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!!!Chapter contains NSFW part at the end - skip it if you're under 18 or in a public place!!!

Ryan pov

I feel a strange tickle on my chest, it's probably Urie.
- B, stop it! - I call out, but in return I get hit by something a little fluffy in my face.
I open my eyes and see a pigeon on me.
Breathe Ryan, breathe.
I try to calm myself down, but the bird decides to peck me at the collarbone and take to the air.
I jump off the bed with a yell and pick up a slipper lying on the floor. I throw it at the pigeon, but the nasty creature has no intention of flying away.
- Ryan, what's going on here? - Z, who I live with, rushes into the room. Her gaze lands on me waving my slipper at the wide open window.
- I'm chasing a pigeon, why you're asking? - I reply and swing at the bird flying in my direction.
It makes only a terrified screech. The annoyed pigeon moves towards her and tangles in her hair.
- Take it away Ry! - she shouts, shaking her head.
- Just take it easy. - I say, even though inside I'm shaking. - I have an idea! - I grab a cardboard box from the floor that I still haven't managed to carry out after moving. - Don't move Z! - I announce and try to grab it with my hands, but it flies into the air and crashes into the mirror.
I leap at him in surprise with the cardboard box and lock it inside with a smooth motion. I breathe a sigh of relief as I hear the menacing pigeon flutter inside the cardboard box.
- Get this out! It's disgusting! - asks Z and leaves the room. She is probably going to wash her hair properly.
I get dressed in sweatpants and a loose T-shirt. I take the cardboard box and go out into the street. I let the pigeon out a few houses away. Let someone else deal with it. I go back to take a quick shower and eat something before a long day at work.

- - -

- One more time, Ryan! - says the producer and I just sigh and start singing the chorus of the new song "For The Ride" one more time.
- First there was silence... Then the... - I sing and he just shakes his head.
- Ryan, not like that! - He says and turns off the background music.
I leave the studio and walk up to him.
- What's wrong again? - I ask, sitting down on the swivel chair next to him.
- What? Listen. - He turns on one of the recordings. It sounds drab and bland. - Ryan, man, you got talent. You just need to put in the work. Take a break, get some air, drink some water and come back. - manages.
- But... - I want to protest.
- No 'but'. Now! - He pushes me out into the hallway and slams the door.
I walk down the long corridor in front of the building. I sit down on the bench in front of it and light a cigarette.
- Worse day? - I hear behind me and turn around. It's Brendon.
- Maybe... - I answer and take another drag.
- So how about a romantic picnic? You, me, the beach, sunset... - he offers and sit next to me.
- I'm busy tonight. - I say.
- But Ryan... What's more important than me? - he asks, looking straight into my eyes.
I lose myself in their beautiful color, like good whiskey, but I quickly shake it off.
- I'll be at work. - I answer. - The other one. - I add seeing the look on his face.
- You can take the day off. - He suggests taking the cigarette from my hand.
I watch as he puts it between his lips and closes his eyes while inhaling.
- Okay, so you don't want to... - He says after a while when I don't answer him. - See you another time. - He gets up and moves towards the entrance.
- Wait! - I grab his hand and pull him to me, pressing my lips to his.
Urie returns the kiss and put his hand into my hair.
- I'll be there at eight. - He whispers into my mouth and lets me go.
I follow him to the elevator. He presses the button with the floor number 5, I press 2. We glance at each other surreptitiously, exchanging smiles. When we are between floors 1 and 2, Brendon presses STOP.
- What are you doing? - I ask surprised.
- You know exactly what. - He replies and starts kissing me.
He pushes me against the wall and slides his hand under my shirt. I pull him closer by his belt loops and our lips meet again. I feel his warm hand brush my torso. It feels so good. I grab his butt and he jumps up with a squeal. We laugh and a moment later we are kissing passionately again.
- Ryan... - He whispers and bites my ear.
- Bren, I have to get back to the studio. - I interrupt him by pulling away slightly.
- Now? - He looks at me sadly.
- Unfortunately. - I start the elevator again.
I glance at the large mirror on the opposite wall and comb through my hair. I manage to fix my shirt before the doors open and Mike, the guitarist from Panic!, gets in. I say a quick 'hi' to him and head to my studio, grabbing a cup of water from the vending machine on the way. I smile at the thought of an evening I won't be spending looking after my own business in the club after The Overpass again, but with Brendon.

