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—ᴎɘɘƚxiꙅ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ

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—ᴎɘɘƚxiꙅ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ


at the royal palace...

Lying sound asleep on the Pharaoh's bed was Y/n, quietly snoozing as the Sundarian sun had long peeked up from beyond the sandy horizon.

As soon as she felt the warm rays from outside, she slowly opened her eyes and slowly moved her head to the side. The Pharaoh was not around.

He didn't come back since last night? The woman frowned. She didn't know why but, she expected to wake up - hearing his voice, feeling his usual pecks on her cheeks and his embrace.

Now, it just felt...empty.

Y/n got up from the bed to walk over to the balcony. She could've sworn she could hear loud roaring cheers. Moving away from the lacy curtains, she could bask in the wondrous kingdom of Sundaria. The sound of roaring cheers and music sounded as if a festival were going on - with the same chant heard over and over.


"Wow...the kingdom looks so hyped. I wonder what's happened. Is it a celebration?" She bit her bottom lip as she wanted to check it out. Her explorer self wanted to go see what was out there. It was tempting her. Up til now, she never stepped outside the palace. She looked back to the bedroom. It all seemed quiet, usually, she'd be accompanied by either Iida or the maids. Which was a little strange.

"Tenya?" She called out. But to no response. She walked toward the door, slowly creaking it open to see the quiet empty corridors. "Huh? Where is everybody?"

Y/n wandered down the palace with the click of her heels echoing out in the spacious halls. "What is going on here?"

She walked down the corridor of murals the Sun and Moon god statues and she didn't even see any servant around

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She walked down the corridor of murals the Sun and Moon god statues and she didn't even see any servant around. But then just as she stopped to look over to the murals of the Sundarian gods, Y/n couldn't help but feel like...she forgot something.

❝ MY PHARAOH. ❞ ↫ᵈᵃᵇⁱ | ᵇⁿʰᵃWhere stories live. Discover now