-Wҽʅƈσɱҽ ƚσ Sυɳԃαɾια

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-ɘɘɿʜT ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ╮

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-ɘɘɿʜT ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ╮


Dabi and Y/n were on a palanquin and heading for the Sundaria palace. But the trouble for the [h/c] girl was the palanquin wasn't big enough for more than one person to sit in.

'This is not my ideal way to travel!' Y/n screamed in her mind, her face flushed madly because she had to sit on the Pharaoh's lap. She was internally screaming, becoming a nervous wreck.

She has never been close to a man, much less a god, like this before! Y/n remained quiet while her mind was rushing with so many thoughts and the events that had happened. First, she landed on Sundaria, a lost place that was said to be non-existent. But here she was. In Sundaria.

Second, she was riding on an ancient palanquin with lace curtains all around, sitting on the lap of an immortal Pharoah god! A slightly attractive one from her standard point of view---

Which wasn't the point!

But most of all, she was worried about the boys. How they were surviving, if they landed in the same place as her and without her being there.

Soon her thoughts, fell to a certain spiky ash blonde. She couldn't help but worry about him more as he was always by her side and getting her out of trouble. Now she's in an ancient civilization, by herself in a situation ten times more nerve-racking than any she's been in. 'Katsuki...Izuku...I hope you guys are alright, wherever you are.'

Dabi noticed Y/n looking down and sensed her discontent. "Something the matter, Y/n? You seem unhinged."

Y/n slightly jumped at his voice, being so close to her. "O-oh...um...it's nothing, your Pharaoh...ness. I'm just a little worried." She answered nervously.

"Perhaps you need to rest. You have come a long way. Once we reach my palace, you'll have a place to sleep." The Pharaoh offered.

"I'm really honoured, Pharoah. R-rr-really, but I don't want to burden you with my problems. Besides I need to find my friends," Y/n tried to politely decline, mostly because she didn't want to be closer to the Pharaoh than she already was.

But Dabi placed a finger on her lips and shushed her. "Nonsense. I insist. Consider yourself my honored guest." His fingers feathered lightly along her cheek to her chin, gently forcing her to his view.

So close! Y/n felt her face heat up even more, rattling in her nervous state. But once she looked up at Dabi's calming blue eyes, she suddenly became relaxed and her nerves slowly went away. His eyes...they're so...beautiful to look at.

❝ MY PHARAOH. ❞ ↫ᵈᵃᵇⁱ | ᵇⁿʰᵃWhere stories live. Discover now