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Ryan pov

After the BBMA's, Brendon and I are back home in LA. B is just going through the mail when one of the envelopes catches his eye. It is elegant and hand addressed to the two of us. Urie quickly opens it and pulls out the contents.
- It's a wedding invitation! - he says excitedly and begins to read. - Elizabeth Berg and Nicolas Hinman are honored to invite Mr. Brendon Urie and Mr. Ryan Ross to their wedding ceremony, which will be held...
- I'm not going anywhere! - I protest. - Ever since the truth about Z came out, I want nothing to do with her.
- Ryan, don't be childish. I'm going, so you're going. I'll call Z right now and confirm our attendance. - He answers and dials Berg's number. - Hi Z! - says hello. - Yes, yes, we got invited... - a moment of silence. - Of course we will. - He glances at me. - Ryan? Ryan is no longer angry. He'd love to meet you. Lunch tomorrow? - He glances at me again. - Of course, we'll be there at 1 PM. See you later! - he hangs up.
- Did you have to? I'll think of something and not go. - I announce and disappear into the kitchen.
All I hear is Brendon sighing. I bet he rolls his eyes annoyed too. B in my opinion is too nice to everyone.
- Ryan... - I hear behind me.
I turn around and look at Brendon.
- Don't try to persuade me! - I say firmly.
- I'm not talking about that. Sarah sent a wedding invitation too. I don't know what I should do... We're not even friends anymore! - She sits down at the table and stares at the invitation.
- I think it would be a good idea to talk to her. Maybe Sarah wants to repair the relationship between you two and this invitation is a good excuse to talk? - I suggest and glance over his shoulder.
I read, "Sarah Orzechowski and Dan Keyes cordially invite..."
Dan Keyes?!
- You're right Ryan. - he answes. - And isn't that Dan from your label? - He asks.
- Yeah, I guess. - I answer and glance at the invitation again.
We have a rich social life ahead of us, which I don't necessarily like.
Brendon and I look at each other for a moment and start laughing. Just like that.
- You don't want to go to Z's wedding and I don't want to go to Sarah's wedding, but we'll go to both. It's not every day you get the chance to eat and dance for half price, is it? - says B, still laughing.
- You're right, B. You're right. - I kiss him and go back to preparing the meal.

- - -

I can't get out of the meeting, so I go with Brendon to lunch, accompanied by Z and Nick. Berg is already waiting for us at the table. He stands up and waves his hand in greeting.
- Hi Z! - Brendon greets her enthusiastically.
- Hi B! Hi Ryan! Good to see you! - announces Z and walks over to give me a hug.
I want to pull back, but Berg embraces me tightly.
- I'm sorry, Ryan. I really appreciate you. It was stupid, but I don't want to lose a friend like you. - Z says.
I stand there and don't know what to say. It was really stupid, but we've known each other so long...
- It's okay, we are still friends. - I reply and smile at her.
- Why don't we sit down at the table? - Nick suggests.
- Sure - Z agrees with him.
We take our seats and order lunch. Brendon as always his favorite pierogi.
After lunch, Brendon and Nick go out to smoke and I stay at the table with Z. Berg continues to explain her behavior so that I can understand her better. And I do understand. She was blinded by the vision of the money Sarah promised her.
- Z, don't worry about it anymore. You can't turn back time. The important thing is that you realize you did the wrong thing. - I hug her. - We're still friends. And I'd be happy to be your witness at your wedding. - I'm adding.
- Thank you, Ryan. You're a real friend. - she smiles at me.
I definitely feel better after this conversation.

- - -

The time until Z and Nick's wedding flew by quickly. Elizabeth is probably not too superstitious, though, since she chose Friday the 13th as her wedding day.
- Ryan, honey, did you wrap the gift? - asks B, fixing his hair in front of the mirror.
- Yes - I reply and push myself in front of him so I can see my reflection better.
I'm ashamed to admit, I should wear glasses, but I'm afraid I'll look like a moron in them, and I haven't worn contact lenses since a painful accident when I fell asleep with them on and irritated my eye.
- You look gorgeous, honey - Brendon gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes into the room to grab his jacket.
A quarter of an hour later we are ready. Bden takes our picture and we leave. We don't want to be late after all.

