-Hιԃҽ αɳԃ ʂҽҽƙ

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-ɘᴎiᴎ ɹǝʇdɐɥɔ╮

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-ɘᴎiᴎ ɹǝʇdɐɥɔ╮


1 week later...

Y/n was at an empty courtyard field. It was an area in a wing of the palace that she and Tomura to used the area as a place for practice.

Dabi was on top of the stairs on his throne, served by Ochaco and Jiro while he watched the two closely with his glowing blue eyes.

"Your divine power is - I would admit - on par with an immortal. Given these, they rank you temporarily as a demi-god..." Tomura began explaining to the mortal girl in front of him. "In this world; all gods are gifted with powers from Ra himself, as his descendants and are entitled to their primary roles. For example; my power of decay fits my role as the primordial god of death...."

Y/n crossed her arms boredly at the death god's long lecture. It felt like it were merely a few days Y/n had stayed in the palace, she didn't think time would speed up so quickly into a week already!

Ever since she 'awakened' her 'divine power', it blew her mind with what she had superpowers. Internally, the first thing she did was diss Batman...for completely no reason.

During that time, Pharaoh Dabi had Tomura teach her about her powers - explaining that because she crossed into their world, she and her friends each bore a symbol of divinity. Y/n discovered that with her Key of Guidance - she was granted the ability of levitation and flight - with a misty powder-blue of stardust she leaves behind every time she used her power. But she hasn't gotten any training yet, just boring lectures from Shigaraki. And whenever the time they don't teach her, they always attend to the earthquake under the kingdom that appeared constant lately.

Then she'd be left alone in her chambers with Iida and the maids as her company. And not once has she explored any part of the palace.

The archeologist sighed for the umpteenth time and rolled her eyes. "Come on, Tomura. When am I going to start using my powers! It's been a week! This isn't college!"

"Hmph!" Shigaraki huffed. "You're a mortal that just received these powers! And learning it isn't easy since you weren't born a god. Yet you have the nerve to ask me to teach you." Tomura pointed out and looked back at her with a deadpanned expression. "Do I need to remind you what you did when you awakened them?"

"But I think I'm ready this time! I'll be careful, I promise!" Y/n said with an energetic look of a child, which the Pharaoh found very adorable. "Pleeease, Tomura!" She pleaded. "I just finished school and became a researcher not to hear lectures!"

Shigaraki looked like his patience was tested as the tiles below his feet were cracking in the power of his Decay. Y/n squeaked and jumped back as soon as she noticed. Since the whole week, Y/n grew to be a little less afraid of the Pharaoh's advisor. She kind of saw him as a grumpy old man. A grumpy old god really.

❝ MY PHARAOH. ❞ ↫ᵈᵃᵇⁱ | ᵇⁿʰᵃWhere stories live. Discover now