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-ᴎɘƚ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ╮

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-ᴎɘƚ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ


meanwhile...at lumina temple...

"Alright! I believe a well-deserved break is in order!" Lumina applauded with a chirp as she walked over to her seat with her servants.

Bakugou panted in exhaustion, on one knee while using his long sword as a crutch. He was sweating under the otherworldly sun shining over his head in the courtyard of the temple belonging to the primordial goddess of the stars.

He didn't imagine a week had already gone by that fast. He honestly believed that time is a lot faster in this world. Bakugou has been learning his divine power under Lumina's guidance. And learning the ways of his sword too. There was a mysterious significance to his sword - even with the untranslated dialect engraved on it. He felt, a strange surge of power coursing around it. And he has a sense that the sword was a part of him.

"Bakugou, take a rest and have some food with me!" The doppelganger goddess of Y/n smiled, happily gesturing him to seat with her. Katsuki sighed and placed his sword down and walked up to the table and chair where Lumina and her servants were. He wasn't going to lie that his days in the temple were moderately okay to him. The food was good, the hospitality was more than he could ask for. But he started to realize the female servants could be stalking him.

"So when are we heading out to that bastard pharaoh? You said when I'm done learning my power - that we'll go," he asked Lumina, taking a bite of fruit.

"And I intend to keep that promise." Lumina grinned.

"So? When are we going?"

The goddess in blue blinked and placed a finger on her lip and hummed in thought then looked over to his sword lying in the courtyard. "Hmmm...not yet."

"Huh?! What do you mean, not yet?!" Katsuki shouted, making the servant around them jump and fritz. Even though they knew he was very impolite and rude to a deity, Lumina told her followers that it was alright.

"We still haven't scratched the surface of your Divine Power yet." She explained.

"All I've been doing was swing it around for a week and trying to 1-up you."

"And looks like you're not being close to catching up to me, how embarrassing~" Lumina teased with her tongue stuck out cheekily.

Bakugou irked a vein, she's one cocky deity!

"Okay! Okay! Jesterings aside; there's a reason I gave to those hardships. By now you must have noticed, right?"

❝ MY PHARAOH. ❞ ↫ᵈᵃᵇⁱ | ᵇⁿʰᵃWhere stories live. Discover now