-Pԋαɾσαԋ'ʂ Ⴆαɾɠҽ

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—ɘv|ɘwƚ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ╮

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—ɘv|ɘwƚ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ╮


next day...

The nightly sky long faded and the Sundarian sun peaked out on the horizon. Y/n was soundly sleeping until she felt a soft kiss on her temple.

"Good morning, my desert flower," the Pharaoh closely wrapped the maiden in his arms. Her body comfortably rested by his side. She slowly fluttered her eyes open and met Dabi's eyes again after he stopped kissing her. "Is it...morning already?" She groaned quietly.

"Did my lady sleep well?" He whispered.

"I did." Y/n slowly got herself up before stretching her arms and lightly rubbing her eyes. "I think your bed is way softer than the one in my chamber, yours is so...cozy."

"All the beds in the palace are of the same equal quantity. I think they are not the reason for your good night's rest~" Dabi said with a teasing smirk.

Y/n reddened and remembered that they cuddled so close last night. "W-well I-I--I..." She stuttered and looked away. She felt movement on the bed as the Pharaoh raised his upper body and swooped her body up and sat right on his lap. Then kissed her on the cheek. "You're so amusing when you fluster. Perhaps I should do this all the time."

"Pharaoh?!" She squeaked and squinted her eyes in embarrassment at her position, then felt a poke on her nose. "Uh, uh, uh...have you already forgotten?" Dabi leaned closer and passively brushed his nose against hers. She lightly gasped as he went for a soft kiss on her lips. Leaning closer and slipping his tongue in was enough to set her brain to melt. Y/n squeaked and shuddered back, the kiss was so passionate that it made her mind blur and become lost in it. But then he broke away the kiss, much to her disappointment.

"You can call me by my given name now. But only between you and I." He whispered as his eyes were fully on hers and his thumb brushed her bottom lip. 

"Yes, Pha-...I- I--I mean Touya." She nervously answered with her flustered face-up. Y/n actually enjoyed his kiss and wished he'd continue.

Wait! What was she thinking?! She just kissed a man she barely knows. Who so happens to be a god and a Pharaoh. But...the whole time, her heart wanted her to do it. She admits she's in love with the Pharaoh, her heart was so stirred up she didn't know what to think. But at the same time, she feels greatly conflicted when her thoughts wander off to a certain hot-tempered blonde.

Why is my heart always beating around him? And why do I want him to keep kissing me? His lips...so rough yet soft. So gentle yet so...possessive.

❝ MY PHARAOH. ❞ ↫ᵈᵃᵇⁱ | ᵇⁿʰᵃWhere stories live. Discover now