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~Lauren's POV~

Two hours later, everyone's here.

We're all pacing around the waiting room where other patients families are.

I had one main couple I was watching.

They were maybe in their mid 30's.

The man had dark hair and a red flannel with dark jeans.

The woman had light blonde hair with a blue sweater and light jeans.

They were a perfect couple.

That's when a new sound went off and yelling coming from multiple nurses and doctor's.

"CODE BLUE CODE BLUE!" one of them repeated into a speaker.

The couple immediately started crying.

They lost someone.

Either a family member of a friend. Maybe their own child.

I can't even begin to imagine the feeling.

I had the urge to go and talk go them but the door to Ivy's room opened for the first time in a few hours.

"Family of Ivy Jauregui?" her doctor asked, totally slaughtering our last name.

We all stood up.

And by we, I mean me, the other girls of Fifth Harmony, Bea, Demi, Cher, The ladies of Little Mix, the Grande siblings, and the YouTubers.

Everybody was here.

"Wow. Big group you got here." he tries to joke.

I just stare at him waiting for him to start talking.

He clears his throat before speaking.

"Well. It seems that her health is getting better. If we're correct she may be waking up sometime today," he tells us smiling.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of my babygirl being okay.

I was the first one in the room.

I Sat in the chair I sit in everyday while I'm waiting for Ivy to open her eyes.

As soon as I sit down , I take her hand in mine and run my thumb along her knuckles.

"I'm right here baby. I'll be here until you wake up. I promise." I close my eyes, letting a tear slip.

I'm the only one in the room right now besides Ivy so I don't even try to stop the waterworks. I just let it all out, like I have been for the past few months.

"Don't cry mo... Lo." a scratchy voice tells me.

I look around, confused on who could have said it.

That's when it hit me.

Ivy was awake!

~Ivy's POV~

I don't know what this is.

All I know is it's pitch black and I've been here for a while. Maybe a few days?

Oh well that's not that important. Is it?

While all I could see was darkness, I could hear everything. I heard a lot of things ranging for holding on to Camila rambling on and on about how much she likes someone. That someone always ends up being a food almost every time. I wish I could talk because I'd make some smart ass comment about Her being in love with Lauren.

Anyways I heard Lauren talking to someone about something then I felt her grab my hand. I smiled to myself and tried opening my eyes. It was hard but somehow I managed.

Everything was so bright. It hurt.

I mentally groaned and looked over.

Lauren was sitting in a plastic chair holding my hand.

I think she was crying?

"Don't cry mo... Lo." I said.

I mentally cursed myself for almost calling her mom.

Her head shot up.

"Oh my God! You're okay!" She yelled pulling me into her tightly.

"Yeah I guess." I mumbled to myself.

Just then the rest of them piled in.

My eyes were locked on one person at the moment.


She just stood there looking at me wide eyed.

A large smile creeps onto her lips as she hurdles herself towards me.

"I love you so much baby." she told me before She crashed her lips into mine.

I really missed those lips.

I smiled and kissed her nose.

She giggled and kissed me again.

"Okay okay ooookay kids! Keep it PG!" Normani yells pulling Bea away.

I blush and look down.

Ally was about to speak up when the doctor walked in.

"Well. She'll be able to leave within Three days. Get plenty of rest Ivy." the doctor says smiling.

"Oh My God! You're coming home babygirl!" Lauren yells.

I smile.

"Well I think I'm going to rest so I can come home on Friday."

Friday also just so happens to be My Birthday.

I don't know if they know that yet.

My Birthday is December 12. I'll finally be 16.

I can't believe it.

Everyone but Lauren, Demi, and Bea soon leave the cramped hospital room.

I finally fall asleep when Bea gets in the bed and holds me close to her. The last thing I heard was the soft beating of my beautiful girlfriend's heart.


This chapter is dedicated to my friends who threatened to pound my face in if I didn't update soon
Love you all


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