- - -

An old, gothic church, decorated with a few flowers. The May sun is streaming through the colourful stained glass windows giving the interior a unique character. In front of the altar there are chairs for the bride and groom and witnesses, which are the only ones (well, except for the altar) illuminated by additional spotlights.
Brendon and I take our seats, i.e. the best men' seats, and wait.
A moment later Nick shows up. Dressed in a classic black suit and white shirt, he looks really dignified. To be honest, Nick has never looked so elegant before.
- Oh, here you are. Thank you again for agreeing to be our witnesses. - He hugs us and looks around. - Do you have the rings, Ryan?
- Yeah - I show him.
- Great - he smiles.
The church fills up with wedding guests. At 3 PM sharp the organist starts playing the wedding march and Tony and Z appear in the entrance. Z in a white fitted dress with thick straps and a garland of fresh May flowers on her head looks gorgeous. Her hair is loose, slightly wavy, and her makeup is delicate. Tony proudly walks his daughter down the aisle. Ah, why don't I ask him to walk me down the aisle like that at my wedding to Brendon, too?
- Nick, take good care of her. Elizabeth is my treasure and now yours. - Anthony says, shaking Z Nick's hand.
- I promise she will be happy with me. - replies Nick and turns with Z towards the altar.
Tony takes a seat in the first pew and the priest begins. Finally, the most important moment happens. Z and Nick make their vows to each other.
- I Nicolas vow to you Elizabeth love, fidelity and honesty in marriage and that I will not leave you till death... - says Hinman.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that Brendon is wiping away a single tear.
- I Elizabeth vow to you Nicolas love, fidelity and honesty in marriage and that I will not leave you till death... - says Z.
This time I glance at Tony, who is also touched.
Z and Nick exchange rings, and then it goes quickly to the end of the ceremony.
We walk out in front of the church and wait for the bride and groom. As soon as they cross the threshold, we open heart-shaped confetti.
One by one everyone comes up to wish the bride and groom, and Brendon and I pick up their gifts and place them in the trunk.
- Finally, a gift from us - Brendon says and hands Nick a box.
I hand Z a bouquet of flowers.
- Cheers and happiness and whatever else you want - I say and Brendon looks at me with a "really Ryan, you're such a poet and your wishes are so lame?".
- Thank you so much - says Z and hugs us.
- Welcome to the wedding party now! - announces Nick and they all head off to the restaurant.

- - -

A wedding like a wedding. Full of drunk people, full of food and constant noise. I sneak out to the terrace with Brendon.
- Phew, how I hate crowded and noisy places - I sigh and lean against the railing.
- I have fun - says B, lighting a cigarette. - But if you're tired, we can go home - he adds, letting the smoke out.
- You know, I'd love to, but after the cake. - I laugh.
- Right! - He agrees and grabs my hand. - We'll go to weddings now, so you'll get used to it before ours....
- Are you planning ours? - I look at him with interest.
Of course, I have a plan for a romantic proposal, but a wedding? I don't know if it's too soon.
- And you? - He stares at me intensely.
- I haven't thought about it yet, to be honest... - I say no and look away.
He can't find out that I've hired Jake to take pictures and I'm taking Brendon on a picnic in July where I'll propose.
- I haven't thought about specifics either, but I'd like to. I'd like to be with you forever, you know, like husband and husband. - He laughs and puts out his cigarette.
- I would like that too - I kiss him gently.
- Here are our lovebirds! - Z comes up to us. - We are doing a karaoke contest, why don't you take part? - she proposes.
- I would love to! - Brendon agrees and drags me to the wedding hall.
I have no choice but to perform with him. Bden chooses "Lover" by Taylor Swift for us. It may not be in my repertoire, but I try. It's a beautiful song.
 At the end of the performance, B kisses me.
- You guys were wonderful! - says Z and looks around the room full of guests. - Who will perform next?
Several more people come forward. They all choose happy songs or songs about happy love. In the end, Z and Nick choose a winner.
And they choose us.
As a prize we get a handmade macramé from the bride and groom. The second prize is a dance with them. I may not be a very good dancer, but B and Z put on quite a show.

- - -

The time until the wedding cake passes faster than I expected. The hired photographer takes a whole bunch of pictures as Z and Nick cut the cake and then feed it to each other. Jeez, how long does that take? Finally the photographer finishes the "photo shoot" and Z and Nick can treat the guests to the cake. And the cake is really good - cream with fresh raspberries and strawberries.
After the cake, Brendon and I stay at the wedding for a little while longer before we get ready to go home. I really get tired of having such big parties.
We hug Z and Nick, wish them all the best again, and go to rest.

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