- - -

We stop near the beach in Santa Barbara between two palm trees. Brendon pulls out a small picnic basket from the trunk and grabs my hand. I cross our fingers together and move with him toward the entrance. After just a few steps I can feel the cold sand under my feet. Near the ocean, Bren sets down a blanket and starts pulling things out of the basket. First a bowl of salad and cutlery, then two red plastic cups and wine in a carton. Finally, he lit a candle and put it in the sand next to our feet. How romantic... I sit on the edge of the blanket, staring at the sun setting over the ocean, the perfectly golden-pink sky and the waves crashing on the shore.
- Beautiful, isn't it? - he asks, embracing me from behind and putting his head on my shoulder.
- It's perfect. - I reply and turn back to him.
Our gazes meet and our lips connect. Urie hugs me tighter around the waist and I tangle my hands into his hair. We deepen the kiss and he tries to lie down with me.
- Why don't we eat something first? - I suggest sitting down again.
- Maybe. - He counters and picks up a carton of wine to fill the cups.
I remove the lid from the salad and place it between us. He has made an effort. There's green lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes like from my uncle's garden in Mexico, cheese and something else.
At the thought of Mexico, I remind myself of a sunny vacation probably in  1994 when we went to visit Andy and Caroline. There was even Grandma Juliette, who usually never left Nevada. I was barely 8 years old at the time and didn't know my life would turn out this way.
We eat in silence, feeding each other and sipping cheap wine. We joke or remind a funny stories from the time of the "A Fever" promoting tour.
- I wish every evening looked like this... - sighs Urie.
- Me too. - I answer and put my fork down.
- Love me. Here. - He whispers in my ear.
I smile at him. I stand up.
- Let me decide where. - I reply and give him my hand.
We leave our basket, blanket and clothes on the beach. We enter the water completely naked. Just like that time in Myrtle Beach. We plunge to our shoulders before I catch him around the waist. I bring our lips together in a long and passionate kiss. Bren puts his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to dive down for a moment to kiss me underwater. After surfacing, I shake out my hair and pull it back. We kiss sloppily, quickly and greedily. His hands now slide down my back to my butt. Mine wander down his perfect chest and stomach to his crotch. Urie pulls me closer to him.
- You don't even know how much I want you. - He whispers and bites my ear. He always does this when we make love. Because with him it's always more than just sex.
- And you don't know how much I want you. - I say and kiss him again.
Bren turns his back to me, pressing his whole body against me. I embrace him and start placing kisses on his shoulder. I won't let him think it will be quickly and he'll go back to Sarah. He purrs, tilting his head so I can make another mark on his neck.
- Let me take you to the peak of pleasure now. - I brush my lips against his shoulder. - And let my love surround you like endless sea waves. - I kiss his cheek.
I slide my hands from his stomach to his hips. I press him closer to me before I slide into him. Bren lets out a muffled moan and drops his arm around my neck. We move evenly, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The waves bounce off our joined bodies. I bite his ear and kiss him behind it.
- I love you. - another kiss.
Brendon grabs my hand and moves from his hip to his crotch. Continuing to hold me, he makes himself good. Oh jeez, how perfect he is at this.
- Oh yeah! Ryan, God, yes! - he screams.
We're coming at the same time. I gulp air into my lungs and breathe through my mouth for a moment. I wipe my watery, reddened eyes from the sea salt and kiss him again.
- You're wonderful, Bren. - I say and pull him closer.
- You are too, Ryan. I love you. - He replies and briefly touches my lips. - Let's go back to the blanket. The water is getting cooler. - He adds and moves toward the shore.
I grab his hand and walk with him. On the beach we get dressed and lie down cuddled up to each other. The stars twinkle in the sky and the moon shines brightly. I show him my favorite constellations. This is definitely one of the most romantic evenings of my life.
- - -
To clear up any doubts - in this fanfic, both Ryan's and Brendon's record label rent recording studios in the same building for their musicians.

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