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—ᴎɘɘƚʜǫiɘ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ_________________________________________

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—ᴎɘɘƚʜǫiɘ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ

Y/n wandered the palace pillars, her heart pacing mirthfully.

She could still hear a bit of the music back at the throneroom, but her intuitions were still unsure of this all.

She had no idea where Midoriya was this whole time or if he was okay, but her thoughts of him soon cleared away. He was alive. But with his message, something wasn't right about it. Her divine symbol flickered out a speck of gold, like a beacon. She stopped to veer over her shoulder in worry. She had never seen it act in that random pattern. "That hasn't happened before."

"Psst! Y/n!"

"Izuku?" She whipped her head back at the green-haired male clad like a woman dancer with his face hidden under a silky veil. He secretly gestured her over to the pillars into the next empty corridor.

Y/n whipped her head around, in case any guard was around, and secretly followed him. Izuku sighed in relief as soon as the coast was clear. "Good. We're alone! Omph—"

Y/n wasted no time and hugged the boy in surprise. "Do you have any idea how worried I was! I'm so glad you're alright!"

"Me too..." Izuku flushed before hugging back. Y/n took a step back and closely scanned his clothes. She then held a snicker. "I...didn't think you were a cross-dresser. But you do look pretty in a dress."

Izuku reddened. "It...it was the only way to get in without the Pharaoh noticing me! My name was wanted around the kingdom."

"Yeah. He and I were looking for you. He was so generous to have guards search for you all across Sundaria." Y/n explained. "The sooner we get Katsuki, the sooner we can get back to our world. The Pharaoh is offered to help us."

"But Y/n..." Izuku held her shoulders with seriousness reflecting in his verdant green eyes. "The Pharaoh was looking for me for the wrong reasons.

Y/n, you cannot trust the Pharaoh."

The maiden furrowed her brows, puzzled. "What are you talking about? Touya is a wonderful guy. He's...been so nice to me since my stay here. I don't know where I would end up if it wasn't—"

"You're being manipulated! The whole time you've been here, the Pharaoh has been keeping you so won't go outside the palace."

"But...that's because he said he was protecting me," Y/n answered, but she then knitted her brows even deeper as thoughts began to gather together in her mind.

"There's so much more that you don't know about the Pharaoh. Come on..." Midoriya held her arm and dragged her along the halls. Meanwhile, Y/n was in deep thought at what Midoriya stated.

And for some reason, she was beginning to find insight.

"The maids said, look for an Anubis statue..." Izuku murmured to himself as he looked around the big palace, looking for one a certain dungeon hidden underneath the palace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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