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Brendon pov

Sure about my relationship with Ryan, I set to work on a collab with Forêt De Vin. We even made a video - actually, we edited it out of snippets recorded during our studio collaboration and weekend "team building" outings. After all, it's mostly Pete Wentz who pays and it would be a sin not to use it.

Sunny March morning.
Today is the premiere of my collab with Forêt De Vin. Today is also the day Ryan comes home from his tour. Ever since I got out of bed, I can't seem to find my seat. I'm so excited. I turn on the internet and browse Instagram. People keep sharing screenshots of the music video. Everyone is raving about me. On Twitter, it's the same. I look on YouTube. The premiere was two hours ago, and we're already over 10 million views. I call Ryan.
- Ryan, have you seen my new music video yet? Do you like the collab? - I ask right away when he picks up.
- 'Yes, honey, I've seen it. As always you were wonderful, great, the best.' - he replies. - 'We are already on our way to California. I should be outside the label in about three hours. Will you wait for me there or at home?'
- I'll pick you up. I want to kiss you already! - I say enthusiastically. - Well, we have to record the final scene for our music video for this cover.
- 'Right. We'll finally be able to edit and post it.' - he counters. - 'And I can't wait to take you in my arms either, baby.'
- Write when you're just outside LA, okay? - I ask.
I need to know beforehand so I can get to the label on time.
- 'I'll message you' - he promises.
We talk for a while longer, and then Berg calls Ryan. He probably wants to talk about Elizabeth, because Ryan hasn't spoken to her in almost a month. I'm actually not surprised, she used him despicably to get publicity.
When Ryan hangs up, I head into the kitchen. I surprise him and prepare his favorite dish for dinner - pizza. I check that I have all the necessary ingredients and set them out on the counter. I start by preparing the dough so it has time to rise so it will be fluffy when baked. As I knead the dough, I hum the songs that are playing on the radio. When it's done, I set it aside and look in the fridge to pick out the toppings. Zack has recently brought me a big stockpile of food, so I easily find peppers, salami, and cheese. Once everything is ready on the counter, I place the dough in the pan and top with the toppings. I leave it covered with a towel on the countertop and clean up the kitchen so Ryan doesn't whine that I made a mess. When the kitchen is sparkling clean, I check my phone.
A new message from: RyRo <3
'We're already in LA. There are traffic jams. I'll be outside the label in about half an hour.'
I quickly tap a reply.
'Okay. I'm going.'
I need to wash up a bit.
Five minutes later, dressed in clean jeans and a t-shirt, I comb through my hair and walk down the hallway. I put on my sneakers, throw on my leather jacket and grab my phone and leave the house. I drive my Tesla for Ryan.

- - -

I pull into the parking lot in front of the studio. I get out of the car and pull a big bouquet of red and yellow tulips from the back seat, because they symbolize love and desire. I originally wanted to buy him his favorite sunflowers, but they don't bloom until summer. I lock the car and lean against its side. I fire up the joint in anticipation of Ryan. A moment later I hear the sound of a tourbus approaching. It's Ryan. I put out my cigarette, fix my hair and stand smiling. The tourbus stops and Jake Chams (I "shared" him to Ryan for the tour) gets out first. He sets up with his camera on the side to record a needed piece for the video. I spot Ryan in the doorway of the bus. Ross smiles at me. I run up to him and throw myself into his arms, just as his feet touch the concrete slab of the parking lot. Ryan can barely keep his balance, but he laughs at me.
- I missed you - I whisper and kiss Ryan.
- I missed you more... - says Ryan and returns the kiss.
His hands land on my back. I put one arm around him, the other still holding the bouquet of flowers.
- Ryan, this is for you. - I give him the tulips.
- Thank you, B. That's a really nice welcome. - He kisses me again.
- Ekhem - grunts Berg.
Ryan and I pull away from each other and turn toward him.
- Good morning, Mr. Berg! - I say hello and snuggle into Ryan's side.
- Good morning, Brendon. Ryan, you're off today, but remember to come up to me during the week to settle up for the tour. - he announces.
- Actually, if B doesn't mind, we can do it right away. - Ross suggests.
- Of course I don't mind. - I interject.
- In that case, come on Ryan. - Tony takes Ryan into the building.
The crew pulls the luggage out of the bus. I pick up Ross's suitcases from them and pack them into the Tesla. While waiting for him in the car, I switch the radio to play music from my phone. I set the final version of our cover to "Sealed With A Kiss".
- I'm ready. - Ryan gets into the passenger seat.
At this point, I hit the play button and watch Ryan closely while music lasts. When silence falls, Ryan just kisses me.
- Do you like our cover? - I ask when he pulls away from me.
- Very much. Great job, B. - he replies and kisses me again.
- Oh Ryan, Ryan... If you don't stop kissing me, you're not going to find out what kind of surprise I have for you at home, because we're just going to stand here. - I'm laughing.
- Do you? - He looks at me interested.
- Maybe... - I answer and start the engine. - You'll find out at home.
- B, tell me... You know I don't like surprises! - He insists.
- I won't. - I look away from him and pull out of the parking lot.
Ryan tries a few more times, but I don't tell him anything. When we get there, Ryan goes to unpack while I put the pizza in the oven. It'll be ready in about half an hour, then I'll manage to help Ross with loading the washing machine in that time.
- And one last shirt... - hands me a white t-shirt.
I set the wash to eco mode and turn on the washing machine.
- That's everything? - I ask.
- Yes. I put the clean clothes in the closet and unpacked the toiletries. - He answers and comes closer to me. - Do I get my surprise now?
I glance at my watch. Five more minutes until the pizza is ready.
- In a minute. Wash your hands and sit down at the table. - I counter.
- Okay. - He chuckles and disappears into the bathroom.
I follow him to wash my hands before the meal too. Then I head to the kitchen and check the time. Ryan comes in and sits down at the table. I put two plates, two glasses and a pitcher of lemonade on the table. I pull a pizza out of the oven and show Ross.
- This is your surprise! - I announce.
- Did you make it yourself? It looks delicious! - says Ryan and immediately cuts off a big slice.
- Yeah, I made it myself. I hope you like it. - I smile at him and take a bite.
We sit at the table, eating pizza and talking about how Ryan's tour went. The pizza, for being my first time making it without my mom's help, came out really well.
- Mmmm... Tasty. - Ryan raves. - And the lemonade... You can't find lemonade like that in any store or bar. You're gorgeous, B! - leans over the table and kisses me.
- Thank you - I reply between kisses.
It's been so long since we've seen each other that now we can't get away from each other.
After the meal, I load the dishes into the dishwasher. At the same time Ryan hangs up the laundry. When everything is pretty much taken care of, we sit down on the couch in the living room. Ross embraces me and starts kissing my neck. In a few minutes a simple hug turns into a loving embrace.
- I love you, Ryan. You don't even know how much I've missed you... - I whisper between kisses.
- I love you too, Brendon. And I've missed you a lot too... - he answers and kisses me again.
More clothes land on the floor next to us. I've missed his closeness so damn much. I give myself over to that desire completely.

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