teased her hair.
"We go on after her." Louis said, looking at his phone.

"Is anyone else extremely nervous about this?" Gabby asked as she paced the room. "Gabby calm down. We're all panicked." Alyssa said, sticking her foot out to trip her friend and fellow band mate.

Gabby tripped and stumbled over, but lucky for us, Niall was there to catch her.
"Thank god I almost died." Gabby sighed out as she kissed Niall's cheek.

I rolled my eyes and went to find the girls with Holly. Holly just finished with hair and makeup. They decided to let us keep our outfits on that we had on before.
Holly had an alien skirt on with a black crop top, cat stockings, white combat boots, and a black hat.

"We're cute." Holly said as she bumped her hip on mine, causing me to stumble. I shot her a playful glare before we continued our search of the girls.

"I wonder what this show is going to be like." Holly stated. We turned down a hall expecting it to be just us but there was a camera crew.

"Ivy! Holly! Are you two excited to be a part of this tour?" a tall blonde asked.
"Oh my god." Holly mumbled with a stupid smile playing on her lips.

There was a bit of a pause so I decided to answer.
"Heck yeah we are! It's going to be such an amazing opportunity and to be doing this alongside some of the coolest people I know just makes it so much better!" I said with a goofy smile.

Holly nudged me happily and the woman spoke again.
"The Outcasts are all about family aren't they!" she asked.
I leaned into Holly as she answered.
"Yeah we really are. We wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for each other."

"Heard it here first guys!" the woman said into the camera. The three of us laughed as the camera shut off.
"Hey you two. I'm Chelsea Briggs." the blonde said sticking her hand out.

"I'm Ivy and this is stupid." I introduced us as we shook hands.
Holly put her hand over her heart in mock hurt.
"Hey! Rude!" Holly said, laughing imeaditly after.

"Just kidding. This is Holly." I corrected myself.
Chelsea was laughing at our childish antics.
"You guys sure are unique!" she laughed.
We smiled and excused ourselves to go and find the girls.

"Hey Holly. I can see your tattoo." I said pointing my finger towards her thigh.
She shrugged and smiled.
"So what. I love it." she told me, pulling her skirt up a bit higher to show it more.

"Should we be concerned?" we heard a voice ask from down the hallway. We looked up and saw Dinah and Normani standing at a vending machine.
Holly interwines our fingers and pull us together.
"Maybe you should be." she replies, giving them a serious look.
Dinah and Normani glare us down.
I make eye contact with Holly and we burst out laughing.

"Ew it would be like dating my sister." I laugh and push her away.
"Yeah that would be waaaay too weird." Holly laughed as she walked into Dinah's arms.
"Give mama some suga." I said in a strange accent. Normani laughed and pecked my lips.

"So will you guys be in the audience or on the side of the stage?" Holly asked as We began walking back to where the other girls were.
"We'll be watching from side stage since we're performing before you guys. Bea actually goes before us and once we're done it's you guys Then Demi and finally what people actually came for, Little Mix."

((oh my god I'm sorry if that was confusing))

The people coming to the first show were probably the luckiest because every other concert will be just Bea, The Outcasts, and Little Mix. Not that the ten of us aren't amazing but all of us together are powerful.

"Oh my god. You're performing before us?" I ask happily. Normani nods with a smile and I cuddle into her side, giving her a warm, loving hug.
"Oh my god Ally. I love their relationship." I heard Camila 'whisper' from her spot on the couch which just so happened to be on Ally's lap.

I smiled at Camila as the rest of the girls and performers enter the room. Were going to do a pre-show prayer.
Ally decides to take the lead.
After the prayer we all yelled Amen and laughed.

"I love you guys! Never forget that!" I said pulling everyone into a group hug. They hugged me and soon pulled away After a crew worker told us it was time.

"Good luck, Bea!" I told her as she went to the stand that will raise her up into the stage.
She turned and shot me a wink. I blushed slightly.
Oh my god why did I blush? Do I still have feelings for her?

I shook it off and turned to Normani who was looking at me sadly. I smiled slightly and walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

"It's you and only you, Normani Kordei Hamilton. Forever and always. That's a promise." everything I said was true. I couldn't imagine my life without her.
Without her I wouldn't want to live in this world.

Before we knew it, Bea was done with her set and it was Fifth Harmony's turn to go on stage.
"Good luck babe. Love you." I said, pecking her lips as she ran on stage.

They did amazing but seeing my mom like that? Not a fan of that.
But Normani?
I swear I'm most likely drooling right now.

They all ran off the stage and up to me and Holly. I currently had my arms wrapped around her trembling body.
"Holly it's going to be okay!" I try to assure her as Gabby, Alyssa, and Louis rub her back.

"Holly, I'm going to need you to breathe. In and out. You're having a panic attack." Demi said, joining us.

"Hey, Bea. Can you occupy the audience? Just for a few minutes?" gabby asked her frantically. Bea got one look at Holly before she nodded and ran back onto the stage.

"Holly. Match my breathing. Breathe in. And let it out." I said as her head was in my shoulder.

"Give her some room guys." Demi said softly, pushing the band and the others who had gathered around us back.


Okay so I think there's going to be two or there parts to this.


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