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Ryan pov

My life took a turn for the better.
Unable to stand the neighbors' noisy renovation and Elizabeth and Nick's crush on each other any longer, I moved out on my own.
The whole process of preparing the album artwork and making the ordered copies also went at an express pace. Today the whole world can finally admire my album, after over 10 years of work, my life's work.
I sit down in front of the mirror and start combing my hair.
I absolutely do not feel like going to my release party tonight. I hate interacting with other people, and I hate being the center of attention even more. For me, the album could come out and that would be the end of it. But Tony insisted that the album needed to be promoted, so he organized this party, planned the tour, and made sure I presented like I should.
I notice that the phone screen is brightening up.
New message from: Pete Wentz
'Hey Ryan, congratulations on the album release from all of DCD2 Records!'
I just write back to say thank you and go back to styling my hair.
In a moment, the screen lights up again.
Incoming call from: Z Berg
I answer reluctantly.
- 'Ryan, are you ready yet? The limo will be picking you up in fifteen minutes!'
- I think so. - I reply.
- 'That's great! See you later!' - she hangs up.
I glance at my reflection in the mirror. I look really good.
I get up and walk over to the closet, from where I grab the jacket that Berg and I picked out especially for this occasion. I put it on and take a moment to correct myself in front of the hallway mirror. I pull out a prepared speech from the back pocket of my pants. I run my eyes over each line, trying to remember as much of it as possible, because as Tony says: 'It's not appropriate to read from a piece of paper at such a prestigious event Ryan! You have to be authentic!'. Only, if I were me, I wouldn't be there.
My thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell. I open it and see Z with Nick and my father.
- Is it time already? - I ask surprised.
This quarter of an hour flew by so fast.
- Yes. We have to go now. - Tony announces and points at the waiting vehicle.
A black Tesla, the latest super eco model. As I approach the car, the door lifts up by itself. I feel strange. I hate technology, but if you have to, you have to.
We get in the car, the door closes, and we drive away to a rented restaurant.

- - -

We arrive at the place. We stop in front of a charming mansion. I get out of the limousine straight onto the red carpet where I am greeted by paparazzi shouting and flashbulbs. Berg whispers from behind me that I should smile more and not hunch over. Following his advice, I finally make it to the door. We enter a huge, richly decorated hall, from where we continue through another door into a huge room. This "modest restaurant" turns out to be a ballroom. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, the tables are decorated with huge bouquets of sunflowers in crystal vases and golden candlesticks. Everything shines and looks exclusive. There is also a separate stage for the orchestra. That's probably where I'll have to greet the guests and give the speech from. The stress is starting to build up in me. I would love to drink alcohol, but I have a categorical prohibition from an addiction therapist.
- How do you like it? - Berg asks, putting his hand on my shoulder.
- I am overwhelmed by it. - I answer truthfully.
- You're not used to this life, Ryan. But you'll get used to it soon enough. - He says and winks. - I'm going to make sure everything is ready, and you can get ready for your speech. - he adds and leaves me alone.
I take a deep breath and walk closer to the stage. I take out a piece of paper with my speech and repeat it to myself several times.
I think I'm ready now.
I turn towards the tables and notice how many people have come. All of them are dignified, in elegant outfits.
- We're about to start - Tony appears by my side again, handing me a glass of champagne. - It's non-alcoholic. - He adds in a whisper.
I just nod my head.
- Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please! - he taps on the glass. All conversation falls silent. - Welcome everyone, to the album release party for our superstar, mega-talented lyricist and musician, Ryan Ross! - he announces and points at me.
- Hello everyone! - I begin shyly.
Z and Nick smile encouragingly at me from the crowd. I return the smile.
- I feel honored that you have come here on such an important day for me, the day of the release of my first solo album. "Possessed Coast" is over a decade of work. It is extremely important to me because it tells the story of the most important things of my life and of my unfulfilled love. - I pause for a moment. Just thinking about Brendon brings tears to my eyes. I have to finish this speech as soon as possible. - I am so grateful to everyone who supported me in the creative process, especially Anthony Berg for believing in me and making it possible for me to be here with you today and Elizabeth, Nick and Dan for being there for me and supporting me when I wanted to let go. I could go on and on, but who wants to hear it? - I say, and there is quiet laughter in the room. - Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, this is "Possessed Coast" for the first time for public listening. - I say and turn to the technician, who turns on the first song.
I walk off stage, where I'm immediately accosted by Z.
- You were brilliant, Ryan! - she gives me a big hug.
- Congratulations, Ryan! - Nick pats me on the back.
- Shall we take our seats? - I'm asking.
- Sure, let them listen. Then my father will be sure to show you who to talk to. - Elizabeth replies and heads to our table.

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