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-ᴎɘvɘꙄ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ╮

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-ᴎɘvɘꙄ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ╮


Hidden right under the elegant marble floors of the Sundarian Palace, was a dark and murky underground vault. Void of elegance and riddled with old dust and dry bones.

It was more of a dungeon, and it hosted only one person. Chained to the walls of the very dark stony room was a man who looked no older than 25, with exotic features. From his hair of both half cherry red and snow white, to his heterochromatic eyes of starlight grey and oceanic blue.

But he wasn't just a man, but an immortal god.

He's been in that room for probably an entire millennium, not seen the Sundarian sun or the whole kingdom. How much has changed. The Pharaoh had been keeping him alive, but treating him as a prisoner.

Tomura grinned menacingly to his delight as he watched Shouto endure yet another gruesome torture. He lowered his hand with the barbed whip.

"Had enough, your majesty?" Tomura mocked, with a crackling smirk from his amused chapped lips.

Shouto hatefully glared at the death god and spat blood to the side.

"Hehehe..." Tomura giggled menacingly until he heard footsteps entering the chamber. Turning his head around, he became weary of Dabi.

"Leave us," Dabi slowly raised his hand. "I want to talk with my brother, alone."

"Of course, my Pharaoh," The dry-lipped death god bowed before sauntering outside the vault. Leaving the two brothers by themselves.

Dabi still had a stony look on his face as he approached him. Shouto slowly panted while the mild pain felt in his midsection started to fade. "You're really enjoying this...aren't you, brother?"

The raven-haired god rose a brow, then chuckled mischievously to himself. "You're twisted." Shouto gritted his teeth. "You won't get away with this."

Dabi couldn't help but let out a loud laugh. "Even after a thousand years, you still humor me little brother."

"If you think I'll tell you how to cross into the other world now, I still refuse!"

"Oh? I have no interest in that," Dabi crossed his arms and mockingly smirked. Making Shouto cock a brow. "Besides...I've already found a way without the need for your power."

Shouto's eyes stalked wide in shock. Of course, he did feel the shift in the realm, but...he didn't want to believe it.

Dabi was amused at his youngest brother's look of distraught. "Three people managed to cross into our world. And with your mark. And whoever bears your mark, are also the keys to unlocking the gateway into the mortal world."

"No..." Shouto gasped and began rummaging around in his chains. "You...can't do this! We weren't supposed to cross into the mortal world!"

"Oh, but I can. And I will." Dabi sharply spat back. "I am a god. I was the one born to rule. You were given the divine power that I'd use to conquer worlds. But no, you became as cowardly as our father."

❝ MY PHARAOH. ❞ ↫ᵈᵃᵇⁱ | ᵇⁿʰᵃWhere stories live. Discover now